Al Karmel for Culture and Social development association

National Network

Gaza/Nusirat Camp/13 akka Str
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

General information about the Association Definition/ aims/ programmers and sections: 1-Name:.ALKARMEL CULTURE AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION 2- Address: Palestine- Gaza strip, Al - Nuseirat Camp, Matter      land- Akaa Street. 3- Email  4- Face Book:   5- Tel: + 00720(8)2551022 6- Contact Person :Eng:Ayman Al-Hur (+972599677430) 7- Foundation date: 16-10-1993 8- Registration place: Gaza strips – Nuseirat camp. 9- Registration Number: 4005 Ministry of Internal Affairs Palestinian Authority. 10- Last election date: 18/6/2014 11- Classification: charitable organization. 12-Employees number 9(5 females- 4 males) 13- Volunteers number: 53(20 females -  33 males)

Mission and Objectives

General information about the association:  Vision    Work  with  you towards creative developmental  Palestinian  society.  Task: serve the Palestinian poverty stricken for fundamental rights of economic, education, cultural and social progress specially for destitute classes .This respect fortress aclimate and working environment sensitive to the needs of all . Archive, this purposes the association seeks upon all material and human abilities as a strong means to restore and developed the local and native association as well saving developed services, which have continual distinctive quality Common values: 1- There is no discrimination between people in religion ,root,colour or kind. 2-Respect all believes  intellectual  political trends. 3-Respect all social customs and traditions. 4-Foster a spirit of team work and volunteerism. 5-Our characteristics is: honesty..accounting..transparansy 6-We are friends of the environment.  

Main Projects / Activities

A visible audio library: B Educational unity: C Folk art unity : D kindergarten and incubation section : social growing section : 2- Association Aims: Elevating cultural and social awareness levels as well as reinforcing good manners, and consolidate the community work spirit among the Palestinian nation . • Developing the youth and the Palestinian youth gifts further more reinforcing cultural, art, sport abilities, and create the immanence enterprises. • Association allows, encourages and facilitates participation in professional democracy in the Palestinian society. • Encourage the destitute classes through integration and participation them among the social and cultural life as well as solve a lot of their problems and alleviation some of their difficult circumstances. • Contributing and educating the younger these qualities: honesty truthfulness , impartiality, competence and moral purity , construction the human relation ship on respect mutual among them , and fight against the all oppression forms. • To take in to account of the Talent youth and prompts them as well reinforced their gifts and abilities. • Fighting against all negative phenomenon which contradict with our morality and values in our society on the other hands modify false behavior step. • Making researches, and studies which responsible and have a relation with development handout. • Participating in a social reformation and growing aims by participating with the local society. • Enhance and prompts the women role interaction and participating her in development process to make decision as a high means. • Elevating participation levels especially in countryside and camps, serve the Palestinian poverty-stricken. Physiotherapy  unity section: E General  library section : El - karmel cultural and social development association has been founded in Al- Nuseirat camp 1993 .In 1995 it was taken the au- theorization from the ministry of cultural and authorization from the ministry of Internal Affairs in 1996 under 4005 number as a civil association not for gain money .We have came to keep the Palestinian cultural identity as far as complete the local cultural programme .We realized the importance of cultural with its major dimension social and economic hereafter have dangerous effects to push the human progress in a specific high jump towards progress and welfare and build democrat society . The values that are enshrined in our association must also guide the forth-coming generation in all their actions: Fundamental rights social justice the dignity and worth of the human person and respect for the equal rights of men and women. Whereas Al- Nuseirat camp is consider one of the biggest refugees camps and has a lowest and poor services one among those camps .Ell – karmel association has a modern vision to guide and seek upon progress and welfare. But over and above this a huge classes take care with our activities and share our vision although the critical circumstances of occupation, there are seven major sections in our association:  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

This will contribute to the strengthening of the role of the Assembly in the local community, and give the ability to communicate with all the friends and donors around the world

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

‏Why do you want to join the ALF Network

Contact (1) Full Name
Eng:Ayman AlHur
Job Title
Executive director
Head of the organisation

Compagnie Oposito

National Network

53 rue de Merlan
93130 Noisy-le-Sec

01 48 02 80 96
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
La compagnie Oposito est une association. Elle a la particularité de gérer également un lieu de fabrique, 'Le Moulin Fondu" labellisé Centre National des Arts de la Rue ( CNAR - 14 lieux en France). Son budget annuel est d'un million d'euros. Nous avons une équipe de 11 permanents. Les actions du CNAR et de la compagnie sont soutenus par la ville de Noisy-le-Sec, la DRAC Ile-de-France, la Région Ile-de-france, le Conseil Général de la Seine-Saint-Denis, le Conseil Général du Val d'Oise, la politique de ville et du mécénat.
Mission and Objectives

