National Network


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
تهتم  جمعيتنا بالانشطة والبرامج المجتمعية المتعلقة بالطفولة والشباب وكذا قضايا التبادل الدولي و التكوينات والخرجات والرحلات
Mission and Objectives

تربية الناشئة
تقوية قدرات الشباب 
التبادل الدولي 
حوار الثقافات...

Main Projects / Activities

التبادل الدولي
حوار الثقافات

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Jiran Al Qamar Pour Culture Et Media

National Network

Sidi Bouzid
9100 Sidi Bouzid

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
ناسست جمعية جيران القمر للثقافة والاعلام في بداية سنة 2014 بمدينة سيدي بوزيد وصدرت بالرائد الرسمي للجمهورية التونسية في مارس من نفس السنة بهدف المساهمة في الانشطة الثقافية والشبابية والاعلامية من خلال عديد المبادرات التي حددها قانونها الاساسي ونظامها الداخلي.ومن اهم اهدافها تاسيس اذاعة ثقافية وشبابية على الانترنات بعنوان راديو قمر تونس والعمل على تحويلها الى اذاعة تبث على موجة الاف ام والقيام بمجموعة من الانشطة الثقافية داخل ولاية سيدي بوزيد وخارجها وتنظيم صالون القمر الثقافي والاحتفاء بالمتمييزين من رجال الثقافة والاعلام وتاسيس جائزة صحافية للصحافيين الشبان بعنوان جائزة مهدي بالناصر الصحفية. وتركب مكتب الجمعية من السادة - محمود حرشاني صحفي اول .رئيس -سليم عمري استاذ جامعي كاتب عام محمد نجيب هاني اعلامي وشاعر  مكلف بالاعلام عارم هانية موظفة متقاعدة كاتب عام مساعد بسمة حجلاوي عون مكتبي امينة مال اسامة حرشاني   مكلف بالاتصال الرقمي مقر الجمعية. شارع محمد الخامس. نهج سيدي الجيلاني عدد 1 . سيدي بوزيد. الجمهورية التونسية
Mission and Objectives

رسمت جمعية جيران القمر للثقافة والاعلام لنفسها مجموعة من الاهداف التي تعمل جاهدة لتحقيقها من خلال برامجها المتنوعة ومن هذه الاهداف
-دعم الاعلام المحلي والجهوي من خلال بعث اذاعة راديو قمر تونس على الواب
- اقامة الندوة السنوية لجمعية جيران القمر حول احدى قضايا الصحافة المكتوبة والاعلام الرقمي
-الاحتفاء بالمبدعين ورجال الثقافة والاعلام
-دعم التبادل الثقافي والتفتح على ثقافات الشعوب الاخرى من خلال السعي الى اقامة ايام ثقافية اجنبية بالتعاون مع السفارات الموجودة في تونس
الاهتمام بالجانب الحضاري والتاريخي لمدينة سيدي بوزيد
-ا بعث موقع اخباري على الانترنات للتعريف بانشطة الجمعية وتحقيق التبادل الثقافي والتعاون مع الجمعيات الاخرى المماثلة في تونس والخارج

Main Projects / Activities

بالنسية لسنة 2016 رسمت الجمعية لنفسها مجموعة من الاهداف والبرامج تتمثل خاصة في
- تطوير اذاعة راديو قمر تونس والارتقاء بها الى اذاعة جمعياتية تبث على موجة الاف ام
-تنظيم الندوة الوطنية حول الاعلام والشباب خلال شهر مارس 2016 بالتعاون مع وزارة الشباب والرياضة
- تطوير الموقع الالكتروني للجمعية
- اقامة الدورة الثانية من الملتقى السنوي للمجلات الثقافية المكتوبةخلال شهر ماي 2016
الاعلان عن جائزة المهدي بالناصر للانتاج الصحفي بين الشباب
اقامة يوم ثقافة الصين بالتعاون مع سفارة الصين الشعبية بتونس
المشاركة في المنتدى العالمي للشباب بمالطا اكتوبر2016

