National Network

Rue Raphaël 14
1070 Bruxelles

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
JAVVA (NGO) is a youth organisation and active member of Alliance and CCIVS, promoting active citizenship and intercultural dialogue. It hosts around 100 volunteers from all around the world on local development projects and sends around 50 volunteers on international volunteering projects each year. There are currently 4 staff members. For 2014 financial year, the total amount of financial products was 210 906,98€ : 66% from the governement, 12% from the activities, 18% from the European Commission and 4% from suscribtions or membership fees. JAVVA has 2 priorities : migrations and inclusion of disadvantaged youth. In order to reach these goals, on the one side we have numerous partnerships with centers for asylum seekers (workcamps, EVS, seminaries) and on the other we include about 20 disadvantaged youngsters in our international projects every year. Our main partners are IVS organizations, local authorities and youth organizations.
Mission and Objectives

We aim to promote an ideal of tolerance, solidarity and peace between young people from around the world and to encourage their active participation and mobility. JAVVA has no political or ideological affiliation. International camps and volunteer projects enable intercultural encounters and the discovery of the other and therefore, in our opinion, represent a useful tool in the construction of peace. They contribute towards a fairer world with more solidarity and respect for differences. Even if our projects can not be considered to be within the framework of humanitarian aid or emergency relief, they do invite participation in another culture, and teach team work while participating in a development project in the heart of a local community.

Main Projects / Activities

• Organisation of international workcamps in Belgium
• Placement of Belgian volunteers on international workcamps, MTV and LTV programmes abroad
• Organisation of pre-departure training and evaluation weekend with volunteers
• Preparation, guidance and sending of Belgian volunteers on EVS projects
• Coordinating organisation for local partners in the frame of the EVS programme
• Exchange (hosting and sending) of volunteers with fewer opportunities
• Support to groups of volunteers who implement raising awareness actions related to the theme of migration issues and social exclusion
• Organisation of international training courses and seminars
• Participation in different cultural and associative events in French-speaking Belgium

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

JAVVA can contribute to the belgian Network by sharing information, create partnerships and exchange experiences. JAVVA tends to organise a lot of voluntary services and workcamps with local structures which have a strong social identity (work with underprivileged children, with disabled people, with migrants, etc) and aims to reinforce existing partnerships, meet new partners and take part in large-scale international projects. JAVVA volunteers take part in various events in the local non-profit scene. Moreover, thanks to the energy, motivation and creativity of our volunteers, different activities are set up each year and new partnerships are born.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Since 2007, JAVVA has been focusing on two priorities: migration issues and working with youngsters with fewer opportunities. Over the last years, JAVVA has had good results in both fields and we would be ready to share our experience with interested FAL members or join FAL projects in those domains. This is an area where we try to improve the quality of partnerships and where we have acquired a certain experience.
Since its creation, JAVVA has always expressed an interest in cooperation with the Southern Bank of the Mediterranean. Cooperation took place under different actions and partners located in Israël,Palestine, Italy, Jordan, Tunisia and Morocco. The MEDA cooperation is of high interest for JAVVA and by joining the Network, we plan to increase and extend our competences, partnerships and activities in the area.

Contact (1) Full Name
Roberta Stebel
Job Title
General coordinator
Head of the organisation
Roberta Stebel
Contact (2) Full Name
Laura Drielsma
Job Title (2)
Receiving coordinator

Savez udruga Rojca

National Network

Gajeva 3
52100 Pula

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information

Savez udruga Rojca (Rojc Alliance) is a network of NGOs located in the Rojc Social Centre, Pula. The main activities or the organisation are: 1.Managing of the Centre on the basis of engaging public participation. 2. The Living Room management - coordinating a common/joint programme and other services for visitors and Rojc organisations, organisanisation of cultural and social events, educational programs and public meetings. 3. Open Platform Rojc coordination 4. SC Rojc sustainable development programs 5. European Voluntary Service program Rojc Alliance was founded in June 2012, and  at the moment has 18 member organizations and 6 employees. Rojc Coordination is a co-governance body in partnering with The City of Pula. The organisation is a member of Trans Europe Halles Network (TEH) with one representative in TEH comitee. Average budgeting: 78000 Euro per year. Bugeting sources: Zaklada kultura nova, Nacionalna zaklada za razvoj civilnoga društva, Grad Pula, Županija Istarska, EU funds.