La mission principale des centres nationaux des arts de la rue (au nombre de 14 en France) est le soutien à la création qui se traduit par l’accueil en résidence d’artistes ou de compagnies. La deuxième mission concerne la rencontre entre démarches artistiques, populations, et territoires. La troisième mission est de participer à la reconnaissance et à la qualification des arts de la rue par des formations spécifiques et l’accompagnement des jeunes artistes.

Main Projects / Activities

Depuis sa création, la compagnie OPOSITO a articulé son travail autour de 4 axes essentiels :
- La création de spectacles : 21 spectacles créés et joués dans le monde entier
- La création d’évènements monumentaux : 60 à ce jour
- La conception, la définition et l’animation des lieux de fabrique et notamment le Moulin Fondu depuis 1996.
- La création d’un festival d’arts de la rue « Les Rencontres d’Ici et d’Ailleurs » qui fêtera sa 25ème édition en 2016. Il s’agit d’une plateforme de diffusion majeure des arts de la rue en Ile-de-France, qui constitue un lieu d’échanges et de confrontation, en particulier avec le public.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous sommes ouvert à toute forme de coopération telle que  la participation à des conférences, être le relais des actions du réseau via notre site internet et sur le festival.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous travaillons actuellement à constituer un réseau d'acteurs culturels du pourtour méditerranéen. Dans une volonté forte de bénéfice mutuel et de réciprocité dont les bases sont à définir ensemble, ce réseau vise à œuvrer à la réalisation de projets de formation, de partages de compétences spécifiques à la mise en œuvre de projets artistiques dans l’espace public. Il rendrait possible la mise en place d’un compagnonnage dans les domaines de l’artistique, de la technique, scénographie, de la confection de costumes, dans la production etc. Ce réseau pourrait enfin être un outil fort au service de la visibilité des projets de différents membres.
Dans ce but et au vu des valeurs et actions menées par votre réseau, notre adhésion nous a semblé naturelle.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jean-Raymond Jacob
Job Title
Directeur artistique
Head of the organisation
Jean-Raymond Jacob
Contact (2) Full Name
Claudine Dussollier
Job Title (2)

Jolly Dragon

National Network

Haapaniemenkatu 7-9
00530 Helsinki

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
JD has been in the business of helping foreigners and locals integrate through social sports networks since 2002. We have successfully worked with the public sector on social cohesion projects and we are currently working with Vantaa City Sports Department with the help of project funding from the Ministry of Education to help activate foreigners in Vantaa to play sports, build their networks with Finnish players and feel at home in their new society. The project is called Vantaa Games - Connecting Humanity.
Mission and Objectives

Two way integration between foreigners and Finns through sports and other activities. 

Main Projects / Activities

- Sports (badminton, squash, football etc)
- Cafe Lingua
- Workshops (living in Finland etc.)

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To connect with other similar organizations and people. We believe that cooperation is power and together we can do much more than separately. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Paul Brennan
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Paul Brennan
Contact (2) Full Name
Nina Ylöstalo
Job Title (2)

Social Fringe: Interesting Untold Stories

National Network

Zelenjak 69
10000 Zagreb

+385 917645924
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Others
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

The internal structure of the NGO SF:ius is based on clearly delegated organizational responsibility and intelligibly determined roles. The principle of horizontal hierarchy enables the right to decide and act to all of its members in order to create an inclusive space for debate and creative cooperation. In 2015, three of seven SF:ius members have been employed as NGO staff members. Sources of funding: BAC-COLABs, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, Kultura Nova Foundation, City of Zagreb, private donations, membership fees. Programs and projects that SF:ius implements rely upon scientific, research, artistic, advocacy and activist work. Topics and content of the programs cover the current problems in the fields of philosophy, art practice and theory, memory studies, history, politics and social theory. Main partners involved in the organization’s projects/activities: Group of Architects (Serbia), Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Museum of Modern Art Ljubljana (Slovenia), Solidarnost (FYRO Macedonia). Main Croatian partners: Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology (University of Zagreb), ICOMOS Croatia, Roma Youth Organizations (ROM), ARCHIsquad, Miroslav Kraljević Gallery.