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

تضع جمعية جيران القمر للثقافة والاعلام خبرتها وتجربتها على ذمة الجمعيات المنضوية في الشبكة وترحب بكل اشكال التعاون مع هذه الجمعيات الصديقة في اطار ربط علاقات صداقة وشراكة واقامة توامات وتبادل ثقافي وتعاون بين الجمعيات الاهلية

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

نسعى من خلال انضمامنا الى الشبكة الى تطوير علاقاتنا مع الجمعيات المماثلة وتبادل التجارب والخبرات في المجال الثقافي والاعلامي والبرامج الموجهة للشباب والقئات الاجتماعية والسعي الى اقامة انشطة مشتركة مع الجمعيات الصديقة في تونس والعالم

Contact (1) Full Name
Mahmoud Horchani
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mahmoud Horchani

belhouchet sqyeh

National Network

mtoussa khenchela
mtoussa khenchela
40021 khenchela

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
belhouchet sayeh
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mediterranean Foundation for Sustainable Development
Contact (2) Full Name
agoun zin ddine
Job Title (2)


National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Youth and education
General Information

The Μunicipality of Tripolis was formed at the 2011 local government reform. It has 350 employees and a year budget in between 35 and 60 million euros depending the incomes and the financial situation. The sources of funding of the Municipality are coming from the central government, from applications to EU and other international organisations and from own resources ( local taxation and incomes). The Municipality of Tripolis is also the official body of cultural policy in local area. It supervises a number of museums and cultural centers, libraries, galleries and the Philharmonic Orchestra of the Municipality. Partners of the Municipality are the local civil society organisations and a network of international partners all around Europe.

Mission and Objectives

Its   mission is  the governance of local affairs and the provision of public goods and services to meet the needs of residents and local agencies with a view to sustainable social and economic development.

Main Projects / Activities

Activities for the support and promotion of young local artists - Tripolis Festival. Documentary film festival on human rigths - Arcadia Screenings. Theatre Festival. Choir festival. The city has a long tradtion on music and there are a lot of music bands and artists in any kind of music.  The Menalon Trail is a long mountain trail in Arcadia, its a certified trail linked both mountain areas and important historical sites. At the area of tripolis Municipality we have a number of very importand archeological places and the most of the international archeological schools ( like the Swedish Institute of Athens) are present in the excavations. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Tripolis is active on cultural topics and this will be our main contribution to the ALF national network. We have a very active civil society sector and we believe that its a great oportunity to train people and to link them with similar initiatives from the countries of the ALF network.  The Municipality is leading the Network of the "Arcadia in Europe" an active network of places, institutions and people who are studing the history, the myths and the traditions of the Arcadian "philosophy" and movement. That includes very important and historical Foundations and Institutes having as a main topic the discussion about the role of the human today and its connection with nature.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are sharing the same principales, priorities and ideas. We believe that culture, democracy, human rigths and education are the keys to develop a healthy society. We are working on that in local level and we believe tha our participation in the family of the ALF Network will help us to connect local initiatives, institutions, the employees of the Municipality and the civil society actors with simiral organisations and activities around Europe and the Med area.

Contact (1) Full Name
Katerina Siampou
Job Title
Director of Planning
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Theodoros Tsamis
Job Title (2)
Department of Tourism

KAZUMBA Associação

National Network

rua senhora da gloria, 28 2º esquerda

(351) 920182178
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
A Associação Kazumbá é uma organização sem fins lucrativos que busca aproximar o saber acadêmcio das políticas públicas através da educação. A associação é recente, fruto de visões em comum de um grupode  amigos investigadores.
Mission and Objectives

Nossa missão é levar o saber acadêmico para outars áreas da vida quotidiana, através de políticas publicas envolvendo educação inclusiva, identidade, imigração, multiculturalismo.

