Yuva Association

National Network

Koşuyolu mah Ismailpasa sok No:9
34718 İstanbul/

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Yuva is a non governmental organization which has its head quarter in Istanbul and two community centers providing services for both Syrian Refugees and Turkish people in Gaziantep and Hatay.  Number of staff employed: 50  Partners and sources of funding: International Medical Corps (IMC), Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Federal Foreign Office (AA), Open Society Institute, Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe, Inmedio, European Association for Adult Education (EAEA), GIZ, Support to Life Association, Community Volunteers Foundation, Open Coalition, Turkish Ministry for Urbanisation and Environment 6. Regional Directorate, Clean Air Platform Budget for 2014: 1.849,053 TL (2014)  Modalities of Action: YUVA has two main programs, Earth Citizenship Program and Syrian Refugees Program.  In the scope of Earth Citizenship Program, there are 3 projects running. Ecological Literacy Project, Ecoraise Project and Future Without Coal Project  In the scope of Syrian Refugees Program, there are 2 Community Centers that are providing vocational courses and lanuage courses in Gaziantep and Hatay.  
Mission and Objectives

Yuva's mission is:
Micro level
YUVA takes measures for sustainable life styles, poverty reduction and democratization through adult learning and promotes participatory teaching methods. For poverty reduction measures our focus is on least developed regions and disadvantaged groups.
Meso level
YUVA aims to strengthen environmental, human rights and civic, intercultural and political education.
-  YUVA runs capacity building activities of adult learning institutions in order to increase the participation of the people in Turkey in non formal adult education activities. YUVA strengthens adult learning institutions in responding appropriately to the needs of their target groups and in becoming vibrant hubs for education in their communities.
-  Good practice is being promoted through facilitating local, national, regional and international cooperation in the field of adult learning.
Macro level:
In order to create a supportive environment for learners, facilitators and providers of adult learning, YUVA consults decision makers and other organizations in creating policies.
-  YUVA holds public debates and events to help put the following themes on the agenda of decision makers and practitioners:
Being aware of the relation between human and all  beings,
Being active in the society in order to defense equality, justice and solidarity
Being peaceful and inclusive
Valuing diversity.

Main Projects / Activities

YUVA has two main programs, Earth Citizenship Program and Syrian Refugees Program.
The Earth Citizenship Program that we are implementing at Yuva Association is a program that encourages people to be responsible for the things happening around them or in the world and act for them, our commons. It aims to widen our point of view and to perceive the earth, the place we belong as our home and to have responsible lives. The program is consist of education projects for youth and adults that aims to meet all the needs to have this kind of approach to life as an individual and as a public/society. 
There are 3 projects running in this program:
1- Naturally Young Ecological Literacy Project
2- Ecoraise Project 
3- Future Without Coal Project 
The main objective of Syrian Refugees Support Program conducted since April 2013 is to empower Syrian community and the local people through non-formal adult education, to develop and implement psychosocial support program especially for Syrians’ emotional and cognitive well-being, to improve and strengthen professional skills through vocational trainings and income generating activities, and to increase the dialogue and solidarity between Syrian refugees and the local people through social activities.
In the framework of Syrian Refugees Program, YUVA has established two Community Centers in Kırıkhan and Nizip. Yuva Community Centers provide community protection and support activities including case management, awareness raising sessions, social counseling, legal aid, community mobilization; language courses; computer trainings; skills development courses; vocational trainings and social activities aiming at belonging to society they live.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Since 2010, YUVA has an intensive experience on working with different target groups on education activities such as adult, youth, intercultural and international groups. 
Yuva has been implementing the first and only ecological literacy training program for youth in Turkey  since 2013.
On the other hand, since the Syrian crisis started, many Syrians in Turkey enter in a period to establish their lives in Turkey. Income generating and livelihood activities gains importance. In this period, the service of YUVA's Community Centers providing language and vocational training is invaluable.
YUVA is open to share its all experience and sources (educational programs and publications) in order to contribute to the ALF network in Turkey. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Since YUVA has been developing education programmes for different target groups, it would be an invaluable opportunity for YUVA to benefit from the experience of ALF itself and its network such as participating in training programs, applying for funds and finding partners for potential cooperations. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Erdem Vardar
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Erdem Vardar
Contact (2) Full Name
Özge Sönmez
Job Title (2)
Program Manager

New Vision for Training - Maan (الرؤية الحديثة في معان)

National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
- تتكون  الشركة من عدد من المتطوعين . - تم عمل هيكل تنظيمي في الشركة مكون من عدد من الوحدات الادارية منها ( HR، FINANCE, PROJECTS,RELATIONSHIPS) - تسعى الشركة الى التعاون مع المنظمات و المؤسسات على المستويين المحلي و الدولي و ذلك من اجل تحقيق اهدافها   - تم عقد شراكة بين عدد من مؤسسات المجتمع المدني في المحافظة .
Mission and Objectives

- Training – providing academic and professional training programs to enhance production efficiency among skilled  workers both regionally and globally
Stabilization and Empowerment  – training human resources , encouraging  them to perform tasks using modern scientific methods , and expanding their expertise in various fields
Employment – increase the capacities and skills of unemployed human resources to engage in the labor markets through the available jobs in Jordan or establishing  their own projects , and supplying the local markets in Jordan and other labor markets with trained ,qualified and globally certified  young workers  .
The organization aims at :
Meeting  the local community needs of human development programs
• Providing job opportunities to men and women inclusion  in the local community
Building productivity projects serving the local community
Encouraging  initiatives which are useful to community  and spreading  the spirit of cooperation amongst society members .
• Providing suitable training programs necessary to society in all aspects of development.
women  empowerment through academic and professional courses and workshops .