Mission and Objectives

MISSION: The mission of SF:ius is to promote and improve equality, the egalitarian distribution of power, equal opportunities, sustainable future, social justice and innovative solutions for social tensions. OBJECTIVES: SF:ius achieves sustainable and positive change through participation in the establishment of platforms, including advocacy and collaborative platforms, e.g. Inappropriate Monuments.

Main Projects / Activities

Roma Urbanism / Marginality The emergence of contemporary city with its rapid changes, constant mobility and strict division of labor increased frequency of marginality. The project explores the extent to which a particular communities are spatially marginalized, ghettoization of areas of the city in which they live, why did that happen and what is the real image of the city. First case study inquires spatial marginalization and ghettoization of Roma settlements within the city - marginalization and ghettoization of Roma community is an example par excellance, since Roma live in these areas for at least 700 years and there is no process of integration with majority population (according to some authors, they refuse integration) like there is with other minorities. The project aims to get a direct insight into the daily life of the Zagreb Roma community and to establish direct communication with the Roma population for the purpose of finding the proper solution to enhance Roma living conditions in Zagreb. Through implementation of project activities it aims to improve Roma housing integration by educating about the use of residential buildings and environment. Also, one of the expected results is the presentation of research results and workshop activities to general public through discursive gallery programs and publication that will be published in December 2015. This aims for cooperation with other civil society organizations in order to develop the project and disseminate activities. The project starts with research and assessment of the situation on the ground which includes review of the existing literature on this topic, visits to Roma settlements, photo material of the present situation, mapping architectural and urban data analysis, dialogue with the settlement members on life conditions and methods of current construction. Two series of workshops will be held in the settlements;  first one by anthropologist Bojan Mucko, which aims to open the interaction with Roma community and direct conversation about problems; and second one by ARCHIsquad group of architects that will address possible solutions and better use of available construction materials. In addition to that, round table will be held in the gallery premises with experts and general public as participants, which aims to present Roma housing problems and combat racial and other discrimination. At the beginning of 2016 publication that contains results of research and implemented activities will be printed out. Inappropriate Monuments  The regional platform Inappropriate Monuments was created to establish a framework for the long-term collaboration of organisations from the EU and the Western Balkans dealing with the revalorisation and protection of their anti-fascist heritage and monument heritage connected with the Peoples’ Liberation Struggle. Members of the platform include: Group of architects, Belgrade, The History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, Modern Gallery (MG+MSUM), Ljubljana and Social Fringe: interesting untold stories (SF:ius), Zagreb. With the collapse of Yugoslavia the interest in this heritage practically disappeared and the status of the monuments became the subject of controversy and a target of revisionism. Protection is inadequate; there are no clearly developed criteria for their restoration or strategies for revalorisation. Many of the monuments are partially or permanently destroyed, and others are neglected and left to ruin. Research made in the successor countries are not integrated and difficult to access – there has never been a complete register of the monuments. Initiatives aimed at the protection of NOB monuments have, until now, mainly emerged outside of official channels, for example under the initiative of individuals. These individuals then face a number of difficulties including their own shortcomings and the lack of interest from legislators in supporting them. The goals of the platform are to connect institutions and independent organisations to strengthen their capacity and distribute the results of research projects in order to advocate for a regulated international strategy regarding anti-fascist heritage. Through activities carried out by the platform including: research and mapping heritage monuments, interviewing people and representatives of the institutions responsible for their erection and maintenance, holding workshops for students, conferences for experts and exhibitions and art conferences, the platform will examine the economic, political and ideological conditions surrounding the emergence of monuments, monument complexes and memorial complexes. It will also examine their contemporary reception and the conditions under which this occurs. Considering the growing interest and fetishisation of NOB monuments in western countries, and socialist heritage in general, the platform is seeking possible models of revitalisation and methods of management. Through a comparative analysis of the situation in former Yugoslavia, the platform aims to draw parallels between the transitional periods of the members of the former state and the treatment of heritage monuments connected to NOB and the anti-fascist struggle, thereby showing that these processes can only be explained through interactive research. The web-portal, is conceived as an on-line database for the activities of the platform and its members and as a virtual archive of documents and photographs.    Institutions of Memory Project sets up a framework for high school students to critically examine ideological, daily functioning of institutions of memory and their creation of historical narrative. The importance of memory institutions in the contemporary social and political context is demonstrated through their construction of collective memory and presentations of ‘official history’ which they use to occupy a crucial role in the symbolic center of the nation. Post- conflict and post- socialist context of Croatia contributed to enhance intolerance, hatred and misunderstanding towards memory of past polities, social and political governance organization and minority social groups. Influenced by the works of historian Pierre Nora, sociologist Maurice Halbwachs and anthropologist Paul Connerton we look at history and collective memory as one of the most important elements in construction and homogenization of modern democratic communities and also in negotiation of collective identities. Collective memory is established through the assumption that each social group develops the memory of its own past, it emphasizes the uniqueness of this community and achieves its own identity and image to be transmitted to future generations. Institutions of memory such as museums, archives, schools or public service media are seen as places of gathering, storing, reinterpretation and dissemination of public knowledge about past events and they are, as Pierre Nora would say, physical or imaginary spaces that can always be visited or re-visited in search of history and memory. Given the absence of courses that deal with these questions, IM forwards democratic constructions of memory by promoting inclusiveness and equality, as opposed to hegemonic, one-sided and 'useful' narratives. The project aims to STRENGTHEN students for an active democratic participation, EDUCATE them about multiple process of construction of collective memory and history in post-conflict societies, RAISE AWARENESS about marginalized social groups, collective amnesia i the effacement of minority histories from dominant narratives. By connecting institutions and organizations the project develops a long-term and sustainable cooperation network between teachers, scientists and other professionals who approach the education of youth about questions and problems of social memory in an engaged and critical way.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

