samir mohamed soliman ahmed basuony

National Network

28 hassan kamel st. miami

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Religion
  9. Research
General Information
I am an individual artist and working in the field of multimedia through the establishment and developement of applications in the arts
Mission and Objectives

المهمه عندى هى انى اكثر الوقت فى العمل والتطور فى اداء العمل 
اهدافى الارتقاء فى الفكر والعملك بمجالى بمواكبه العصر من تحديات التكنولوجيا الحديثه

Main Projects / Activities

مشروعى الان الوصول الى الرقى فى عملى وشهاداتى 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

انا امتلك القدره بالعمل عن طريق الانترنت لانه فى تخصصى اولا فى مساعده الاخرين باى مجال بالكمبيوتر 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

انا احب جدا التعامل مع اشخاص اخرين من دول اخرى لتبادل الثقافات بينى وبينهم

Contact (1) Full Name
samir mohamed soliman ahmed basuony
Job Title
audio visual artist
Head of the organisation
samir mohamed soliman ahmed basuony

Hub - Officine Giovanili

National Network

Via Raimondo Feleti 14
95125 Catania

+39 3407180648
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Hub is a Youth-led NGO composed by youth activists and young leaders involved in Civil Society at local and international/global level, mainly based in Catania (Sicily). The organization is structured in order to create a link between global goals and local actions for addressing youth-driven positive change. It works through 3 main channels: project managment, advocacy and capacity building activities among the members of the organization.  The organization works through projects, intiatives and campaigns to be implemented alternatively and respectively at various level (local, national, interantional) and in various areas (Active participation, Peace and Education, Culture and Sport), according to the objectives of each project.   Its main areas of activity are: democracy and participation in public life, youth empowerment, peace-building. It is regularly registered at the Italian “Agenzia delle Entrate” as an association, it has its own structure and decision-making body, it is composed by 20 full members and several affiliates. Examples of projects, initiatives and campaigns undertaken:  International Level: Sponsor NGO of several European Tranining Courses which took place in Poland, Spain and Hungary in the framework of European Commission and Council of Europe Funds. Main themes: youth and peacebuilding, Peace Education, Human Rights and cultural dialogue. In 2014, a civic initiative called Catania 2.0 was selected by the Council of Europe as one of the top 25 best practices in Europe about "Youth and Democracy" and presented at the 2014 World Forum for Democracy.  Local and National Level: Hub organizes several local initiatives and campaigns, from conferences to charity actions to support beneficiary entitities. Furthermore, Hub implements local project to foster the active participation of youth in society in several fields (community development, environment, sport, democracy) .  Hub - Officine Giovanili's financial resources derive from: 1) Periodical Self-Financing of Members 2) Project-based Local, National and International Grants (e.g. Erasmus + )  3) Donations and fundraising.  Hub is part of an international network of NGO's called "Youth Peace Ambassadors Network" with which it exchanges practices and realizes join projects. Hub has cooperate also with local institusions such as City Councils and Public Administrations. 
Mission and Objectives

Hub- Officine Giovanili aims to foster an aware youth participation in the society at local, national and international leve. The association composed by young people involved in civil society with various roles, personalities and sensitivies.
The association is called Hub properely because it represents the place where ideas are born and realized. It realized several local and international projects, from campaigns  for local awareness to the participation to global forums and public adovcacy. Most of the members are active youth workers or youth leaders in the field of democracy-building, peace building and human rights. Most of the members have participated in international events and traning courses and then have implemented those tools in local projects.

Main Projects / Activities

At international level Hub has promoted and/or participated to several training courses in the relevant areas of the current application (e.g.  Most recent international traning courses : "Human rights: Be Open, Be Active, Be Youth Peace Ambassadors" , Young Peacebuilders Forum, Active Citizenship through simulations games, Peace Is) or has been selected to public events thanks to its initatives (Catania 2.0 initiative was selected by the Council of Europe as one of the 25 best-practices in the field of youth and democracy, presented at the 2013 World Forum for Democracy) . At local level Hub is actively involved in charity initiatives, volunteerism, organization of conferences and workshop related to human rights and peace education. It has also been selcted by other NGO's and institutions as Project Coordinator activities related to sustainability and peace-building.
Next July, we will host a training course "Learnig, from, with and about Refugees" with 15 NGO's coming from 15 different countries in Sicily.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our organization is entirely made up of young people who were born and currently live at the heart of the Meidterranean, in Sicily. For this reason we believe that a strong partnership with the Network can empower both, as we are willing to spread the powerful messages of the Network exactly where they are more needed. We would like to implement projects and initiatives related to intercultural dialogue in the Mediterranean, between the MENA region and Europe. At the same time, we would be happy to give our youth perspective to the network on the most important topics in the agenda of the Network. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We truly believe that Anna Lindh Foundation has the power to be a real cultural bridge that can help ensuring integration, respect and knowledge among all the different cultures that shape the Mediterranean. This is one of Hub's main goals and we are working towards this objective. For this reason we believe that joining the Network can represent a very empowering tool for us, but also an opportunity for us to give our inputs to the Network. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Diego Antonino Cimino
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Diego Antonino Cimino