Main Projects / Activities

cooperation with international institutions for cultural, scientific, and  professional exchange to build bridges of communication among young people.
Through these programs , we will be filling  the gap existing in the field of human development and training, and we  are working and cooperating with local institutions , national and international organizations  concerned with youth, kids and women and to work together with them  give the targeted bodies the necessary training and quality education.
We are currently cooperating  and contracting with specialized training centers in the field of renewable energy and to provide training programs in this area and create qualification cadres in this field , which is nourishing in Jordan, especially in the southern regions.
Through cooperation with major centers , we will provide specialized courses for many of the unemployed to be later as  the nucleus of training staff, and thus creating job opportunities for them, in addition to the creation  of logistics jobs to be provided  in the long run.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

للاستفادة من خبرات المنظمة الواسعة في الاعمال و المشاريع و دعم الشباب ذكورا و اناثا بالبرامج المقدمة من خلال المنظمة .

Contact (1) Full Name
haitham abu darwish
Job Title
organization manager
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
muflih abdelqader sharari
Job Title (2)
finance manager

YO-YO, a Youth organisation for Youth Odysseys

National Network

Havnegade 3 A
5700 Svendborg

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
YO-YO, a Youth Organisation for Youth Odysseys, is a NGO organisation for international youth connection and started in September 2013. It is an association which has a board of five competent people with various back ground. The project manager of the organisation is an educated teacher. She has six years of international experience and 25 years in youth work and is responsible for running the organisation, thus to create projects, involve youth or expand international network. All staff is volunteer staff. In YO-YO´s two years of existence we have hosted three youth exchanges Key Action 1, Erasmus+, involving France, Slovakia, Palestine, Italy, and participated in four abroad. The main funding is generally received from Erasmus+, but also the municipality of Svendborg has recently given a small donation to support development. Regularly we do shadowing and participate in training courses. Two young ambassadors are involved in YO-YO and will be leaders on this summer´s youth exchanges. On national level we are expanding our local cooperation with different of kind schools, both secondary and high schools.
Mission and Objectives

The main aim is to promote young people´s intercultural understanding across boarders through experience and personal relationship.
This will be done by:
-   promoting and supporting young people´s initiative  towards international connection through international projects and EVS
-  giving  young people a completely different experience by meeting other cultures
-  giving  young people the opportunity to develop intercultural competences and strengthen knowledge about different cultural backgrounds
-  giving young people the opportunity to develop international visions for the future and reflect upon their role according European and global development of culture, environment and nature.
Our target group is young people between 13-30 years old. On local and national level we cooperate with different schools and organisations in different fields. The organisation has an accreditation for hosting and sending volunteers as well, but not yet any experience.

Main Projects / Activities

The main projects so fare has been youth exchange applied Erasmus+. We work with social innovation through Non-Formal Education and methods.  Our international projects in Denmark have been on democracy and peace education. One projects with Palestine was about prejudice and traditions. Also a very interested project, 3D, Dream, Discover and Do mixing people with hearing and sight impairment has been held last year.
YO-YO´s Yes point is open one day a week where young people can come and create own ideas for international projects, and get the support needed to transform the ideas into reality. In 2016 we are focusing on increasing cooperation with local schools to try and increase the amount of young people involved. In Marts we join the youth exchange, Changing Perspective, in Portugal about employability and development of competences. All participants are from VUC Odense, an adult education centre, which is our first project together in other to development local cross sectional cooperation focusing on supporting formal and non-formal education. 
Also we are accredited to host volunteers, and hope to start involving EVS programs.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

YO-YO are interested in making international projects with organisations from Mediterranean countries. , eg. EVS courses or exchanges. We have staff with lots of experience in the youth field, both in formal and non-formal education. YO-YO is active in youth work and makes regularly new international projects.  Our focus is always on quality, and we always want to learn and improve our work. We will inspire others, as they will inspire us, and keen on sharing best practice. We have experience in visibility of our project, and off course this will also be our practice with any possible Anna Lindh foundation received.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

In Denmark there is an urgent need to meet and cooperate with cultures from Mediterranean countries. One reason is the massive flight of refugees, and the other the massive increase of diversity in society. This promotes a lot of culture clashes and prejudice. We need to make frames where young people can meet thus to combat prejudice and to promote international citizenships.  In the ALF network we want to find good, reliable partner, who not only want to make youth exchange, but also want to develop and secure quality in the work we do. Hopefully, we can make new creative international project with new perspectives. The media are sometimes a threat for living peaceful together. Young people have to meet and share mutual knowledge, and debate on issues we face being from different parts of the world. It is important to support youth´s active participation to create a society based on dialog and peace.