For SF:ius, working in the discursive space of the “social fringe” represents non-party and independent deflection of established social paradigms and an orientation towards subjects and topics left out of, or insufficiently represented in the dominant structures of knowledge and meaning production. By using interdisciplinary methodology, which includes, but is not limited to artistic practice and political analysis, SF:ius aims to face challenges for social cohesion. The programs that SF:ius implements are built upon the critical analysis of the social transformations taking place in Croatia and other countries in the Western Balkans. With it’s experience, SF:ius could help AFL Network to respond to social challenges and improve intercultural dialogue in the region. Together with it’s growing regional platform Inappropriate Monuments, SF:ius could help disseminate AFL values and facilitate various activities in the community.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

NGO SF:ius  aims to promote and improve equality, the egalitarian distribution of power, equal opportunities, sustainable future, social justice and innovative solutions for social tensions. SF:ius achieves sustainable and positive change through participation in the establishment of platforms, including advocacy and collaborative platforms. The most prolific platform SF:ius has established or participated in is Inappropriate Monuments — the regional platform created to establish a framework for the long-term collaboration of organisations from the EU and the Western Balkans dealing with the revalorisation and protection of their anti-fascist heritage and monument heritage connected with the Peoples’ Liberation Struggle. By including diverse stakeholders, the platform fosters intercultural dialogue, fights socially regressive trends — i. e. historical revisionism — and reinforces positive relations towards this heritage. Since one of the main goals of the organisation is to expand its regional collaboration activities, joining ALF Network will have positive effect on networking, capacity building, mobility and exchange of ideas, and could open access to funding opportunities. Joining AFL Network will enable SF:ius to continue to foster innovative research practices, introduce regional high level advocacy strategies, and gain international recognition among other member organizations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ena Grabar
Head of the organisation
Ena Grabar
Contact (2) Full Name
Lana Lovrenčić
Job Title (2)


National Network

581 rue ouhamou
49 kassariate kakas bab lhouina
85000 Tiznit

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Research
General Information
Bonjour je parles la langue berbere du maroc et le français .
Mission and Objectives

Je souhaites devenir membre .

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Hassan Obilla
Job Title
Head of the organisation

جمعية النصر للثقافو و الرياضة و الأعمال الاجتماعية

National Network

دوار أيت رحمون جماعة الخنافيف اقليم تارودانت
83400 الكردان

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
جمعية النصر للثقافة و الرياضة و الأعمال الاجتماعية جمعية محلية معتمدة على مبدأ التطوع و العمل الجماعي بدوار أيت رحمون جماعة الخنافيف إقليم تارودانت تعنى بالشؤون التنموية و مجاربة     الأمية و الهدر المدرسي و اقامة دروس الدعم و التقوية لفائدة تلاميد جميع المستويات .كما تساهم في المحافظة على الموروث الثقافي اللامادي باقامة موسم الرمى بالدوار.و تشتغل في تنشيط الحقل الرياضي بالدوار بتنظيم مباريات في كرة القدم 
Mission and Objectives