Mission and Objectives

Mision: Savez udruga Rojca (Rojc Alliance) is a network of NGOs located in the Rojc Social Centre which gathers and represents them, fosters mutual cooperation and actively works in the community. Objectives: -to build distinctive network based on collaboration and joint programs; -to improve the management of Rojc Social Centre based on participative public-civic joint management; - to contribute and work in the community and actively promote collaboration, principles of solidarity, and respect for diversity; - Rojc Social Centar sustainable development - Networking and partnering

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects and ativities are: 1. The Living Room mamagement - coordination with a common/joint programmes, services for visitors and Rojc organisations,  cultural and social events, educational programs and public meetings. 2. Open Platform Rojc coordination 3. Making Space for Active Community - partnership project with KaMatrix and Savez udruga Operacija Grad, Grad Zagreb i Grad Pula, financed from IPA 4. The Origin of Spaces - Erasmus + project in partnering with Darwin Eco Sistem, Bordeux, LX Factory, Lisbon, Borough of Lewisham, Capture Art and Crative Projcets, London and ZAWP, Bilbao 5. Social Etrepreneurship Generator - funded from ESF and realized in partnership with Molekula, Rijeka. 6. European Voluntary Service programe 7. Co-governance in The Rojc Coordination joint governing body

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute with our space capacities, knowledge and potential in huge number of asociatins active in Rojc Social Center (110 different organisations). We also can be good connections for international partnerships and representative in Trans Europe Halles Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Networking is oportunity for learning, sharing and spreading knowledge, good practices and good will. It gives oportunity for personal and community development and gives one cosmopolitan dimension. Partnering and networking is the base of our work. We also think that it is important for fostering sense of colaboration, understanding, solidarity and democracy. We expect that membership in ALF Network will help in development of programs that can help in our community development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jadranka Ostić
Head of the organisation
Jadranka Ostić
Contact (2) Full Name
Danijela Poropat
Job Title (2)
Sustainable Programs Coordinator

Jeune Chambre Internationale Ezzahra

National Network

17 Rue de Sousse
2034 Ezzahra

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Jeune Chambre Internationale d'Ezzahra "JCI Ezzahra" PRÉSIDENT 2016: Karim BEN SAID CRÉATION: Parrainée par JCI BEN AROUS, JCI EZZAHRA a vu le jour le 22 Février 1987 Véritable école de formation permanente, la Jeune Chambre Economique d'Ezzahra développe la démarche citoyenne de ses membres et leur permet de tisser son réseau de relations tant au niveau local, régional , national et international. Elle ne cesse de mettre les valeurs de la jeune chambre internationale en action : le respect d'autrui, la responsabilité sociale, la liberté des individus et le civisme. Elle offre aussi, grâce à son orientation altruiste, à ses membres l’opportunité de s’améliorer et d’améliorer le monde dans lequel nous vivons tous. Dotée d'une bonne réputation sur les plans local et national et d'un potentiel qualifié de sénateurs, d'anciens membres et d'un groupe de jeunes solidaires, JCI d'Ezzahra continue à se distinguer en poursuivant la formation des leaders et l’amélioration des conditions de vie dans la communauté tout en offrant aux jeunes la possibilité de développer les techniques de direction, la responsabilité sociale et l’esprit d’entreprise.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: Offrir des opportunités de développement aux jeunes en leur donnant la capacité de créer des changements positifs  

Main Projects / Activities


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour élargir notre champ d'action et développer le réseau de notre organisation également afin d'exploiter les opportunités de collaborations avec d'autres associations ou organisations du réseau.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Nidhal NAIMI
Job Title (2)
Past président

Taabir – Tunisian Association for Artistic and Digital Expression

National Network

Grenade Street, Residence Zied 2
Bloc A, Apartment 10
2092 Tunis

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
General Information
Taabir – Tunisian Association for Artistic and Digital Expression – was founded in Tunis in 2011. Taabir encourages creative ways of expression through training programs, coaching, and the production of artistic projects. The organization is located between the pure artistic expression and the societal uses of digital technologies in order to target evolution. Taabir is working on the whole Tunisian territory.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission: For a Tunisian artistic content which popularizes the notions of human rights, citizenship and democracy.
Our vision: Cultivate – Create – Share.