Contact (1) Full Name
Karin Kjaer
Job Title
Project manager
Head of the organisation
Karin Kjaer

Association Emel Tounes

National Network

Av de la Bourse
Imm B Appt 01

+216 23 94 30 59
Telephone (other)
+216 53 866 804
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Others
General Information
The Emel Tounes Association is a Tunisian association created in 2011, whose objective is to promote the sense of citizenship among Tunisians by involving them in campaigns on the environment and in charity projects.
Mission and Objectives

The main purpose of Emel Tounes Association consists in promoting the sense of “Citizenship” among Tunisian people, and how to develop with them a continuous and ever growing feeling of attachment and care to the Country related concerns. In order to achieve this goal we have chosen to focus on three main themes as a strategy building tool whether it was a punctual event, a permanent campaign or a long term applied project adopted by the organization : - Tunisian Woman’s direct or indirect involvement, taken into account her status as “the first educator of the nation”, and her biggest impact on society starting from the very family cell. - Environment protection and sustainable development approach, given the tangible results of the green actions and its quick positive impact on people, boosting in them further motivation and involvement. - Charity targeting purpose guided by our deep belief in the necessity to have a merciful humanitarian benefit on people in every action we undertake.

Main Projects / Activities

The first action of Association Emel Tounes is "Collecting Caps of Solidarity" campaign, which was launched in collaboration with the Association of Myopathy of Tunisia (AMT). The slogan of this action is "Let's pick up the caps, let’s overcome Disability", and it consists on providing recyclers of plastic caps that were collected by our citizens to finance the purchase of wheelchairs (manual or electric) and to distribute them to people with disabilities who are also suffering from poverty. The action "Collecting Caps of Solidarity" is, in the opinion of many, an exceptional action because, by giving a simple "plastic cap", it helps build a sustainable civic solidarity. In deed , by urging people to collect plastic caps, we attract their attention to the difficulties the disabled persons are living, especially if added to poverty. In addition, picking a cap thrown on the ground contributes to the protection of the environment that we all share.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Social networking is playing a great role in promoting civil society 's activities in Tunisia.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I wish to join ALF Network in order to promote our association and gain regional and international support to our causes as well as exchange experiences and learn in order to perfect the association results. We are also ready to share our know-how and assist other organisations working on the same field or even others.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Sonia Kamech
Job Title (2)
Secretaire Generale

Córdoba en el Mundo

National Network

Calle La Esperanza 9, 2º-2.
14007 Córdoba

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
L'association "CORDOBA en el mundo" a été constitue à Cordoue (Espagne), le 8 Novembre 2011. Elle possède un caractère interculturel et est inscrite dans le registre des associations de l'Andalousie. Aussi, elle compte d'un conseil d'administration composé par cinq personnes (président, vice-secrétaire, trésorier, membre) et un réseau de cinq cents personnes de différentes nationalités. Les sources de financement sont alimentés par les contributions de leurs partenaires et de leur mode d'action est basé sur l'organisation d'activités telles que conférences, séminaires, ateliers, expositions, publications et autres initiatives liées à des liens culturels de la ville Cordoba avec les villes jumelées avec le monde arabe, celles de l’espace euro-méditerranéen et les américaines. En ce sens l’association prévoit collaborer avec la mairie de la ville de Cordoue, et d'autres institutions pour promouvoir diverses actions.
Mission and Objectives

Promouvoir les valeurs historiques de la tolérance et de la paix de Cordoue (Espagne), ville paradigmatique de trois cultures à travers l'échange avec le les villes du monde arabe avec qui elle est jumelée ou a signé des protocoles d'amitié : Fès, Tétouan (Maroc) Damas (Syrie) Bethléem (Palestine) Kairouan (Tunisie) Bourg en Bresse (France) Konya (Turquie) Nîmes (France).

Chercher moyens d’échange avec autres villes euro-méditerranéennes et du monde arabe avec lesquelles existent liens historiques, patrimoniaux et culturels, principalement au Maroc, Espagne, Algérie, Tunisie, Italie, Portugal, Syrie, Liban, Egypte, France, Grèce, Turquie, etc.

Fomenter l'étude, la recherche, la sensibilisation sur dynamiques interculturelles entre les villes jumelles a travers des actions et des projets pertinents.

Contacter avec communautés et collectifs sépharades et moresques de la Méditerranée pour récupérer et diffuser une mémoire partagée.

Tisser réseaux de coopération et de collaboration avec les associations, organisations et institutions qui partagent ces intérêts dans la région euro-méditerranéenne.

Intégrez aux personnes intéressées à la promotion de ces liens ( jeunes, professionnels, étudiants, enseignants, chercheurs, penseurs, artistes, responsables culturels, éducatifs et citoyenneté)

Favoriser la formation spécialisée de professionnels  des deux rives de la méditerranée dans le domaine de la culture, le développement durable et le dialogue interculturel.

