Civil Forum for Asset Recovery (CiFAR)

National Network

Lausitzer Strasse 21
10999 Berlin

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
CiFAR has an international board of experienced project managers, networkers and campaigners with a background in anti-corruption and asset recovery, who are committed to and passionate about fighting the theft of state assets. Through previous work on asset recovery, our board members have a network of contacts already in place in civil society, government and international organisations, alongside a solid understanding of the challenges for civil society in working on asset recovery and the ways civil society can be empowered to work more effectively in this field. At CiFAR we work collaboratively with civil society from across the globe against the systems that allow stolen assets to be moved internationally and the individuals that profit from these systems. Civil society often needs support when a new case of asset theft is identified in their jurisdiction - both in international asset recovery processes and in building connections to other organisations and actors to campaign for a return of assets that is fair, transparent and participatory. CiFAR's projects span both sides of this equation - we campaign as an organisation to close loopholes allowing asset theft and for justice for those who steal public goods, and we provide training, education and network building for civil society groups and activists to become better at fighting asset theft in their jurisdiction.
Mission and Objectives

The Civil Forum on Asset Recovery (CiFAR) will aim to act as the voice for civil society worldwide on stolen assets and close the gap missing in global civil society asset recovery work. We want to be a civil society resource, with the skills, knowledge and network to help civil society new to the topic to understand how they can be active nationally and internationally to fight public asset theft and help to return stolen assets. We want to convene and support civil society in transnational campaigning, advocacy to institutions and in bringing those responsible for asset theft to account. Our idea is to become a network without formal organisational membership, but bringing together civil society with academic experts, journalists, and officials, to understand, address, investigate and prevent asset theft and campaign for its return.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects are to:
- Develop the expertise of civil society organizations across the globe to be strong voices on the theft of state assets and to play their role effectively in the asset recovery process
- Enable stronger cross-border civil society cooperation through identifying, building and sustaining connections between civil society organizations in multiple jurisdictions
- Build multi-country civil society campaigns to challenge the impunity individuals and the structures that enable asset theft
Our activities:
1.Training for civil society to advocate to and support governments on asset recovery
2.Training on investigative journalism. It could be directed to civil society, journalists,...
3.Assessment on the capacity of civil society to work with governments on asset recovery (with recommendations)
4.Assessment on the current efforts of the government on asset recovery (with recommendations)
5.Public awareness campaigns by providing brochures, radio programs, special web pages and informative videos in order to promote international cooperation on preventing the theft of state funds and returning stolen assets
6 Facilitating learning between civil society organisations around the globe on asset recovery through networking and meetings

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The theft of public assets and their removal from the country of origin is a global phenomenon – both occurring in every country of the world and global in terms of the systems used to illicitly remove and hide state wealth. It a phenomenon that often is carried out by those whose populations are in a situation of relative or extreme poverty and with the explicit or tacit complicity of legal and financial service professionals and public officials in a number of jurisdictions.
Civil society is a vital player in ending the theft of public assets and securing the return and proper use of stolen assets. Across the globe, civil society has been increasingly playing their role, from bringing cases to court, to campaigning to close the legal loopholes that allow assets to be removed, to overseeing funds of returned assets.
Despite this, civil society is not being as effective as it has the potential to be. Currently lacking is coordinated, peer-to-peer, innovative and multi-jurisdiction civil society action on the theft of state assets and support for civil society to play its role in the asset recovery process. Too often civil society organisations work separately or through informal contacts, on what is a by nature a transnational and global issue. Frequently civil society is new to the topic of asset recovery and does not have the experience or contacts to play its part in the process. This leaves organisations fragmented, too often unaware of work happening or developments in other jurisdictions, weak in technical expertise and failing to work on campaigns which really address the transnational aspect of this issue.We have worked in civil society networks and are ideally placed to build a strong and effective civil society coalitions.
For this reason, we believe that it is necessary to empower civil society to work more effectively in this field. CiFAR aims to fill these gaps. Our idea is to become a network without formal organisational membership, but bringing together civil society with academic experts, journalists, and officials, to understand, address, investigate and prevent asset theft and campaign for its return.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The theft of state assets and their recovery is a complex process. However, beyond this process it is also one with little citizen oversight.
Despite the need for civil society to push for greater accountability and to work across borders, to date there has been no space for civil society to cooperate transnationally on asset recovery and no way to amplify their voice to the international level.
With the support of ALF Network we aim to remedy this situation by providing support to civil society to be effective and powerful at fighting the theft of state assets, challenging the systems that allow for them to be moved and campaigning for their accountable and transparent return.
Additionally, we could benefit from ALF large community (helping us build conversation and community); links (sharing news and info from their networks); introductions (connecting us to people you would like to meet or other organisations).