House of Europe

National Network

Odminių street 12
01122 Vilnius

+370 686 17517
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
NGO "House of Europe" consists of a board (3 members) and a bureau (1 full-time and 4 part-time employees). Actively working in spheres of non – formal, civic education and public awareness raising since 1999, it has a wide range of partners from governmental (Ministries of Education and Science, Foreign Affairs) and non – governmental (different national NGO platforms) sectors, as well as national and regional media houses. Concerning thematic aspects of projects already carried out, “House of Europe” has valuable experience while working with topics in connection with Lithuania’s integration into the European Union and its’ transitional experience. During last years, our organization found itself more and more involved in projects with a global dimension, nurturing EU – citizenship and working with development education and awareness raising. Concrete projects: Media4Development; I Know Who I Vote For; Model European Parliament Lithuania. Main sources for our funding are EU funded projects.
Mission and Objectives

Our main goals include raising awareness about European and global processes and empowering active citizenship through various trainings, seminars, public campaigns and research. We have a lot of experience and are highly interested in international cooperation with other NGOs, public institutions, media and other social partners.

Main Projects / Activities

Media4Development (2015 - 2017) is a cooperation between organisations from five new EU member states and two NGOs from old member states. The project intends to give journalists from new member states a chance to learn more about global challenges and development cooperation. Lasting three years, the project will enable journalists to attend thorough trainings and workshops to be able to cover global issues in their work; policy-makers will be invited to round-tables and given updates about development issues through bulletins; the public will be made more aware of EU development cooperation though public events and activities etc.
"I Know Who I Vote For" (2015 - ongoing) is an initiative of Lithuanian youth for transparent and knowledge - based voting. Project consists of roundtables with politicians and monitoring of electoral campaigns at the national and local level.  
Model European Parliament (MEP) Lithuania (2003 - ongoing) seeks to educate students about the European Union and current political and social issues in Europe by giving them high quality opportunities to meet and work with their contemporaries from all over Lithuania and/ or EU countries while recreating the work of the European Parliament. "House of Europe" is the official national MEP coordinator appointed by Ministry of Education and Science. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

While working with the aforementioned international project "Media4Development", we started building a network of journalists, NGO activists and private partners interested in further work in developing countries. Some of them already belong to ALF network and some do not, therefore we think that we could successfully act as intermediaries widening ALF network and linking different stakeholders. On one hand, we could introduce Lithuanian media, private enterprises and our partner NGOs with opportunities to work with organizations from the Mediteranean region provided by the foundation. On the other, we could as well help the Lithuanian ALF network to have a more substantial impact in the Lithuanian society, especially through our media partnerships. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As it was already mentioned, development cooperation and development education are at the top of our priority list. During the first year of  "Media4Development" project it became obvious that to carry our activities properly we need a strong network of lecturers, trainers, partner organizations etc. For that reason, we indulged into research and came to a conclusion that ALF is the network for us not only from a practical standpoint, but value - wise, as well.  What is more, acting as the main network for civic EuroMed cooperation ALF also complements activities that we have already carried out and are planning to do in the near future (documentary about Syrian migrants Lebanon, journalists' study visits to Palestine etc.)  