Main Projects / Activities

Depuis sa fondation, l'Association est dans le registre des associations andalouses et elle a visibilité sur Facebook avec cinq cent quinze membres de différentes parties du monde, en particulier avec les villes arabes avec lesquels la ville est jumelée comme Fès (Maroc) et Kairouan (Tunisie).

Dans sa courte existence, elle a mené une série d'activités conforme avec ses statuts fondateurs. En 2013, un membre de cette association  a organisé et il a produit une exposition de caractère historique et  rétrospective et sur le 50e anniversaire du Festival  mondiale de la poésie  arabe célébré á Cordoue en 1963. Un des premiers grands événements culturels internationaux de l'histoire contemporaine de la ville et un festival que a rassemblé les principales personnalités diplomatiques politiques, intellectuelles et poétiques de divers pays arabes.

Aussi dans cette même année, l'Association a inspiré et a exhorté au Conseil municipal Córdoba promouvoir le début des négociations de jumelage avec la ville de Rome. Finalement les négociations ont conclu avec une visite officielle et la rédaction d'un protocole.
De même, l'association "Cordoba dans le monde» a également renforcé ses relations avec la ville de Nuremberg (Allemagne) a travers d’échanges professionnels et citoyens des deux villes.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

• Créer d'alliances entre les membres des associations espagnoles que trouvent domaines similaires de travail, liés au dialogue interculturel, le monde arabe, le patrimoine culturel et la culture comme moteur du développement durable.
• Apporter le parcours professionnel et académique des membres de l'association « Córdoba en el mundo » dans le domaine de la consultance et de la formation en gestion culturelle et développement durable.
• Participer activement aux réunions et forums organisés par le Réseau Anna Lindh d’Espagne.
• Diffuser études, nouveautés bibliographiques, rapports, activités, projets et de l'information d'intérêt pour les membres du réseau.
• Trouver des synergies entre les associations pour la formulation de possibles projets de programmes européens.
• Dialogue avec d'autres institutions (nationaux et internationaux) afin de renforcer le rôle du réseau dedans et hors de la péninsule comme clé essentielle  de la diplomatie culturelle et le dialogue interculturel en périodes d'instabilité.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour être une grande opportunité  de coopération entre organisations de  la société civile et institutions du réseau comme pratique exemplaire de nouvelles formes de gouvernance entre les peuples.

Pour promouvoir initiatives sur dynamiques, confluences, et liens culturels entre les deux rives de la Méditerranée à travers leurs propres appels.

Pour tisser réseaux avec  associations des deux côtés et de participer à des appels à programmes transfrontaliers et de coopération euro-méditerranéenne.

Pour trouver raisons pour la rencontre permanente des associations qui promeuvent la tolérance, le respect et le dialogue.

Parce que l'échange, la coopération et la mobilité favorisée par  réunions et séminaires organisés par la Fondation Anna Lindh renforceront  l'internationalisation d'une association locale avec une vision universelle.

Parce que appartenir au réseau Anna Lindh nous fera sentir plus identifiés avec la méditerranée que  nous unit.

Pour transmettre à travers nos actions la nécessité urgente des valeurs nécessaires en période de turbulences telles que la solidarité, la tolérance, la générosité, l'empathie et le dialogue.

Contact (1) Full Name
Virginia Luque Gallegos
Job Title
Secrétaire et porte-parole de l'Association Córdoba en el Mundo
Head of the organisation
Virginia Luque Gallegos
Contact (2) Full Name
Alberto Monterroso Peña
Job Title (2)
Président de l'Association Córdoba en el Mundo

Life and Hope Association

National Network

Jabalia-Elbahr st– Beside Civil Defence Dep.
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Others
  8. Religion
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Capacity Building Community Mobilization Child and Youth Empowerment Livelihood and Economic Empowerment for Vulnerable Groups
Mission and Objectives

Enhance the professional capacity building of the Board of Directors, Staff and volunteers. 
Contribute to promoting active roles of different community actors in the process of community mobilization.
Contribute to the empowerment of the children and youth’s role into the civic participation and well-being.
Contribute to the improvement of livelihood and economic conditions of the vulnerable groups.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamad Alhajjar
Job Title
Mohamad Alhajjar
Head of the organisation

Faculty of International and European Studies, National University of Public Service

National Network

Ludovika tér 2.