Main Projects / Activities

Formação de professores do ensino básico
Formação em língua portuguesa/diversidade linguistica

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Creio que poderemos atraves desta rede iniciar diálogos amplos acerca das identidades, das migrações, das diversidades linguisticas e culturais atraves da inclusao.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Temos interesse em ampliar nosso circulod e atuação, uma vez que temos como publico sobretudo as mulheres e muitas deleas muçulmanas, de origem africana.

Contact (1) Full Name
ana stela de almeida cunha
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ana Stela de Almeida Cunha


National Network

Via Manno 8
09124 Cagliari

+39 334 9608170
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. Youth and education
General Information
EFYS is a no-profit association composed of a board of 4 people plus 10 people as partner's meeting. Currently it has 3 open-ended employees covering the roles of coordinator and educators for the Youth Center for minors “La Bottega dei Sogni”. EFYS collaborates with freelance professionals and other Associations of the city for the construction of other projects. The annual budget is approximately 50,000 euro, from public funds and foundations. The main action are concrete projects, workshops and seminars; key partners are the Municipality of Cagliari, no-profit and voluntary associations (f.e.: Cosas, Ciclofficina Sella del Diavolo, Il Giardino di Clara)
Mission and Objectives

EFYS is a no-profit Association. It intends to pursue exclusively charitable purposes.
The association's overriding goals are:
- Contribute to the protection and promotion of civil and social rights, with particular attention to the rights of children and promote their participation in the cultural and administrative social life;
- Contribute to the promotion and protection of culture offering aggregation opportunities, commitment and intercultural dialogue;
- Promote solidarity and social welfare activities aimed to secure benefits for disadvantaged persons because of physical, mental, economic, social, family conditions and extended community members;
- Raise public opinion on the issues set out above, promoting the culture of solidarity, hospitality and intercultural exchange.

Main Projects / Activities

Aggregation and intercultural activities (last 12 months)
Planning and management of the Youth Center  "La Bottega dei sogni" and Summer Camp. Projetc co-financed by the Municipality of Cagliari - Department of Social Policies. From 2003 to the present.
“Esplorazioni: Cagliari città dei bambini e dei ragazzi”. Workshops for children, about urban exploration, digital photography and web design intended to create and implement the online guide of the city of Cagliari experienced by children and young people (; at the I.C. Randaccio-Tuveri-Don Milani and the Center “La Bottega dei Sogni” (2013-2015). Project co-financed by the Banco di Sardegna Foundation and the Municipality of Cagliari and Regional Government Agency “Sardegna Promozione”.
Organization of conferences, seminars and events (in 2015)
Organization and promotion of the showing of the film “Io sto con la sposa”, with the presence of director Gabriele Del Grande; the film is about the condition of migrants and on the freedom of movement in Europe. January 2015
“Costruire la Città - Percorsi per realizzare la città dei bambini - Building the City - Paths to realize the children's city”. Planning and implementation of the convention and workshops on the themes of sustainable cities of the children; workshops on sustainable mobility, the role of the school, participatory planning with children. March 2015
Organization of the Seminar: “Il diritto all’informazione e il Congo: giovani e bambini in una guerra dimenticata - The right to information and the Congo: young people and children in a forgotten war”, starting from the book by anthropologist Luca Jourdan “Generation Kalashnikov”. May 2015
Organization of the exhibition “#Womanstory” about “Il fumetto intercultura” (Intercultural cartoon)by Takoua Ben Mohamed. October 2015

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We could share our knowledge, methodologies and projects about participation, education, human wrights and sustainable and child-friendly cities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to establish cultural relations and partnership with other organizations with the aim of exchange our experiences and learn from others. The ALF network will be an opportunity to be in contact with other organizations and to be part of multidisciplinary national and international projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Laura Ligas
Head of the organisation
Stefano Ferrando
Contact (2) Full Name
Stefano Ferrando


National Network

bloc a5 n206 bis elqods
80000 agadir

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
Research team on management of private, public companies and common welth organizations based in agadir morocco. Has a group of 10 researchers Funded bt university to oversee research priject (phd) and conduct scientific research related seminars Main partner is ibn zohr university
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