Contact (1) Full Name
Laila Martin
Job Title
People Engagement and Campaigning
Head of the organisation
Jackson Oldfield
Contact (2) Full Name
Jackson Oldfield
Job Title (2)
Global Advocacy and Policy

Women's Ministries Initiative

National Network

18 Havelock Rd
United Kingdom

Telephone (other)
UK: 07714920072
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. Religion
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Women's Ministreis Innitiative is mostly a volunteer organisation, which focuses on organising educational events for public. It started within the Orthodox Christian Setting, but at the very early stages it attracted christians form Anglican, Catholic and other Protestant denominations. Therefore, at present WMI offers tis membership to everyone. WMI is not gender exclusive, as it often attracts women as well as men for its STudy Days or Conferences. There is a small fee for some of the events, while others are offered free of charge. People can support WMI by subscribing for membership and payign a small fee, which covers administration costs of organising events for public. The structure of organisation consists of a hadful of people, a director, treasurer, administator and informal advisers. Everyone work on a voluntary basis, so there is no salary invovled. As far as resources available, they are modest and mostly come from the organised events, i.e. the leftovers of people's subscriptions, donations and conference fees. Below is the list of our conferences and study days so far: 2014 - 3 days Conference on Early Women Ministries (jointly organised by WMI and Orthodox Theological REsearch Forum) 2015 - Study day on 'Priesthood and Laity' in March and Study Day on 'Loneliness and Solitude: Personhood and Individualism' in October 2016 - Study Day on 'Revelation in Judaism, Christianity and Islam' (jointly organised by WMI and Dublin City UUniversity), which is going to take place on 9 of April, 2016 in Dublin. The format of Study Days, as well as onferences, is to attract a number of speakers and to allow time for discussion, feedback, communication and fellowship. Partner organisations and insitutioins depend on each individually organised event. It is often a co-organiser organisation, as in the case of Orthodox Theological Research Forum or Dublin City University, but also colaborating organisations which provide the venue and further admin assistance, such as International Gender Studies in LMH, Oxford.  
Mission and Objectives

NETWORKING: building bridges and joint initiatives with other Orthodox and non-Orthodox organisations
EDUCATING: organising conferences, study days and facilitating discussions in between
COMMUNICATING: in order to understand each other and learn to accept and respect every point of view, even if it is different from one's own
Objectives: to educate general public aobut women's issues, position and ministries in religious traditions in the past and at present

Main Projects / Activities

Conferences, Study Days, Public events, Networking, Communication, attendance of other conferences and presenting there
+ 8-10 September 2014 Conference ‘Inspiration through time: Women’s Ministries in the Orthodox Church’ (High Leigh Christian Conference Centre, UK. Organised in collaboration with Orthodox Theological Research Forum)

+ 7 March 2015 Study day on Priesthood and Laity, Oxford, St Cross Church (main speakers: Metropolitan Kallistos Ware and Dr Mary Cunningham)

+ 17 October 2015 Study Day on ‘Loneliness and Solitude: Pershonhood and Individualism’, Oxford, Lady Margaret Hall (main speakers: Sr Vassa Larin (PhD, Vienna), Revd Andrew Louth (Professor Emeritus in Byzantine and Patristic Studies, Durham), Introduction by Metropolitan Kallistos Ware

+ 9 April 2016 Study Day on ‘Revelation in Judaism, Christianity and Islam’ (Main speakers: Dr Brad Anderson (DCU, Ireland), Dr Eena Narinskaya (DCU, CIRD, Ireland), Dr Jonathan Kearney (DCU, Ireland)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By offering collaborative events and by attracting other organisations to collaborate in organising further events