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The Faculty of International and European Studies of the National University of Public Service (NUPS) is a central educational and research institution of international relations. The Faculty has been established with the aim of concentrating NUPS resources and capacities in the area of European and international law, security studies and international relations. The Faculty is working with the method of interdisciplinarity; therefore the profession of its associates expands wide range of social sciences. Our 45 academic staff teach and conduct research in the fields of security studies, politics, EU law, and the Mediterranean area, the Central, Eastern and South-East Europe. The University welcomes international students of Erasmus program. The NUPS is a nonprofit public academic institution. The Faculty consists of six university departments and two special research centers: Department of International Security Studies Department of European Studies Department of International Economics and Public Policy Studies Department of International Relations and Diplomacy Department of International Law Department of European Public and Private Law Centre for Strategic and Defence Studies Research Centre for Chinese Society and Economics
Mission and Objectives

The development of the education of international public service relations in Hungary and the promotion of the international career of public servants are emphasized tasks of the Faculty. The activity of research groups goes back years, sometimes decades, providing therefore a strong expert background not only to the professional trainings of the Faculty but to the in-service training of public service and to the doctoral training as well. Far and beyond to the academic education, it provides fast and precise analyses for the understanding of international events.
Our research work focuses on the fields of international relations, security studies and European studies (Mediterran area, East and Central-Europe etc).

Main Projects / Activities

Department of International Security Studies
The mission of the department is to offer education and training for current and prospective members of the security and defence sectors (the Hungarian Defence Forces, the Police, institutions of national security and members of the public administration) in Hungary in the field of international security and national defence policy. Based on a comprehensive approach to the international security studies discipline, members of the faculty address the military, political, societal, economic and environmental challenges to security in education.
Department of European Studies
The mission of the department is to educate and train internationally competitive experts with thorough theoretical and professional knowledge on the European Union who are able to pursue successful careers in public service, in EU institutions or in other international organizations. The Department of European Studies – that has a strong multidisciplinary character – is responsible for teaching and researching the various aspects of EU integration and it is firmly dedicated to the synergy of education and research.
Department of International Economics and Public Policy Studies
The mission of the department is to provide education and training for current and prospective members of the foreign and government services in public administration in the fields of international economics, foreign trade policies, as well as EU trade and financial policies. The Department of International Economics and Public Policy Studies has been founded upon a comprehensive approach to international economics, building on the synergies of disciplines bordering public policy, with a strong emphasis on political economy, policy analysis and public management applied to the problems of governmental administration.
Department of International Relations and Diplomacy
The mission of the department is to educate and train highly skilled professionals able to pursue a career in those institutions of public administration and foreign services that are connected to managing the foreign relations of Hungary in general and within international and EU institutions in particular. The department provides modern education and skill-based training at the faculty in the field of international relations in a multidisciplinary approach. In order to facilitate the effective first-hand transfer of experience-based knowledge and diplomatic skills, members of the department include practitioners from the foreign services diplomatic staff, international relations experts and researchers as well.
Department of International Law
The mission of the department is to provide education and training for members of public administration in those branches which work in an international environment either within the foreign services branch or in other sectoral fields, as well as Hungarian representatives and staff members of international organizations. The Department of International Law participates in education and research at the Faculty of International and European Studies both at Bachelor (BA/BSc) and Master (MA/MSc) levels through offering a combination of modern interactive education and cutting edge comparative research methodology in the field of international law, specifically regarding the law of the European Union and other international institutions, the law of war and peace, as well as humanitarian law, human rights and minority rights protection.
Department of European Public and Private Law
The mission of the department is to provide a deep insight and thorough understanding of the dual nature of European law in the education programs and research activities of the Faculty of International and European Studies. Examining the parallel but densely interconnected public and private dimensions of European law offers a unique set of knowledge and comparative skills even among Hungarian institutions of higher education. This contribution underpins the faculty’s overall effort to offer a complex view of European policies to our students, further enriching their professional knowledge.
Centre for Strategic and Defence Studies
Established in 1992, the Centre for Strategic and Defence Studies (CSDS) is today among the top 10 most acknowledged think tanks in Eastern Central Europe in the field of strategic and defence studies. Its mission is to provide decision-makers with an appropriate and up-todate background analysis in the fields of security and defence policy and strategic planning, as well as observing and analyzing the relationship between the Hungarian Armed Forces and Hungarian society. Research fellows maintain primary relations with the Ministry of Defence, the Hungarian Defence Forces’ General Staff and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Research Centre for Chinese Society and Economics
The main goal of the Research Centre is to equip current and future public servants with accurate, up-to-date and practical knowledge of China. The Centre fulfils special demands through its educational, research, and government consultative work in the field of modern Sinology.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

• Research
• conferences, roundtables
• discourse
• lectures
• taking part in projects of the network

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It is a great opportunity to create a wider network between different organizations and experts for promoting the exchange of ideas in the fields of intercultural dialogue, diversity in the Euro-Mediterranean region. We believe that it is a great opportunity to take part in the initiatives and projects of the Network.
As Hungary is becoming more and more exposed to the effects of long-lasting crises in the wider Mediterranean region and the Middle East, such as the influx of refugees and migrants, our membership in the Anna Lindh international network would contribute to the more efficient exchange of credible information and analysis and help partners in understanding root causes and underlying processes better through joint research, seminars and conferences where representatives of the wide network can meet.