Conception of territorial project to ensure city development

Contact (1) Full Name
ghizlane amajid
Head of the organisation
malika SOUAF

Social Center For Development and Cooperation

National Network

N19 Bloc G5 Extension Dakhla Agadir Maroc
80002 Agadir

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Social Center For Development and Cooperation. Organizational structure: 5 officers (including 3 women and 2 men) in the Social Centre there are 65 people worked in the center. Budgetary in 5 years: 144 897,27 EURO Projects in the process of completion : - Literacy program (2015-2016): 18 351,10 EURO - Post-Literacy -program (2015-2016): 9 212,41 EURO - Literacy -program Tamazight (2015-2016): 1 840,40 EURO - Support -The effectiveness of the youth program (2015-2016): 1 840,40 EURO - nonformal -Education for the Children of immigrants and refugees (2015-2016): 2 761,10 EURO - Program to encourage women to participate in the election program (2015-2016): 9 844,25 EURO Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: -  Minister of Youth and Sports. -  Ministry of the Interior. -  The Ministry of Education delegation Agadir. -  National Mutual. -  Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture.  - Minister in charge of Moroccans living abroad and the Migration Affairs. -  Ministry Of Energy, Mines, Water and Environment.      

Mission and Objectives

- Contribute to the improvement of the social and legal status of women and to supporting economic and development initiatives. - Publication of human rights, democracy and good governance and the expansion of its field between different categories of values of the Moroccan society. - respect the values of citizenship, and spread the culture of peace. - Creation of income-generating projects for migrants. - The fight against illiteracy and literal rehabilitation. - Promotion of culture and foreign languages. - Facilitate immigrant access to social services. - integration of migrants in social-economic and cultural - Reception, advice and guidance for migrants. - Valuation of environmental resources and conservation.

Main Projects / Activities

- Literacy program. - Post-Literacy -program. - Literacy -program Tamazight. - Post-literacy rehabilitation program. - Support -The effectiveness of the youth program. - nonformal -Education for the Children of immigrants and refugees. - Program to encourage women to participate in the election program.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

first of all i would like to thanks Anna Lindh Foundation for the efforts that she makes in all over the world in many activities and projects, i want to join the ALF Network for more benefits and exchanges like; ideas, projects and formations because they will be as a reference for us in our country.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Lassri
Job Title
Responsible of communication
Head of the organisation
Mohammed Ezzaoihir

Asociatia Tinerilor Activi Civic - A.T.A.C.

National Network

Str. Regiment 11 Siret, Nr.35
800302 Galati

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Asociația Tinerilor Activi Civic (Association of Civically Active Youth) is a youth organization, apolitical, NGO, active in our community - working with children and youth from placement homes, poor families, old people, unemployed and facing other social problems. In order to realize our objectives, we cooperate with families, local authorities, primary schools, high schools and universities and we develop projects with them. Members of ATAC have participated in other youth exchanges and training courses during the Youth in Action programme and Erasmus+ about how to be active citizens in the society in general and in their local community in particular. A few of our members are also artists: actors, dancers, singers, photographers, designers.
Mission and Objectives

Asociația Tinerilor Activi Civic aims to drive the development of the Romanian society attracting young people towards active citizenship and promoting the local and national cultural values.
The main objective of A.T.A.C. is to contribute to the social and personal development of local youth.
We have parterships with few local highschools, with students from 15 to 19 years of age, also volunteers from 18 up to 40 years of age and we cooperate in local projects but also in international projects.
Until now we've been partners in several trainings and multipartner youth exchanges across Europe and we had bilateral projects(youth exchanges) in Poland, Turkey and Romania also .
Our funding consists on European funds and also donations and funds raising events.