Main Projects / Activities

Debbo 52 is an artistic projects’ incubator in which individual and collective experiences are created in the fields of visual arts and music. The incubator supplies Tunisian and Arab artists with the technical and logistical means, the supervision and the assistance regarding the search of funding in order to help them carry out their projects. The project also offers a connection to an international and professional network in the arts and cultural management field.
Debbo 52 is a platform that gathers artists from different backgrounds and cultures and leads them towards a collaboration. The partners will make human capital and spaces available in both countries to achieve the project.
Project objectives
– Act as a catalyst for the Tunisian creative industry and establish new mechanisms of artistic and cultural projects’ management with a social vocation
– Reinforce the young artists’ independence to manage their artistic projects
– Produce an artistic and educative content aiming at social change and at the young people involvement in society’s concerns
– Create new opportunities of discovery, amusement and artistic and cultural education in a popular
neighborhood usually isolated from these occasions
– Create a large network between cultural and artistic organizations from different cultures and countries

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We think we can contribute to the Network with our experience and take part in events, trainings that will help us sharing our projects and experience, as well as learning from others.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We think that networking is very important and networks such as the ALF one make it so much easier to get in contact with other associations that do the same work in Tunisia. We are trying to create a large network of organizations working in the promotion of arts and culture in the Arab World.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rafik Omrani
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Rafik Omrani

Union of the young mauritanian Journalists

National Network

gard street 310

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Media
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Union of the  young mauritanian Journalists: non-governmental organization founded in 2013, at the initiative journalists, bloggers,  bringing the number of associate now has 137 members Organizational shart is: president and an executive Office has  16 members, Council of syndicate it  has 35 -member The annual budget is: Member donations, and an annual amount from the Box of press support. The annual activity is: the forums and training sessions for young journalists, and seminars on media freedom and the promotion of democratic system ... etc. Partners so far are: Regional Office of UNESCO in Rabat, the German cooperation, the Egyptian Cultural Center in Nouakchott, the body of Turkish television and radio
Mission and Objectives

Defending journalists and adoption their issues fair
Improve experiences of the young journalists and bloggers
Contribute to the improvement of media freedom in Mauritania
Seek to promote democracy system

Main Projects / Activities

A project to change the publishing law in Mauritania {partnership with the Journalists' Syndicate, and the bar Association, and Observatory for Human Rights}
2014: hold a workshop on the balanced coverage of the elections in favor of the 50 journalists in cooperation with the UNESCO office in Rabat
2015: Hold a training session at headquarters of the Turkish Radio and Television
Training Course: about Media and Human Rights in cooperation with the German cooperation
Training course on media and image in cooperation with the Egyptian Cultural Center

Contact (1) Full Name
mohamed sidi brahim
Job Title
Charge of external relations
Head of the organisation
seyid sidi hachem

association voix de sud culturelle artistque de tozeur

National Network

immeuble Yaâkoubi route nefta tozeur
2210 tozeur

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
 a cultural association  Established in 2013 with its own Executive Office consists of seven members d it has more than 50 engaged and 20 volunteers The association several activities the most important one Film Festival in Tozeur And several other demonstrations of art as well as for young people in the city of Tozeur training courses   It has several regional and local partnerships, such as the partnership with the state and the role of culture Regional Institute of music and as well as several other associations active card also has an international partnership with the Arab homeland Without Borders Foundation    Budget of up to ten thousand have derived from donations and engage and public funding
Mission and Objectives

The promotion of cultural work Steering Tozeur
Support innovators in the field of art
Works of art production (theater, music Visual Art)
The deployment of social culture

Main Projects / Activities

The most important activities for the year 2016
Forum Arab volunteers to spread the culture of volunteerism
  Jerid days of cinema
Euro-Mediterranean festival of amateur theater
Digital literacy project extends over 8 months
Project pioneers of the future: training of 100 young people on effective leadership

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through the exchange of expertise and the application of the experiences in other countries in my

Contact (1) Full Name
abdelaziz guizay
Head of the organisation


National Network

Mladost 1, bl. 54A
1784 Sofia

+359 2 9 691 598
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
TEZA is a VET provider focused on elearning. We have participated in various EU funded projects in the field of education. We employ 10 people and we have many partners of diferent fields. We don't have budgetary limits and can support big projects. We use private funding.
Mission and Objectives

TEZA delivers high quality interactive e-learning aplications.

Main Projects / Activities

Research, training development end delivery, including e-learning.

Contact (1) Full Name
Yanko Iliev
Head of the organisation
Yanko Iliev

Association rencontre des cultures

National Network

Rue du martyr Mohamed Hadded – 3002 Sfax el Bustan Boite postale 547
3018 Sfax

98972050 74 264 129
Telephone (other)
00216 74 223 568
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00216 22 292 292
Mobile Phone (other)
00216 98 630 901
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

 Association  rencontre des cultures est une association culturelle fondée en 2015 pour encourager  la création artistique et l'échange culturel et le dialogue entre les cultures

Mission and Objectives

• Développer l’esprit de la tolérance et de partage                                                                                                 • Promouvoir l'interaction et le dialogue  inter - culturel • Encourager la créativité et  promouvoir la participation à la vie culturelle