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I support the mission and appreciate the history of ALF Network, and I met other members and organisations invovled in ALF Network by attending their events, e.g. Inter-Belief Dialogue in Limerick, Ireland in February 2016.
I also hope that Women's Ministries Initiative can benefit from broadening its network and exploring the possibilities of partnership with other member-organisations and individuals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr Elena Narinskaya
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr Elena Narinskaya
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms Nataliya Bayeva
Job Title (2)

Citizen’s Association for the promotion of education of Roma “Otaharin”

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Beogradska 38
Dositeja Obradovica 4/1
76300 Bijeljina
Bosnia & Herzegovina

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
“Otaharin” was founded in 2005 in Bijeljina (BiH), and it has 9 full time employees, over 20 staff engaged through service of contract, and 70 volunteers. In 2014 our budget was about 200 000 EUR. Organization is 98% financed through projects funded by international donors (Schüler Helfen Leben, Roma Education Fund, OAK foundation, CARE International, Save the Children, GIZ...) and only 2% with the help of local or state government. Projects are focused on integration of Roma minority into society through preschool, primary and secondary education. We are providing direct assistance to overcome differences and to improve quality of knowledge of Roma children. Also, we are tackling obstacles like child begging and force labour, safety of children, empowerment of Roma women and youngsters through peer-to-peer education... All our activities have integrative approach and are open for both Roma and non-Roma. We cooperate with kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, local authority, Ministries, Social Welfare Centre, Police, Health Centre, and other institutions and organizations dealing with problems of education and protection of children.
Mission and Objectives

“Otaharin is Bijelina based non-government, non-profit organization that supports youth Roma population by formal education, and acts towards strengthening the capacities of Roma communities and increasing the level of knowledge and awareness among the Roma population”.
The Mission of the Association of citizens "Otaharin" is directly related to the improvement of living standard among Roma population, especially among youth. Besides direct works with the Roma population, Otaharin permanently disseminates information on Roma and raise public awareness on Roma minority issues.
1. Empowering Roma youth in Bijeljina
2. Ensuring safety and wellbeing of children and youth by establishing a task force as a multidisciplinary mechanism to ensure safety protection of all children
3. Developing a new/different approach of supporting the integration of Roma through education
4. To foster economic empowerment of Roma women in Bijeljina aimed at increasing chances of employment and active participation in local community