تنشيط الحقل الثافي بالدوار
اقامة دروس الدعم والتقوية لفائدة تلاميد الدوار
 اقامة دوريات مصغرة في كرة القدم 
اقامة ندوات و لقاءات فكرية تربوية
اقامة دروس محو الأمية لدى نساء الدوار 

Main Projects / Activities

اقامة رحلات استكشافية و دورات تكوينية

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

أظن ان الجمعيات بالمغرب تحمل نفس الهم ألا و هو تنمية البلاد و تقوية قدرات العنصر البشري و دلك بالتفكير المشترك و العمل بغية حصد نتائج تعود بالنفع على الجميع

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لاكتشاف تجارب عمل جديدة و الاستفادة من خبرة المؤسسة

Contact (1) Full Name
نورالدين أيت أمغار
Job Title
الكاتب العام
Head of the organisation
مصطفى السملالي

Zavod Petra Pan Film

National Network

1000 Ljubljana

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
HOME Home is where we are! Petra Pan Film is located in Ljubljana (Slovenia). It was founded in 2003 by the film director Petra Seliškar and the director of photography Brand Ferro. Together, they have produced and coproduced several films for cinema and TV in Slovenia, Macedonia and beyond. In 2008 PPFP Macedonia was established. Both companies produce creative documentaries and art house fiction films for the Balkans and the international market. 
Mission and Objectives

The films that Petra Pan Film produces are not only strongly committed to cinema form and content but also related to well-thought-out topics. Moreover, the films that Petra Pan Film stands behind display an individual vision and authorship. We initiate ideas and collaborate with authors, distributors and co-producers by supporting their objectives and contributing to their success.
Every film we produce has to widen our horizons. It has to change our views and our life as well.
In 2010 Petra Pan has established the MAKEDOX FILM FESTIVAL, a creative documentary film festival in Skopje, Macedonia.
Our production policy is to work internationally. Therefore, we are part of the BALKAN DOCUMENTARY DISTRIBUTION NETWORK that focuses on high-quality films from the region as well as on films that aim to create better world for the next generations.
Our company’s long-term focus on youth and develop creativity trough documentary film education: CREATIVE HOUSE.

Main Projects / Activities

Documentary films edutaction , creativity 
Petra Pan Film Production is a Slovenian film production company founded in 2003. In 2009 the Macedonian branche PPFP was funded.  The company produces creative documentaries and art house fiction films for the international market. Petra Pan is a dynamic and ambitious international group of people focusing on a strong author's signature and a high artistic profile in every field of filmmaking. Aiming to produce a high quality innovative films internationaly. Petra Pan has co-produced over 20 international documentaries and feature films  among them are Mosar United with Stefilm  and Fire and water by Kiro Urdin, 18 Meals by Jorhe Coira , The grandmothers of revolution”, documentary film,( IDFA Joris Evens competition ) Movimenta Italy , Restart Croatia, Golden Girsls Austria, Dribbling pintures Srebia…..“
Petra Pan is fonder of Makedox creative documentari film festival as well as partner in Balakan documentari distribuitone network.
Fonder and Director of Petra Pan Film production is filmmaker, Petra Seliskar a director- producer and Brand Ferro DOP and producer.
The grandmothers of revolution, documentary film,( IDFA Joris Evens competition ) Petra Pan is fonder of Makedox creative documentari film festival as well as partner in Balakan documentari distribuitone network

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

My goal is to conect the east and est not just in my country but in general.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I think is a priveledge to be in copany of network like ALF and we can benefit from it as much sa the network can from us. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Petra Seliskar
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Petra Seliskar and Brand Ferro

Bibalex alexandrina

National Network

Hassan kamel st. Miami

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Religion
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
I need to know calture world
Mission and Objectives

I need upgrade my life

Main Projects / Activities

Change my mind

Contact (1) Full Name
Samir mohamed soliman basuony
Job Title
It engineer
Head of the organisation
Dr.esmail serag elden

association Tunisienne des médias alternatifs

National Network

7 place zouaoui 3 eme étage app 6
appartement N°6 3éme étage
1001 Tunis

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
+216 22590 177
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information

L’Association tunisienne des médias alternatifs est une association culturelle fondée en 2013 par un groupe des journalistes tunisiens, ainsi que de militants de la société civile. Son objectif principal est d’encadrer les jeunes tunisiens dans les régions et de les initier aux bonnes pratiques journalistiques. Participer à la professionnalisation des journalistes citoyens et les aider à lancer leurs propres projets est au cœur de l’activité de l’association. En étroite collaboration avec ses partenaires, l’Association s’est fixée comme objectif, depuis sa création, de participer à la mise à niveau du secteur des médias en offrant des sessions de formation en faveur des journalistes professionnels tunisiens et en s’engageant dans différents événements et débats traitant ce thème. Etant citoyenne, l’Association tunisienne des médias alternatifs accorde un intérêt particulier à la problématique du développement dans les régions de l’intérieur du pays.