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Žilvinas Švedkauskas
Job Title
Project coordinator
Head of the organisation
Ms. Judita Akromiene


National Network

RAMAT EFAL 9256000

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Parents Circle – Families Forum is a unique organization made up of more than 600 Israeli and Palestinian bereaved families.  Since its establishment the members – all of whom have lost a family member to the conflict – have undertaken a joint effort in the midst of ongoing violence to transform their incredible loss and pain into a catalyst for reconciliation and peace. They choose to convert anger and revenge, helplessness and despair, into actions of hope. They operate education, public awareness, and advocacy projects that foster humanization and empathy towards both Israelis and Palestinians. The general mission is to generate dialogue between Palestinians and Israelis to promote reconciliation. The PCFF employs 16 staff members (full and part time position) and 80 volunteers and operates from two offices, in Israel and Palestine. PCFF has committed to a purely joint organization in which our staff is duplicated—a Palestinian and Israeli staff. In order for PCFF activities, decisions and programming to be conducted on both sides, it requires tremendous efforts on each side —Palestinian and Israeli—to carry out the project in accordance to the specific language, cultural sensitivities, geographic accessibilities and societal cultures and norms of each side. While this commitment to a fully joint organization presents financial challenges for PCFF, it is also added value and unique advantage that that allows PCFF to offer projects that other organizations cannot. Ddue to extensive and proffessional program design, PCFF has been successful in achieving grants from some of the leading foundations in the world, working in the realm of Peace and Conflict Mitigation. In 2014-2015 PCFF projects were supported by United Stated Agency for International Development (USAID), EU Partnership for Peace, Bread for the World (Germany), United Stated Institute for Peace, Diakonia Austria, Centre of Global Ministries Ecumenical Relations (Northern Germany), and more.    
Mission and Objectives

The PCFF’s overall objective is to drive a reconciliation process among Israelis and Palestinians as a necessary catalyst for a negotiated agreement.  The most important part of reconciliation lies in the construction of persistent relations that support developing trust, knowing and acknowledging the other narrative, sensitivity to the needs of the other side, and mutual respect.
The PCFF’s programs focus on reconciliation on the interpersonal and civil society levels.  PCFF's education work seeks to:
 Contribute to mutual understanding, empathy and acknowledgment;
 Break down attitudes, stereotypes and prejudices of “the other side”;
 Increase participants' commitment to and hope for reconciliation and peace.

Main Projects / Activities

The PCFF relies on the use of the parallel and personal narrative to achieve its goals.  At the root of the conflict, are the mutually exclusive narratives of the Israeli and Palestinian populations. Both sides see their version of the history or narrative as the truth and this leads to significant challenges in advancing reconciliation. The core goal of this methodology is to help people move beyond exclusive truths, and begin to empathize and understand other perspectives on the same events. The PCFF has focused on bringing the concept of narratives to the Israeli and Palestinian public in all its activities because, in the search for reconciliation, our unique contribution is our stories and our histories.  The personal story serves as a great "opener" for a deep dialogue with the other side. We use the narrative in all of our projects.  In addition, many of our projects, especially those around public awareness, use the creative arts as a powerful platform to reach diverse audiences and alternative means of presenting the impact of the personal and parallel narrative and creating long-lasting change.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The PCFF has over 20 years of experience working in Israel and cross-border, offering youth, young adults and adults the opportunity to explore, as well as challenge their beliefs and perceptions of the "other". Working with parallel narratives as a conflict mitigation tool over the past four years, the PCFF has witnessed and evaluated its power and impact on the reconciliation process among Israelis and Palestinians.
The PCFF is always ready and forthcoming in sharing its ecperiences and knowledge, as well as collaborating with like-minded organizations. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The PCFF has an ongoing relationship with ALF Network and regards ALF as a valuble resource through which to leverage its existing projects and experiences, create new cooperations and contacts while, at the same time, share its own experiences and learnings to advance other organizations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Efrat Tal
Job Title
Director of Grants & Finance
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Iris Meizler
Job Title (2)
Administrative Manager

University of Rijeka Foundation

National Network

Trg brace Mazuranica 10
51000 Rijeka

+385 51 406 586
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information

The University of Rijeka Foundation was founded in 2003 with the initiative of the City of Rijeka, Primorsko-Gorska county and the University of Rijeka. The University of Rijeka is an independent organisation but fully incorporated in the Universitiy's goals with the focus on the realisation of ideas and projects for the promotion of research and the dissemination of knowledge, the promotion of access to education for all, as well as the promotion of scientific excellence.  Our main source of funding comes from our founders and also donations and fundraising activities. We have three staff employees - the Director of the Foundation, Program Assistant and Administrative Assistant. Modalities of action include yearly grants for the co-financing of the participation at scientific conferences, co-financing of the organisation of scientific meetings, co-financing of publishing activities, and for the co-financing of student activities. Also, one of our most prominent project is the grant for the Award of the Foundation, carried out continuously since 2004. The University of Rijeka cooperates with the academic community, faculties, public institutions, government and NGOs on local, national and international level.