Main Projects / Activities

Our projects/activities are following our strategic objectives:
1. We have activities focused on empowerment of Roma youth – “Peer to peer education”, project financed by Porticus and SHL foundation; duration: 24 months; budget: 90.000 €. The project aims at both, educating youngster on certain subjects they face in their everyday life such as sexually transmitted diseases, violence, discrimination etc, and mobilizing them to become proactive members of the society. The project is based on the principle of creating a space for joint action of young Roma and Non-Roma, aiming at breaking existing prejudices and consequently promoting social inclusion of the Roma minority through peer education. The emphasis of the project is a peer education program that incorporates the “Join in circuit”  methodology. The peer education program consists of a capacity training session for 20 young Roma and Non-Roma, in which they gain knowledge and practical skills to become facilitators of the “Join in circuit” methodology.  After they have become experts and certified peer educators we will organize peer education workshops, in which youngsters will transfer their knowledge to their peers. Educational workshops will educate school students in primary and secondary schools, because peer violence is mostly present in these two school forms.
Also, we are promoting volunteerism and cooperate with Local voluntary service in Bijeljina and by supporting community actions of volunteers.
2. Activities focused on safety and wellbeing of children and youth – project “Safety for children in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, financed by GIZ; duration 7 months; budget: 1.500€. Main activities are focused on informal education of children beggars and their parents and to support of Working group for protection of child’s safety and promotion of the Protocol of cooperation. Working group concept is a multidisciplinary approach which
3. Otaharin’s new/different approach of supporting the integration of Roma through education is visible in project “Integration of Roma children in education system from all Roma communities in Bijeljina and Živinice”, financed by Roma Education Fund, duration: 24 months; budget: 39.635€, and project “Quality education – quality life”, financed by United Nations Development Programme in Bosnia and Herzegovina (UNDP), duration: 9 months, budget: 21.320 €. Main activities of these projects are additional classes from Serbian language and Mathematics for Roma pupils in primary schools. On these classes pupils are provided with: special program adjusted for their level of knowledge, individual work, school material, food, Roma assistant. Teachers on additional classes are following closely improvement of knowledge and keep monthly records for every pupil (following their absence, grades, behaviour, knowledge...).  Also, the most important aspects of our work are field work and meetings with parents, where our Roma mediator and field workers are constantly present in the Roma communities and with conversation are trying to overcome numerous problems which cause irregular school attendance. We formed a Mobile Intervention Team which consists of representatives of schools, City administration, Social Welfare Centre and Day care centre. Role of this team is to visit families of pupils who are not coming to school regularly every month. This approach showed good results. REF project is also focused on preschool and secondary education, so we are enrolling children in kindergartens and support them to enrol to secondary school and faculties. In 2015 first Roma enrolled to faculty in Bijeljina and Otaharin supported her from primary school.
Our activities include programs for parents: workshops for positive parenthood and workshops of literacy.
4. Otaharin supported founding of association of Roma women in Bijeljina and these women have meetings on a weekly basis, with topics they identify as interesting and useful (literacy, meetings with representatives of Social Welfare Centre, Police, Health Centre – to talk about family violence, social protection, discrimination, sexually transmitted diseases, workshops about entrepreneurs...). We employed two single Roma women/mothers.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have a ten years long experience in a field of multicultural dialogue that we would like to share with other organizations which support civil society. Our experience is very specific and valuable due the fact we are tackling problems of one of the most vulnerable groups – Roma minority. In Bijeljina lives the largest number of Roma in Republic of Srpska. To achieve better integration of Roma into society we have to focus on various areas: work with children, with youngsters, parents, institutions and also non-Roma citizens in order to overcome discrimination. Our approach is innovative and focused on quality, and our work is recognized from European Commission which awarded Otaharin in 2014 for the best projects for Roma integration in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Otaharin was recognised on local level  through humanitarian aid by providing help to Roma during and after floods in May 2014. As a result of these activities Otaharin gained award from City Major of Bijeljina for voluntary contributions in 2015, and 2014 especially for providing help to Roma people during and after floods. Also 4 members (1 female, 3 male) of association have won awards for the voluntary contribution in 2015.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

In our work we pay great attention to networking and cooperation with other organizations because we think it’s very important to gather strength and knowledge of every organization individually and use it in a best way in achieving the same aims. Number of ALF Network members present great potential to generate positive changes in civil society and we want to contribute to those changes. Also, we think our organization can improve its capacities throw following examples of good practices of other member organizations. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Dragan Jokovic
Job Title
executive director
Head of the organisation
Dragan Jokovic, executive director
Contact (2) Full Name
Gorana Planincic
Job Title (2)
coordinator of youth program

Neon Productions

National Network

33 Boulevard Longchamp
13001 Marseille

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Media
General Information
Neon productions (SARL) est une société de production de cinéma (fictions et documentaires) basée à Marseille. Notre budget annuel dépend des projets que nous développons chaque année et des subventions que nous obtenons auprès d'institutions publics (CNC, CNRS, Régions, fondations...) mais aussi privées (pré-achat TV, etc.). Nous co-produisons la plupart de nos films en partenariat avec des sociétés étrangères (européennes, du sud de la Méditerranée, internationales).
Mission and Objectives

Neon productions choisit de faire vivre un cinéma d'auteur, porteur de sens. La structure accompagne ainsi des réalisateurs dont les films proposent un regard original sur le monde, un traitement singulier. 
Ces projets, qui traitent de sujets hors des sentiers battus, sont à la marge du circuit commercial classique. Les produire et les financer représentent bien souvent un défi. Neon se donne ainsi pour mission de permettre à ces films de voir le jour et de porter leurs messages auprès du public. Pour cela la structure s'emploie à rechercher les financements et à organiser la production (tournage, post-production).