Contact (1) Full Name
dr. Anna Molnár
Job Title
associate professor
Head of the organisation
prof. dr. Péter Tálas

Generations For Peace

National Network

Al Hussein Youth & Sport City, Gate 6,
Haroun Al Rasheed Street, Shmeisani,
Amman 11196

+962 6 500 4600
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Religion
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

Generations For Peace is a leading global non-profit peace-building organisation with its headquarters in Amman, Jordan. We are dedicated to sustainable conflict transformation at the grass roots in communities, by promoting youth leadership, community empowerment, active tolerance, and responsible citizenship.  We are a volunteer movement, empowering, mentoring and supporting volunteers to be change-makers to create a better future in their own communities. Since 2007, we have trained and mentored more than 8,920 volunteer leaders of youth in 50 countries in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Europe. With our support, their ongoing programmes address local issues of conflict and violence, and have touched the lives of more than 229,020 children, youth and adults.  Our annual budget is approx $4M. As well as funding from the governments of Norway, Belgium, the United States, and the European Union, we have excellent partnerships with several UN agencies and NGOs, within the Olympic Movement (Generations For Peace is the only peace through sport organisation officially recoigbised by the International Olympic Committee), and with corporate partners including Samsung (our partner since 2008), Orange and DHL Express. Our Generations For Peace Institute has partnerships with Georgetown University, the University of Oxford, and University of Western Cape.  Founded by HRH Prince Feisal Al Hussein of Jordan and Sarah Kabbani in 2007, Generations For Peace is currently ranked “#32 in the Top 500 NGOs in the World" by Global Geneva (making us the second-highest-ranked peace-building NGO, and the top-ranked Jordanian NGO). Their ranking is based on an assessment of innovation, impact, and sustainability.  

Mission and Objectives

Generations For Peace is dedicated to sustainable conflict transformation at the grass roots in communities, by promoting youth leadership, community empowerment, active tolerance, and responsible citizenship.  We are a volunteer movement, empowering, mentoring and supporting volunteers to be change-makers to create a better future in their own communities. We use sport as an entry point to engage with youth, and our carefully-facilitated sport-based games provide a vehicle for integrated education and behaviour change. Generations For Peace is the only peace-through-sport organisation officially recognised by the International Olympic Committee. In addition to our sport-based approaches, we have also developed arts, advocacy, dialogue, and empowerment activities to support conflict transformation with children, youth, and adults in different contexts. Generations For Peace has developed a unique curriculum and cascading model for training carefully-selected volunteer leaders of youth, and mentoring and supporting them to implement sustained activities for children, youth and adults to address issues of cultural and structural violence in their own community.  Contexts include: inter-tribal, inter-ethnic, and inter-religious violence; gender inequality; post-conflict trauma response, reconciliation and reintegration; exclusion of minorities including IDPs, refugees and people with a disability; and challenges of integration in multi-cultural societies. Conflict sensitivity, and the full participation and empowerment of girls and women, are integrated into our approach. We are committed to robust measurement and evaluation of our programmes to support our learning and innovation, to identify best practices, and to demonstrate impact and sustainability. Our Generations For Peace Institute has partnerships with Georgetown University, the University of Oxford, and University of Western Cape. The research evidence shows programme outcomes and impacts which include: reductions in different forms of violence; increased capacity to manage conflict in non-violent ways; strengthened ability to break-out of cycles of violence; changes in attitudes and shattering of stereotypes; greater understanding, respect and trust between different tribes, ethnic groups, religions, genders, and minorities; strengthened social capital and social networks; empowerment of girls and women; greater volunteerism, youth engagement, and responsible citizenship. Our work can be seen as directly implementing UN Security Council Resolutions 2250 (recognising the positive role youth play in building sustainable peace, and the need for governments and other stakeholders to support the participation of young people in conflict transformation, peace building and countering violence) and 1325 (on the pivotal role women should and do play in conflict management, conflict resolution and sustainable peace).

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2007, we have trained and mentored more than 8,920 volunteer leaders of youth in 50 countries in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Europe. With our support, their ongoing programmes address local issues of conflict and violence, and have touched the lives of more than 229,020 children, youth and adults.  In any community, we use selected combinations of five "vehicles for change": Sport For Peace: rather than pure sport activities following an official sport code, we use specifically-designed sport-based activities, games and drills which integrate peer-group peace-building education, because our objectives are peace-building outcomes rather than development of sporting skills or competitions. GFP Sport For Peace activities therefore harness the same energy of sport play, and the power of team dynamics and joint effort towards achieving a goal, but with the aim of changing attitudes, behaviour and relationships of the participants. Arts For Peace: carefully facilitated art-based activities (such as painting, drama, and music) to foster positive behavioural change and to encourage the Generations For Peace Expressions of Change: specifically building acceptance, fostering cooperation, ensuring inclusion, developing respect, taking responsibility, and building trust within target groups. As with sport, art is used as an entry point for peace building. The purpose of Art For Peace is not for art itself, but rather the means through which to convey conflict transformation objectives. Art For Peace actviities are a powerful way to surface issues of conflict and vioence that need to be addressed, to support community acknowledgement of these issues, and to generate commitment for concrete collective actions to address them. Advocacy For Peace: an ongoing advocacy campaign or regular activities sustained over a period of months, through print or broadcast media, social media, rallies, marches, demonstrations, parades, or other means, to promote messages for behaviour change and conflict transformation. Dialogue For Peace: a particular approach to dialogue is set out, following the principles and practices of “Transformative Dialogue”. Transformative Dialogue is a type of facilitated Dialogue that views conflict as a crisis in human relationships. The aim of Transformative Dialogue is to transform the quality of interactions between people, from destructive to more positive and constructive. The goal is not necessarily to reach an agreement or reconciliation, but is to support a transformation in the relationships between the parties. Empowerment For Peace: activities that provide capacity building for youth and adults who are trapped in a conflict as a result of their lack of power, influence, or status. These programmes offer participants new skills to help them break out of a cycle of destructive conflict. Generations For Peace's unique curriculum and cascading model supports trained volunteers to lead change in their own communities, implementing carefully selected activities for a precisely selected target group, with activities being sustained over an average of 44 contact hours to ensure lasting behaviour-change impacts.  To see our work in action, please visit our YouTube channel, and be sure not to miss: • Introduction to GFP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_yxx-bDOio • How we work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xMfD27tNUs    