Main Projects / Activities

Nos jeunes ...nos ambassadeurs Ce projet part du principe que l’on peut confier aux jeunes la mission « d’ambassadeurs » aptes à représenter la culture de leur pays, ses traditions, ses arts…et ce lors de visites d’échange culturel avec d’autres groupes de jeunes dans d’autres  pays. Son objectif général est de donner à nos jeunes l’opportunité de communiquer avec d'autres  jeunes  de différentes cultures et civilisations et de développer chez eux l’esprit de tolérance, de dialogue et de coexistence pacifique avec les autres cultures. Les activités envisagées lors d'une semaine culturelle :   séances des arts culinaires et dégustation des gâteaux et plats traditionnels - projection de films  -   organisation d’ateliers commun- Spectacles d'arts scéniques : conte, théâtre, musique, danse folklorique... - défilé de costumes traditionnels -  expositions : le tourisme, les produits artisanaux  du pays … Manifestations organisées on a organisée des semaines culturelles tunisiennes en République tchèque en mars 2014 - en Slovénie en juin 2014 - en Macédoine en septembre 2014 - en Turquie en juin 2015

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour travailer en réseau avec les associations similaires

Contact (1) Full Name
Wahid Hentati
Job Title
Conseiller culturel en chef
Head of the organisation
Mahdi Haj Salah
Contact (2) Full Name
Moncef Mseddi
Job Title (2)


National Network

Carsi Mah. Park Cad. No:45
20400 Denizli/

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Buldan Foundation was established in 2015 by five volunteers. The purpose of this volunteers by using their experience is to make the projects for the elderly, women and young people. Foundation is governed by a board of directors whose aims provide a more comfortable living conditions for the elderly, to raise awareness about the rights of women and to support the young people's education. The source of funding is the main capital of foundation, donations and funding projects.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is create a movement is usefull for the elderly, women and young people. The Foundation will ve a mediator for this movement to spread all over Turkey from our small Town.

Main Projects / Activities

To raise awareness of women, to provide scholarships to succesfull students, to increase social awareness about elderly individuals.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Buldan Foundation can support the projects of Anna Lindh that have same target groups which are Youth, Women and the elderly.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It will be a honor for Buldan Foundation to join the ALF Network that has a respectable place in the Civil Society World.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Çiğdem Nalbant Kordon
Job Title (2)
Asistant President

جمعية النهوض بشباب تونس-Progression Association Of Tunisian Youth

National Network

20 Somaa Sterrt Mourouj 5
2074 Mourouj

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Progression Association Youth Tunisians "We are a non-governmental organization, non-profit. Independent, basing its activities on volunteering as a major factor for motivation and sustainable development vision concentrates founders to contribute to the development of ability of young and devote national belonging has for its service, and development of national consciousness of our identity and the rights and meals inadvertently reinforce the relations between state institutions and youth in particular and society in general and the strengthening of youth leadership creates a generation aware of herself and confident himself, youth return of the steering pluralistic values and equality, justice, democracy and the spirit of belonging and volunteering initiative to play the role of community and responsibility. Values "Association of Young Tunisians Progression" equality, independence, transparency, communication, pluralism, dialogue, renounce violence and intolerance, democratic participation, cultural openness and freedom of expression and creativity Established in February 2012 and the receipt is issued on 02/03/2012. APJT association or progression of young Tunisians is an initiative of a group of young people: students, pupils, certificate holders, civil servants, unemployed, of different ages and gender, together to exchange ideas and experiences.
Mission and Objectives

• Intellectual progression of Tunisian Youth
• Rooting patriotism and Arab-Islamic identity among young people
• Raise awareness of the concerns of the present and the future of our beloved country
• Instilling the values of solidarity and interdependence and cooperation between young
• The integration of youth in philanthropy
• Resist against appearances and immoral behavior
• Anti-addiction
• To disseminate the culture of dialogue and etiquette
Means and tools:
Creation of solidarity cooperatives for the benefit of young people (volunteers enriching and beneficial activities)
• Awareness companion organization, awareness and mobilization
Create and participate in cultural seminars, study days and dialogue workshops
Agreement partners with other organizations associations, national and international institutions working in the field of the association

Main Projects / Activities

We are very happy to hear  interest to work in partnership with us. Our organisation is glad to be share such projects with you. We are ready to provide help and to be your partner in our country Tunisia. We are looking forward to work with you and to share more and more activities and projects. We are sure we will get the utmost benefit from such an honorable organization.
We are ready to start projects at any time.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kouki Mohamed Amine
Job Title
Webmaster Euromed Youth Programme IV
Head of the organisation
Kouki Mohamed Amine