Main Projects / Activities

Neon productions a produit ces dernières années plusieurs films de réalisateurs étrangers venus de pays du sud de la Méditerranée. Pour exemple "Madame Courage" (2015 Festival de Venise) de Merzak Allouache aborde les difficultés de la jeunesse algérienne dans un pays qui offre peu de perspectives d'avenir.  "Yema" (2013 Festival de Venise) de Djamila Sahraoui traite quant-à lui des séquelles laissées par la guerre d'Algérie à travers la figure d'une mère déchirée entre ses deux fils. Enfin "En secret" (2011 Festival de Sundance) de Maryam Keshavarz pose la question de l'homosexualité des jeunes femmes iraniennes et de leurs libertés.
Neon productions travaille aujourd'hui au développement de Wall Pass, un documentaire porté par le réalisateur algérien Malek Sahraoui. Wall Pass présente une réalité peu connue : tout autour de la Méditerranée, juifs, chrétiens et musulmans fréquentent les mêmes lieux saints à de multiples occasions. Côté-à-côté, ils prient, font des voeux, célèbrent, sans heurt. S'agissant du sujet extrêment sensible des identités religieuses, ce documentaire est le fruit d'un travail de longue haleine et d'une collaboration avec Manoël Penicaud et Dionigi Albera, chercheurs en anthroologie au CNRS et commissaires de l'exposition Les Lieux Saints Partagés présentée pour l'inauguration du Musée des Civilisations de l'Europe et de la Méditerranée (MuCEM, 2015). 
L'équipe de Neon production met actuellement toute son énergie au service de ce projet dont le diffusion s'inscrit dans une logique d'engagement citoyen : la connaissance et la promotion des échanges entre les peuples de la Méditerranée.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Les films que nous produisons donnent la parole à ceux qui bien souvent n'ont pas voix au chapitre. La diffusion de ces films sur les deux rives de la Méditerranée permet au grand public de rencontrer un point de vue inédit et encourage les échanges.
En rejoignant la fondation Anna Lindh, Neon pourra donner accès aux membres du réseau à ses productions cinématographiques.
De même, la structure pourra faire bénéficier les membres de la fondation de son propre réseau dans le domaine de la production et de la création artistique.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous souhaitons que Neon productions rejoigne le réseau d'ALF de manière à bénéficier d'une structure d'envergure dont nous partageons les convictions et les engagements.
En nous connectant au réseau nous souhaitons pouvoir accroitre la diffusion de nos projet et bénéficier du soutien des membres de l'ALF.

Contact (1) Full Name
Antonin Dedet
Job Title
Gérant, Producteur
Head of the organisation
Antonin Dedet
Contact (2) Full Name
Sophie Mauger
Job Title (2)
Chargée de développement et de production

Support Youth Leaders

National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Support Youth Leaders is an organization works to inspire youth by connecting them to new life experience and support the self-expressing & sharing. Proving the opportunity to watch and support community building, as well cultural & interfaith dialogue actions. Working to break stereotypes, promote the concept of non-violence education through a diversity of non-formal technique and actions related to Democracy / Active Citizenship, European Citizenship, Human Rights, Intercultural Dialogue Peace, and Conflict Unemployment / Employability, Entrepreneurship, Youth Policy, Integration of Minorities, Empowerment, Leadership Gender Equity, and Entrepreneurship. Support Youth Leaders is committed to betterment and personal development of its members, through providing the opportunities to demonstrate their talents and capabilities, as well as presenting them with challenges to develop their existing portfolio of skills. We organize management and leadership seminars for our members, conducted by experienced professionals from some of the leading universities in the world. By joining Support Youth Leaders (SYL), you will become part of a family cohered in the promise to serve our motherland. Indeed teamwork is the key to the success of Support Youth Leaders. Themes Social Empowerment Political Empowerment Democratic Empowerment. European Citizenship Human Rights Women Rights Intercultural Dialogue Peace and Conflict Unemployment / Employability Entrepreneurship Youth Policy Integration of Minorities Leadership Gender Equity Entrepreneurship Volunteerism.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: Our commitment is to gain knowledge and understanding of different cultures, their people, and to promote Jordan and Jordanian issues globally.

Building Institutional and individual capacity through development and change by way of peaceful and creative tools.

Enhancement of human morality and religious values.