Main Projects / Activities

Some of our local activities include: 
- Effect ITF – Independent Theatre Festival Galati;
- We run for Community - charity marathon with participation fee. The participants sustain a cause and the cause sustained by the winner gets all the funds.
- ACUFest  - cultural performing activities, graffiti, exhibition  and outdoor sports in Galati; dance competition;
- Be a volunteer, volunteering counts - Encouraging young people volunteering thru a series of seminars and conferences with the support of Peace Corps volunteers in Republic of Moldova.
- Mediations of internships - Trying to help young people find a job by mediating a dialogue between those who want to do internship / volunteer in the state or private companies and those that require unskilled labour;
- Applied Budget (a campaign to develop the civic sense of people in Galati, showing them that their opinion matters and that they can influence some of the Town Hall's future budget);
- Introducing Public Speaking and other non-formal type of courses for local youth and young entrepreneurs; 
- Presentation of the Youth in Action and Erasmus+ programme to students from university and high schools;
- The road to the sea (20 volunteers accompanying kids with disabilities and from placement homes to the seaside and offering them three days of fun);
- The Magic of Christmas-Christmas Show (for kids from placement homes and families with less opportunities);
- Campaigns in local schools about the abuse of legal and illegal drugs;
- Whish Box (Christmas presents for children coming from poor families).  
International projects:
We keep good collaboration with our international partners and we are opened for new contacts.
We pay special attention involving newcomers into international projects.
Some of our Youth in Action and Erasmus+ Project we have participated in are:
- North Mitrovica, Kosovo - European Minority Youth Inclusion - Training course promotes and raises awareness about social cohesion, tolerance, diversity and solidarity while in the same time fights against discrimination, racism, homophobia, xenophobia and exclusion in general in any form;
- Tokaj, Ungaria - World without hate - Youth exchange aiming to destroy the participants prejudice brought from own society and accept underprivileged people, especially Roma citizens;
- Agropoli, Italy - ArtEUCommunity - Youth exchange focused on the technique of papier-mâché ( better known to cast paper ) , as a form of creative art and aiming to promote the territory and exploit its traditions , in an exchange of ideas and best practices with other countries, with the aim of creating social inclusion and employment.
- Turkey, Adana - Discover yourself with Sports - Study visit with the objective to help the young people, who are exposed to technological and social inducement and directions within the modern life conditions, to discover their identities and reveal their hidden skills, through sport;
- Riga, Latvia - PSP: Personal, social and professional development of Roma EVS volunteers - Seminar aiming to explore and share theories and tools which can provide support for Roma young people to benefit from their EVS experiences as personal, social and professional competence development;
- Coka, Serbia - EuroACTive - Training course designed to empower youth workers
and active leaders to act for social activation of youth in their local communities, foster social inclusion and building of social cohesion in theirlocal communities using theatre related methods;
- Van, Turkey - Virtual Reality - Study visit aiming to create consciousness and awareness of young people about the virtual world, to avoid Internet from being a threat for the youth, to ensure the Internet it’s being used at a high level as a source for right perception and controlled usage;
 -  Tirana, Albania - Intercultural Dialogue through Music - Training designed to develop youth worker’s competences in intercultural dialogue through the use of music in order to increase the quality of their work and strengthening the capacity of their organisations.
- Belgrade, Serbia - EuropeanYouth Work Academy - Strategic partnership designed for people interested in the work of NGOs and Erasmus+ program and willing to expand their personal abilities;
- Kirsehir, Turkey - Just Breathe - Youth exchange designed to help young participants to realize how important to prevent themselves from bad habits, to have natural diet and to do sports in order to maintain good lifestyle;
-  Italy, Torino & Tbilisi, Georgia - Is God with us? - Srtategic partnership consisting in a training and a youth exchange, designed as a debate about the role of religion in the contemporary society and how and which is the role of religion in the role of the youth worker;
- Aksaray - Stop Addiction - Youth exchange focussed on  Social media and its negative effects on people addicted to it and also prevention of social media addiction;
- Kusadasi, Turkey - Build, Educate, Transfer - Training course aiming to raise participant's awareness and highlight the importance of organizing and recognizing your own learning at large, either while working into an intercultural environment, either while working into your local community;
- Italy, Palermo - Multi-Generation. Finding our identity - Youth exchange designed to make participants understand that the migration’s phenomenon is not only a problem but also an opportunity of reflection and action in order to build and to make possible a society more and more intercultural;