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Generations For Peace has its headquarters in Amman, and majro programmes in schools, in community centres, and youth centres across the country. But Generations For Peace also supports volunteeers and programmes in otehr countries acorss the Middle East and North Africa, within the scope of Anna Lindh's "Euro-Med" territorial focus. We believe Generations For Peace can play roles as: local implenenting partner for youth-led conflict transformation programmes in these countries provide training in our unique Curriculum and Cascading Model support research through our Generations For Peace Institute host international trainings at our Conference Centre and Auditorium faciities at our Headquarters in Amman

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Any partnership, and any network, thrives when it is founded on shared values. We believe that we share with Anna Lindh Foundation a passionate belief in: the untapped potential of youth to lead change in their communities; the importance of grass-roots bottom-up change that supports exostig strengths and assets in communities, local prioritisation of issues, local ownership of programme design, implementation and evaluation; and the importance of a rigourous focus on innovation, quality, impact and sustainability. We believe Anna Lindh Foundation Network is a tremendously effective network across many countries and territories in which Generations For Peace is already working, and this network can offer Generations For Peace so many important opportunities for sharing and exchange and for partnership on programme acions, and research.   

Contact (1) Full Name
Mark Clark
Job Title
Chief Executive Officer
Head of the organisation
HRH Prince Faisal Al Hussein, Founder and Chairman
Contact (2) Full Name
Jadranka Stikovac
Job Title (2)
Board member & Director of Generations For Peace Institute

7amleh- Arab Center for Social Media Advancement

National Network

18 Habankim Street
Haifa 31996

00972 48523035
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
General Information
 7amleh is a professional Palestinian social media center, dedicated to improving the skills and capacities  of Palestinian civil society in this field. 7amleh provides training to individuals and community-based groups on the skills and methodologies of social media activism, as well as focusing on creating and supporting grassroots media campaigns which aim to raise social awareness and political . consciousness of disenfranchised and marginalised groups. We aim to utilize the influential possibilities of social mediaas a powerful platform in enacting a positive social change.
Mission and Objectives

The establishment of 7amleh was driven by the necessity to raise the profile and capacity of online Palestinian advocacy, both in terms of raising awareness of Palestinian issues to an international audience, but also among Palestinians themselves. Social media offers the perfect channel through which to conduct grassroots advocacy campaigns, due to both the established and growing popularity of social media around the world, particularly with young people, and the ease and speed with which information can be shared, reaching people who may not otherwise have been engaged with the subject.
- Provide Palestinians with a professional center for new and social media
- Offer social media trainings for groups working towards positive social change
- Create and run innovative media campaigns to raise the  political awareness both among Palestinians and the international community.

Main Projects / Activities

- Advocacy: aimed at an international audience in order to to raise the profile of Palestinians and their issues in an attempt to address the lack of knowledge, news and information of Palestinians from both sides of the Green Line and the diaspora. Our advocacy seeks to challenge preconceptions and stereotypes, providing insights into the political issues and cultural lives which comprise the  Palestinian reality.
- Campaigns: targeting Palestinians, especially those inside Israel, is an important part of the center’s work. These campaigns focus on social as well as political problems facing the Palestinian community inside Israel, including issues such as violence, sectarianism and identity issues.
-Training sessions: providing Palestinian civil society with professional, specialised staff in the field of alternative and social media. Training sessions aim to impart the latest skills and strategies for online advocacy, creating campaign materials and short film production. Training sessions are  available to all Arab civil society groups working for positive change.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

7amleh  will contribute to the network by supporting links and sharing ideas with linkemind organizations about social media activism, social changes, advocacy, human rights and training capacities. We are looking forward to developing further our operational capacity in the years ahead.It is in this,  we believe that your supportn and collaboration would benefit us in developing diverse competencies to be used in our region. Furthermore, we would like to offer sustainable support to the other NGOs in terms of cooperation, ideas and suggestions on how to develop and promote projects as well as to stregnten future cooperations and chances for our organization and our tagret group. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