Building local and international networks in support of women, youth and world peace issues.

Empower youth gender to improve their social, economic, health and political status.

Enhance dialogue within society and with other societies.

Organize and coordinate firm voluntary works, which serve human society

Create a network with leaders and decision-makers of the future

Prepare students, recent graduates and young professionals to maximize their capabilities in their personal and professional lives.

To offer Arab youth ways to freely express and have constructive conversations with each other and their communities about contentious topics.

Increase the quality of youth active participation in the society through local action and international exchange; and to focus on youth initiatives as a base for development; and to promote our visions of coexistence, diversity and pluralism

Builds the capacity of young people and promotes social cohesion among youth.  In addressing social development issues in the Middle Eastern and Europe Leaders,

Empowers youth to become well-rounded, socially responsible citizens.

Main Projects / Activities

The main product offerings in Support Youth Leaders for both sending and receiving are as following:


Exchanging Programs

Leadership Programs

International Programs



Youth Meetings

Volunteer (local and international EVS)

Networking and Cultural Experience abroad

Awareness Campaign

Work Shops

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Empower youth through scientific, culture, sports, and entrepreneurial activities and projects for purposes of developing their skills to improve their standard of living.

Provide support to youth across Jordanian governorates.

Contribute to development and charity work as well as to the enhancement of social, philanthropy, and volunteer work.

Establishing associations and non-profit companies, assisting, or participating in, in according with the applicable legislation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ayat Qteshat
Job Title
Co - Founder
Head of the organisation
Ayat Qteshat
Contact (2) Full Name
Aya Tarawneh
Job Title (2)
Co Founder

Socialist Women's Movement (SWM)

National Network


Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information

SWM is an NGO, working in a panciprian basis. We have district council and a panciprian board of administration. We are mostly a voluntary based NGO, we have one employee. We are member to Socialist International Women and Party of European Socialists Women. We have annual subscriptions and we have an annual funding from the National Mechanism of Women's Rights (Ministry of Justice). In addition we have funding on ad hoc projects from EU and or EEA Grands. Our main activities are seminars, and training workshops, informative campaigns. In addition to the above we are funding members of the Cyprus Women's Lobby (member of the European Women's Lobby) and of the National Antipoverty Network (member of the European Antipoverty Network). In addition we are members of the National Machinery of Women's Rights (Ministry of Justice).

Mission and Objectives

Aims / goals of the SWM Our driving forces are feminism, democracy, socialism and solidarity. a) Activate women as social, political and economic factors. b) Elevate the status of Cypriot women in an environment of parity and equality. c) Establish friendship and solidarity among women from all over the world. d) Be involved in national issues, aiming for the liberation of the occupied part of our country from the foreign occupation. e) The safeguarding of human rights for all citizens regardless their religion, race, language, nationality or sex.  

Main Projects / Activities

We are a grass root organization, therefore, we focus on activities and projects that are mainly needed for our members, like informative seminars and training workshops on equality, stereotypes, pensions rights, workers rights, health rights, trafficking, violence for women and children. We are also active in main gender issues such as pay gap, parity at all levels of decision making, participation, elevation of woman in the business environment, maternity/paternity rights, as well as the protection of human rights in general and or specific (LGTB rights, refugees and migrants protection). For all these issues, we do have seminars, workshops open not only for our members but any interested person, as well as we held, organize and or participate in campaigns promoting all the above. Last but not least, we do work towards reconciliation and a viable solution to the Cyprus Problem, based on UN and EU principles and we are working on closing the gap that the 42 years of separation created between Cypriots of the two main communities. In order to be even more active in that field, we are members of the Cyprus Dialogue Forum.  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are a female organization, a grass root female organization. We are active in our field of work. We believe that being a member of the ALF Network in Cyprus will provide us the opportunity to work even closer with other members towards commons goals. In addition we believe in the dynamics of networks and in the cooperation that can be achieved through the network at all levels.  