Mission and Objectives

Participer à la réforme de média dans le processus de la transition démocratique. *Promouvoir le journalisme citoyen *La défense de la liberté d’expression par les nouvelles technologies de l’information *La formation des journalistes et des communicateurs *Promouvoir la culture numérique *Promotion de l’image de la Tunisie à l’échelle internationale

Main Projects / Activities

Le projet « Journaliste en Action » Un projet lancé en 2013 par l’Association tunisienne des médias alternatifs en partenariat avec l’Association polonaise des journalistes locaux et financé par le fond polonais « Solidarity Fund ». Don ‘t Forget us À travers le projet « don’t Forget us »,  l’association tunisienne des médias alternatifs tire la sonnette d’alarme et attire l’attention aussi bien des pouvoirs politiques et de l’opinion publique quant à la précarité dans laquelle vivent des millions de Tunisiens dans les régions de le l’intérieur des pays. « Zoom into my country » ; « Caméra citoyenne » et « Photographier pour développer ». Notre association est, également, partenaire du projet Net Med Youth, géré par l’Unesco (Organisation des Nations unies pour l’éducation, la science et la culture), et du projet « Jeune Actif » avec le ministère de la Jeunesse (maison des jeunes Ibn Khaldoun).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

our organization work essentially on regions and have a network with many local organizations in media, developement , youth...via our training and projects we ae made trainings for more than 200 journalists and citizen journalists and youth , also we have a network with youth houses in all Tunisia 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like join ALF network to ecxchange experience and work with Meditarean organizations also build our capacities and change positively our country.

Contact (1) Full Name
Trabelsi Mona
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mona Trabelsi
Contact (2) Full Name
Omar Kammoun
Job Title (2)

جمعية النهوض بمجلة مرآة الوسط

National Network

سيدي بوزيد
صندوق البريد عدد 48.سيدي بوزيد - تونس
9100 سيدي بوزيد

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
تاسست جمعية النهوض بمجلة مرآة الوسط في مارس 2015 وصدرت بالرائد الرسمي للجمهورية التونسية في جوان 2015 من اهدافها الاساسية القيام بالانشطة الثقافية والفكرية ودعم مجلة مرآة الوسط ومساعدة الشباب على  تعاطي الكتابة الصحفية وتتركب هئية الجمعية من السادة - محمود حرشاني ..رئيس عبد السلام شعيبي شاعر ومعلم كاتب عام نمحمد نجيب هاني صحفي ناطق رسمي مكلف بالاعلام بسمة حجلاوي مكتبية امينة مال - عارم حرشاني كاتب عام مساعد اسامة حرشاني مكلف بالشباب
Mission and Objectives

تتمثل ابرز اهداف الجمعية في
اقامة مهرجان مرآة الوسط الثقافي السنوي
- التعريف بالمخزون الحضاري والثقافي لولاية سيدي بوزيد
- التبادل الثقافي مع الجمعيات الثقافية الاخرى
- توفير الدعم المادي لمجلة مرآة الوسط الشهرية
- الاشراف على موقع مرآة الوسط اون لاين على الانترنات

Main Projects / Activities

من اهم برامج الجمعية لسنة 2016
- تنظيم الدورة 26 لمهرجان مرآة الوسط الثقافي
- اصدار 5 اعداد من مجلة مرآة الوسط الورقية
- طباعة متاب بعنوان جمالية الحياة في النص الادبي التونسي للكاتب بلقاسم برهومي
-تنظيم مجالس مرآة الوسط الثقافية لتكريم الكتاب والاحتفاء بالاصدارات الجديدة

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ان وجود جمعيتنا ضمن الشبكة يوفر لنا فرصة مهمة لتحقيق برامج مشتركة مع الجمعيات الثقافية المماثلة ويمكننا من توسيع دائرة العلاقات والتعاون الايجابي بين مكونات المجتمع المدني

Contact (1) Full Name
محمود حرشاني
Job Title
رئيس الجمعية
Head of the organisation
محمود حرشاني