Mission and Objectives

The Foundation of the University of Rijeka is among the longest living Foundations in Croatia as well as one of the oldest university foundations.  The mission of the University of Rijeka Foundation is fundraising with the aim of continous investment and development of scientific and research infrastructure, activities, quality of education and human resources. At the same time, the mission of the Foundation is realized by encouraging and rewarding significant achievements in the field of science and art and the promotion of idea of knowledge society and active and inclusive citizenship. Objectives: 1. Developing mechanisms to raise funds for scientific, research and student purposes at the University of Rijeka 2. Promoting idea and investment in the development of a knowledge society 3. Promoting sustainable development  4. Promoting idea of active and inclusive citizenship 5. Promoting social responsibility of the academic society of the University of Rijeka to the local and regional community

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities of University of Rijeka Foundation are yearly grants for the co-financing of the participation at scientific conferences, co-financing of the organisation of scientific meetings, co-financing of publishing activities, and for the co-financing of student activities. Also, one of our most prominent project is the grant for the Award of the Foundation, carried out continuously since 2004. We select the most meritorious scientists, artists and assistants who have contributed to the development of science at the University of Rijeka and the improvement of the wider community with their exceptional contribution to the scientific research and teaching as well as their actions in public. The Foundation also carries out a number of programs and projects, roundtables, forums, workshops, humanitarian, public and volunteering actions and fundraising campaigns in the field of international collaborations, gender equality, sustainable development, education, human rights, youth, philanthropy...

Contact (1) Full Name
Andrea Lauric
Job Title
Finance and Development Projects Associate
Head of the organisation
Assist. Prof. Iva Rincic, PhD
Contact (2) Full Name
Petra Bačić
Job Title (2)
Program Assistant

L'Etoile du Sud

National Network

Maison de jeunes 11 Rue Azzam Mehdi Birkhadem
16330 Alger

Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
l'Etoile du Sud est composé essentiellement de bénévoles, son organigramme est composé de l'assemblée générale, bureau exécutif et conseil d'administration. Elle est partenaire à des associations au niveau d'Alger et au niveau national telle que (Jeunesse+, l'Atlas Saharien...) L'association s'appuie essentiellement sur les contributions des bénévoles ainsi que les dons des particuliers, son budget pour 2014-2015 était de 100 000 DZD. On organise chaque mois des projections débats et des groupes speaking english, cependant l'association organise parfois des échanges avec d'autres associations (Tizi Ouzou, Laghouat...) et des evenements culturels et artistiques.  Les principaux partenaires de l'association sont: le centre culturel universitaire d'Alger, jeunesse plus, la maision de jeunes de Birkhadem et le festival raconte arts  
Mission and Objectives

L'Etoile du Sud a comme mission d'ouvrir un cadre de développement et d'échange pour les jeunes algériens soit entre eux ou avec les jeunes d'autres pays, ses objectifs sont:
- Appuyer les jeunes compétences à travers les ateliers de formation et de l'insertion professionnelle
- Promouvoir les échanges culturels et volontaires entre jeunes 
- Création d'un espace d'échange d'idées et débats 
- Encourager l'initiative et la créativité chez les jeunes talentueux

Main Projects / Activities

Groupe speaking english:
C'est une activité régulière qui se tient depuis une année et qui consiste à ouvrir un espace de débat en anglais pour les jeunes afin de les aider à améliorer leur anglais

Projection et groupe de débats:
C'est un projet lancé récemment par l'association et qui consiste à organiser des projections qui touchent différentes thématiques d'actualités et d'ouvrir un espace d'échange autour de cette thématique pour les jeunes avec la présence d'un expert 

Activités culturelles et artistiques au cours du raconte arts (éditions 2014 et 2015)
Nous avons lancé des ateliers de formations au cours du festival raconte arts (Photographie, chorale, recyclage...) qui ont fait bénéficier environ 200 jeunes et enfants sur les deux éditions
Au cours de ce festival nous avons aussi réalisé un carnaval de masques, une toile de dessin de 10 mètres pour un village en kabylie, et des e-ku (vidéos japonaises)

Haiku à Ain Madi (Laghouat):
Dans le cadre d'un partenariat avec l'association l'Atlas Saharien de Laghouat nous avons réalisé des ateliers en Haiku (Technique japonaise pour écriture des poèmes), montage vidéo et prise d'image, le produit de cette collaboration etait la réalisation de 10 e-ku (Video japonaises de 17 secondes) par les jeunes de Laghouat

Réseau Algérois des Jeunes en Action RAJA:
Dans le cadre d'une collaboration avec les associations Jeunesse Plus et Sidra, nous avons procédé à la mise en place d'un noyau pour un réseau d'association de jeunes au niveau d'Alger toute en renforçant les capacités des membres d'associations de ce réseau en tout ce qui est gestion, communication, gestion de projet...