- Palkovice, Czech Republic - I have a dream - Youth exchange that aims to help participants visualize their dreams and to set up a plan of small steps that can lead them to fulfil their dreams as soon as they come back to their countries and to compose their dreams to common dancing flashmob;
- Nyíregyháza, Hungary - Coaching Your Dreams - Training about the method of coaching in the youth work. This project was build from the practice and experiences of different organisations and experts;
-  Antalya, Turkey - Entrepreneurship, this way! - Youth exchange that aims to make youth be  aware of their capabilities and skills, believing that they could do to better to ensure their self-esteem and be able to activate develop their entrepreneurial spirit;
- Hungary, Székesfehérvár - Intercultipreneur - Youth exchange designed to give participants the opportunity to learn about the theme of social entrepreneurship for youth community development in multicultural environment and to get practical experience through various group activities and interaction with organizations related to the topics;
- Crnomelj, Slovenia - Advanced volunteer management - Training course designed to provide participants with competences and tools for implementing effective volunteer management system;
- Poland, Zlocieniec - Coach vs youth worker - Training course aimed to increase quality of youth work, through developing competences of youth workers form partner and cooperating organizations;
- Poland, Wisla - Healthy and active - Training designed to develop professional and personal skills of youth workers and hereby improve the quality of work of adults, young people and volunteers;
- Slovakia, Bratislava & Bakuriani, Georgia - Social Entrepreneurship for Sustainability -Strategic partnership consisting in a training course and a youth exchange aiming to explore the concept of social entrepreneurship as an innovative way to solve social problems in youth work using entrepreneurial skills;
- France, Strasbourg - Connecting Mobility - Training Course designed to provide tools and improve competences, in order to create a stronger link between youth mobility experience and the further professional perspectives, through the use of non-formal methods which answer the needs of youth in line with the requirements of labour market;
- Turkey, Edirne - Rhythm of Life - Youth exchange; learn about Roma culture and develop a sense of tolerance towards a different culture;
-  Italy, Montone(Peruggia) - Citizen of Europe  - Youth exchange aiming at curbing the phenomenon of the lack of interest of young people in the political and social activities, domestic and international, with particular reference to the activities within the European Union;
- Czech Republic, Mikulovice - Verbattle meets Europe - Youth exchange that aimed to improve participant's communication and language skills through seminars of work with information, logic, formulating their own opinions and arguments, public speaking, presentation skills and other soft-skills;
- Italy, Montecatini - Support Opportunities For Training   Skills  - Training course that aimed to contribute to youth worker’s social growth by offering them knowledge and practical tools to develop soft skills and transfer them to target group they are working with, in each organization;
- Czech Republic, Zlin - “Just grow up!” – Strategic partnership consisting in a training course and a youth exchange, focused on activation of young people and their motivation for self-development and job searching;
- Latvia, Ragana - To the point - Training course that aimed to provide youth workers working on sustainability and education with tools they can use to communicate important information in less than 3 minutes, and with the skills to do so;
     -  Albania, Pogradec - Creative strategies To approach Challenging Youth - Training designed to define the role of the youth worker/leader, methods for youth worker/leader approaches to the young people and to activate the inactive youth;
       -   Bulgaria, Blagoevgrad - Art & Culture - Journey to Success - art and crafts as a new alternative to the issue of youth unemployment;(Youth exchange)
       - Lithuania, Trakai district – Hobby + Creativity = Successful Business - access to new approaches of creativeness and to strengthen confidence and self esteem through ingenuity and creativity;(Youth exchange)
       -Austria, Viena - Photo planet, picture earth - stimulate young people's spirit of initiative using method of creative photography for their ability to create pictures;(Training course)
       - Portugal, District of Santarem - Building bridges for Entrepreneurship and Emploiability - fight the scourge of youth unemployment, using, sharing and meetingnew practices, developed within the framework of youth work;(Study visit)
        - Turkey, Hakkari - Fair-Play Spirit - developing collaboration avoiding bad habits, involvement in actual social life, awareness in Olympic culture, connective power of sports.(Study visit)
          - Turkey, Tavsanly - All You Need is Sports - popularizing amateur sports in daily life and and encourage individuals to do at list one branch of sports.(Youth exchange)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By sharing our experience with others. As we mention before, not only that we have 6 years of experience in managing local projects, but also w,ve been partners in more than 50 Erasmus+, Youth in action and other European youth programs.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our aim is to create a network between different areas from EU in order to create more participation.
In this way we believe that is important to create a more closeness between citizens and EU by any program or network that supports