7amleh would be glad to join the ALF Network to have the opportunity to collaborate with the region-wide network of the organizations connected with Anna Lindh Foundation. We do believe that this represents a priceless opportunity to  contribute to the improvement of the skills and capacities of Palestinian civil society in social media advocacy. Joining the network could represent an  influential platform to raise the capacity of online Palestinian advocacy, both in terms of raising awareness about human rights of Palestinian issues to an international audience, but also among Palestinians themselves. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Nadim Nashif
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Nadim Nashif


National Network

Calle Escritora Carmen Martín Gaite n.4 3H
02400 Hellín (Albacete) Albacete

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information

In our organization there are three main partners in the contitutional documentation:   President, takes charge of draft projects, coordination, contact with foreign partners, national agencies etc.   Secretary, takes charge to prepare the documentation, doing reports, instances etc.   Treasurer, takes charge controlling correctly economic management projects,  financing subsidies and money control for expenses and pocket money for the European volunteer. We are a new and small organization but we have some partners and volunteers, more or less five. Our modalities of action are cultural projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships inside european programs like Erasmus plus Program, Creative Europe ecc. Actually we have a budgetary resources available in a year of 5000 euro. Our sources of funding are partners and companies donations and our own resources. Our main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities are the council of our city and our international partners.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: The "Leitmotiv" of our association is CULTURE. It is the transverse axis that will motivate all our movements because we understand the great contribution that culture can do as cohesion factor for processes related with economic differences and tensions of social conviviality. Which is yours? In LEITMOTIV-AREA we help you to know it, to develop it it and / or to promote it across the activities that we carry out and across experiences in not formal education area inside programs as ERASMUS +, voluntary works, work camps in Spain or foreig countries etc. Objectives: To promote the development and diffusion of all kinds of studies, projects and cultural activities related to cultural and creative industries. To sensitize the population on international mobility and European  knowledge space by means of European programs. To give youth services. To take part in projects in artistic and cultural intervention in the territory, recovering spaces forgotten and those wich are to disposition by other institutions, associations, companies etc. To contribute to social and economic development across the promotion of cultural entrepreneurism and support to creative community. Participation in cultural projects to promote the cooperation between the different local administrations, Regions and to promote the Spanish Education, Culture and Sport Department presence  in diverse points of our national territory. To take part and to promote  cultural cooperation projects and development cooperation in the European space and third countries, as well as Africa, South America or Asia. To promote Citizenship Awareness regarding to the immigrants rights, new forms of marginalization, development  cooperation and solidarity between  countries.

Main Projects / Activities

The activities carried out in our organization are to realize, to promote and to support projects of any area inside the CULTURAL AND CREATIVE INDUSTRIES: 1. Scenic arts: live Music, theatre, dance, performance … 2. Audio-visual: Cinema, television, documentary, radio … 3. New means: IT Applications, video games, digitalization … 4. I design: graphical, industrial Design, interiors, mode, jeweler's shop … 5. Edition and printed means: Books, press, scientific publications, another type of publications … 6. Creative services: Arquitecturales, advertising, research and creative development … 7. Visual arts: Photography, painting, sculpture, urban art, antiquities … 8. Cultural sites: archaeological Sites, museums, files, libraries, cultural centers, audiences … 9. Cultural traditional expressions: crafts, fairs, street markets, celebrations, popular traditions … And definitively, all those that promote the development and the participation of those who want to promote culture, cultural cooperation,cultural tourism, development cooperation, migration, lifelearning programs and sociocultural animation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Networks are instruments that reinforce the work of common interest and  all  the institutions, groups and linked persons involved. We want  to interact with all the private, public cultural and educational spaces of  whole Spain that belongs to this network, together with all the artists, managers and persons in charge of institutions of Spain who belong to that. We, in finally can be part of this  network, will try to contribute to create cultural or social policies that  could born in  the same network, to create synergies, to share resources and  to create joint projects, always inside the aims and ALF'S ends.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The head of our organization is an apassionated of culture, cultural management and cultural industries and she is doing a doctorate related with cultural cooperation and cultural networks, then we are very conciencious that how networks can contribute to improve our knowledgement, to make contacts, to share resources and  to create joint projects. Beside that, one of our objectives is Citizenship Awareness regarding to the immigrants rights, new forms of marginalization, development  cooperation and solidarity between  countries and we are  from Spain and Murcia (the city where we live) is closely to the Mediterranean Sea and  also to other countries (arabic countries too)  then a lot of migration people in living  here and, as we have said before,  the "LEITMOTIV" of our association is culture. Is the transverse axis that will motivate to a great extent all our MOVEMENTs because we understand the great contribution that culture can do as factor of cohesion, economic differences and tensions of social conviviality. We think that ANNA LINDH FOUNDATION has the same final objectives and we want to be part of the ALF Network to make contact with all the members, learn about them and make projects to reach these aims.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lucía Martínez Martínez
Job Title
Head of the organisation