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Notre contribution sera par le partage d'expérience que nous pouvons apporter au réseau, notre association travaille essentiellement avec les jeunes étudiants et à comme perspective le développement d'un travail auprès des jeunes des quartiesr populaires, cependant nous pouvons apporter une image d'un vécu de la jeunesse algéroise et transmettre les différents modes d'éxpréssion de cette jeunesse. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous souhaitons joindre le réseau ALF afin de développer l'aspect échange international avec les jeunes d'autres pays notamment sur la région MENA où le contexte actuel insiste à faire plus d'échange d'idées, de vécu et de pratique entre les jeunes de cette région afin de garantir un développement de jeunesse en bonne adéquation.
Le souhait aussi de renforcer le réseau existant en Algérie avec une association qui est nouvellement créée avec un potentiel jeune et qui porte beaucoup de promesses notamment en matière de proximité vis-à-vis des jeunes et le cadre de développement qu'elle essaye d'offrir. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
secrétaire général

Rhodes Centre for Historical and Social Research - Rhodes Project SCE

National Network

21 Romanou Melodou str.
85133 Rhodes

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Research
General Information
Rhodes Centre for Historical and Social Research - Rhodes Project SCE is a not-for-profit, eight members, social cooperative enterprise governed by a three members administrative committee. It doesn't employ staff permanently but according to the operational needs. The budget for 2015 was roughly 4.000 Euros; while for 2016 it will rise at 20.000 Euros. Funding sources are research projects, commissioned directly or acquired through partnerships with universities. Additionally, interested organisations order policy analyses. Main operation of Rhodes Project SCE is the conduct of research, surveys and studies and its dissemination through social media or conferences. It also organises yearly a colloquium for academics and professionals from across Europe. Rhodes Project SCE collaborates closely with the Department of Primary Education of the University of Aegean, CFAPS centre of the University of Teesside, the European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control and the Marc de Montalembert foundation.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to highlight the societal particularities of the multicultural environment of Rhodes island, Greece in its history and present as well as form socially sustainable ideas for the future.
Towards that mission our objectives are:
1. The conduct of scientific research in humanities and social sciences in Rhodes.
2. The facilitation of scientific research in Rhodes of researchers from abroad.
3. The facilitation of networking of Rhodian researchers with counterparts from abroad.
4. The participation of Rhodes Project SCE in networks of research, technology and innovation.
5. The widest possible dissemination of scientific research from and in Rhodes.
6. The alleviation of unemployment of social scientists in Greece.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Oral History in Rhodes.
- A database that gathers the recordings of Life Narrative interviews with older Rhodians.
2. Understanding Diversity in Rhodes: Traditional and New Others
- A research conducted with the Department of Primary Education of the University of Aegean on the way that the local society can better integrate the migration flows
3. The yearly colloquium of Rhodes Project SCE
4. An online bibliographical catalogue for Rhodes
1. Dodecanesians in Rimini Battalion
- The history of Dodecanesians who fought in Italy during the allied operation Oliva.
2. Colonial state, society and the underground economy in Italian Rhodes 1912-1943
- A research conducted with the University of Teesside on the way that black economies support state building processes.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Rhodes Project SCE will enrich the Greek Network of Anna Lindh foundation with an innovative structure that conceptualises the production of scientific knowledge in humanities and social sciences beyond the traditional academia. 
Being both an enterprise and a non-for-profit legal person, Rhodes Project SCE can successfully balance in two sectors, giving by that renewed insights in their collaboration and consequantly at the civil society. At the same time due to its mission and objectives Rhodes Project SCE can support the cause of Anna Lindh foundation by contributing to that new tools, either financial or operational.
Finally, Rhodes Project SCE will support the admission of its strategic partners, namely universities, organisations and foundations in the UK, Italy and Greece in the Anna Lindh network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Due to the mission of Rhodes Project SCE it fits naturally in the Anna Lindh Foundation network.
At the same time the aforementioned objectives of Rhodes Project SCE will only be better served through the vast network of Anna Lindh foundation.
Rhodes, is a "drop" of the Euro-Mediterranean ocean. Therefore, it contains all its ingredients but in small quantities. We as "students" of Rhodes will be greatly benefitted by being able to see the wider image; namely the actual Euro-Mediterranean dialogue.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ioannis Papageorgiou
Job Title
President of the Administrative Committee
Head of the organisation
Ioannis Papageorgiou
Contact (2) Full Name
Michalis Papamichail
Job Title (2)
Director of Chapter Relations