Contact (1) Full Name
Laurentiu Petrea
Job Title
International Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Igor Alexandru Bejan

Leaders Egyptian Association For Development "LEAD"

National Network

1A El Sudan St. from Ahmed Orabia EL Mohandseen

002 01222209808
Telephone (other)
002 01286668466
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
002 01222209808
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Others
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Leaders Egyptian Association for Development (LEAD) is a None Governmental Organization (NGO) to help people and business to achieve ambitious goals through providing them with hands on experience.  Vision To be a partner in building skillful people and successful business in Egypt. To build a place where people can come to find support and consultation for their career and to Give a hand for people in our society to perform better. MissionOur mission is to figure out and strength people competencies for better performance and success of people in workplace and life and to actively serve business and people for better work results.  Our Slogan:  Lead by Development
Mission and Objectives

Our Objectives
To contribute in solving youth unemployment, lack of competencies and recruiting challenges.
To build an efficient candidates database.
To empower women and people of special needs to be effective and efficient members in society.
To contribute in increasing awareness of safety, health, pollution control and other important environmental matters.
To contribute in fighting of illiteracy.
To give a hand to entrepreneurs to establish their and grow their business.
Our Members: Our Leaders will be Business Community, Academics , variety of Professionals and graduates members and Under graduates members and any one who is interested in social responsibility to provide professional assistance to people who need to perform well in life.
Deals with Project in Improving Workers Employability & Project Implementation and Capacity Building &
Youth Employment Activities also small scale Employment infrastructure projects
        1-" Scib LEAD for painting"
       2-"Active Employee Job Competencies Programme"
       3-Capacity Building for  SME's
       4-Plastic & Recycling Project
       5-Handmade Training Project
Deals with Human Rights Projects as: 
1-Digital Democracy 
2-Political women Leaders
3-Youth Pass
Ministry of Youth & Sport , Giza Governerate, Ministry of Environment, GIZ, Salto Euromed , ITC,IMC,     EL Agouza Manicuplate, Ministry of Tourism
Generation Europa, Wasella, EtiJah, Rotary Heliopolis EL Golf, Masr ELKheir,EL Orman, 
Scib, Temmy's, Pest Control, 
Sources of Funding: 
CSR, NGO's Fund, Self Board funding, Donation
CIB Account NGO 

Main Projects / Activities

Our Services & Activities:
Youth Development & Entrepreneur 
Recruitment Services Programs
Training and Development Programs
Vocational and Handicrafts Training Development Program
SHE(Safety, Health and Environment) Programs
Social Responsibility Program
Project Ideas
Handicaps Programs
Women Development Programs
Friendship Exchange
Human Rights Programs.
Prisoners Programs.
Drugs Awareness Programs.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Common projects with Network which add value for both of us and new partnership which can create new ideas which serves community and Humanity in order to meet Sustainable Devlopment objectivies. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To gain more partnership,Friendship, Networking, and common projects and access for funding sources for future Internation projects. 

Contact (1) Full Name
May Ibrahim EL Talawi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr. May EL Talawi