Monto Cultura

National Network

Paraiso 4 bloque 2, 8D
11405 Jerez de la Frontera

+34 955 183 830
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+34 607 514 393
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Director - Project Manager - Educational manager  (Staff, 3 persons) Budget in a year. 49.000 € Sources of finding. Private projects. Modalities of action: Educational projects for museums. Coordination of guided tours to exhibitions. Curating photography exhibitions. Production for exhibition projects
Mission and Objectives

Monto Culture is a team of experts in distribution, planning, organizing and promoting exhibition projects on art. Our mission is to bring art to all kinds of collective art through exhibitions and educational programs and our goal encourage citizens to have a better quality of life through art.

Main Projects / Activities

Eduactional program for Teatro VIllamarta. Jerez 2013, 1014, 2015 and 2016.
Coordination for Cajasol Foundation for guided tours to exhibitions 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2015 and 2016.
Curator photography exhibiton. "Bruno Barbey 68" Sevilla and Granada 2008, 2009.
Coordinator for World Press Photo exhibition in Jerez and Seville. 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2016.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our Based is in Jerez this is an important city in the south of Spain. There are few fundation and privates companies invold in art and educational program.  We We also have a deep understanding of the social and cultural life of one of the areas with more unemployed in Europe and poverty with this network we intend to improve and bring quality cultural projects reality.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Juan Carlos Sánchez de Lamadrid Rey
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Juan Carlos Sánchez de Lamadrid
Contact (2) Full Name
Patricia Velázquez de Castro Cruz
Job Title (2)
Eduactional Director

Association Earth Hour Tunisia

National Network

Immeuble Saadi, Tour C-D 1ér Etage , bureau C1-2, Avenue Habib Bourguiba,
El Menzah 4

+216 71 75 15 50
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

The organization is composed from a president, vice-president, treasurer, a general secretary and a project coordinator. This staff work voluntary for the organization. The budgetary resources avaible in a year estimated a 2500 $.  The sources of funding are from our potentiel partner ''WWF Tunis'' and from memberships.  We act by concrete projects and some awarness campaigns.

Mission and Objectives

The main objectives are the protection of nature and the environment, the active participation in renewable energy projects and the fight against climate change. The mission of the association is to reduce the degradation of nature that our planet is in the process of undergoing, all this to ensure a healthy and sustainable life for our children and future generations.

Main Projects / Activities

Our new project will launched soon in partnership with the National Agency for Environmental Protection (ANME).  Our annual activity is Earth Hour.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute by invole new people to take action and building community relationships through shared networks.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As we are a new organization, we seek to participate and involve new partners in our future projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Zina Nasr
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Zina Nasr
Contact (2) Full Name
Nasr Zina

4-H association

National Network

rue du grand maghreb
nabeul - dar chaabane

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information
The 4H association Dar Chaabane El Fehri / Nabeul is nongovernmental and no exercise any political activities or religious activities has been created since 1990 and had his visa on 13/12/1990 under number 291 and was published in Official Gazette No. 12 dated 02.08.1991 page 190 ......... Its symbol is a green cloverleaf on which there is a letter that occurs 4foi; each letter denotes a lens performs
Mission and Objectives

its purpose is cultural; educative; sporting and social.
Its role is to enable the children and youth during their time

Main Projects / Activities

Cultural events / sports events / trips /
Output / days of training / games without borders /
different clubs (health club / club environment / club handicrafts / club English / garden club / club
of mutual aid and voluntary work
This association has been twinned since 1990 with Association
Swedish 4H and tours s organized every year between the two associations

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we Can guide the number of young people use the programs offered by the network

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

for make youth participate in the programs offered by the network

Contact (1) Full Name
aymen khalfallah
Head of the organisation
aymen khalfallah