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Being a member of the biggest network on civil society organizations in the Mediterranean region will provide us with the opportunity to, not only work in a national level with other Cypriot NGOs, but also be able to find partners and work towards the accomplishment of our objectives in the whole Mediterranean sea. It is our common home, the problems are the same and we should work together to find solutions and compact them.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eleni Karaoli
Head of the organisation
Ms. Roulla Mavronikola

Córdoba en el Mundo

National Network

Calle La Esperanza 9, 2º-2.
Calle Escritora Gloria Fuertes, núm. 4, escalera 1, 2ª -2
14007 Córdoba

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Others
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
L'association "CORDOBA en el mundo" a été constitue à Cordoue (Espagne), le 8 Novembre 2011. Elle possède un caractère interculturel et est inscrite dans le registre des associations de l'Andalousie. Aussi, elle compte d'un conseil d'administration composé par cinq personnes (président, vice-secrétaire, trésorier, membre) et un réseau de cinq cents personnes de différentes nationalités. Les sources de financement sont alimentés par les contributions de leurs partenaires et de leur mode d'action est basé sur l'organisation d'activités telles que conférences, séminaires, ateliers, expositions, publications et autres initiatives liées à des liens culturels de la ville Cordoba avec les villes jumelées avec le monde arabe, celles de l’espace euro-méditerranéen et les américaines. En ce sens l’association prévoit collaborer avec la mairie de la ville de Cordoue, et d'autres institutions pour promouvoir diverses actions.
Mission and Objectives

-Promouvoir les valeurs historiques de la tolérance et de la paix de Cordoue (Espagne), ville paradigmatique de trois cultures à travers l'échange avec le les villes du monde arabe avec qui elle est jumelée ou a signé des protocoles d'amitié : Fès, Tétouan (Maroc) Damas (Syrie) Bethléem (Palestine) Kairouan (Tunisie) Bourg en Bresse (France) Konya (Turquie) Nîmes (France).
- Chercher moyens d’échange avec autres villes euro-méditerranéennes et du monde arabe avec lesquelles existent liens historiques, patrimoniaux et culturels, principalement au Maroc, Espagne, Algérie, Tunisie, Italie, Portugal, Syrie, Liban, Egypte, France, Grèce, Turquie, etc.
-Fomenter l'étude, la recherche, la sensibilisation sur dynamiques interculturelles entre les villes jumelles a travers des actions et des projets pertinents.
-Contacter avec communautés et collectifs sépharades et moresques de la Méditerranée pour récupérer et diffuser une mémoire partagée.
-Tisser réseaux de coopération et de collaboration avec les associations, organisations et institutions qui partagent ces intérêts dans la région euro-méditerranéenne.
-Intégrez aux personnes intéressées à la promotion de ces liens ( jeunes, professionnels, étudiants, enseignants, chercheurs, penseurs, artistes, responsables culturels, éducatifs et citoyenneté).
-Favoriser la formation spécialisée de professionnels  des deux rives de la méditerranée dans le domaine de la culture, le développement durable et le dialogue interculturel.

Main Projects / Activities

Depuis sa fondation, l'Association est dans le registre des associations andalouses et elle a visibilité sur Facebook avec cinq cent quinze membres de différentes parties du monde, en particulier avec les villes arabes avec lesquels la ville est jumelée comme Fès (Maroc) et Kairouan (Tunisie).
Dans sa courte existence, elle a mené une série d'activités conforme avec ses statuts fondateurs. En 2013, un membre de cette association  a organisé et il a produit une exposition de caractère historique et  rétrospective et sur le 50e anniversaire du Festival  mondiale de la poésie  arabe célébré á Cordoue en 1963. Un des premiers grands événements culturels internationaux de l'histoire contemporaine de la ville et un festival que a rassemblé les principales personnalités diplomatiques politiques, intellectuelles et poétiques de divers pays arabes.
Aussi dans cette même année, l'Association a inspiré et a exhorté au Conseil municipal Córdoba promouvoir le début des négociations de jumelage avec la ville de Rome. Finalement les négociations ont conclu avec une visite officielle et la rédaction d'un protocole.
De même, l'association "Cordoba dans le monde» a également renforcé ses relations avec la ville de Nuremberg (Allemagne) a travers d’échanges professionnels et citoyens des deux villes.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

• Créer d'alliances entre les membres des associations espagnoles que trouvent domaines similaires de travail, liés au dialogue interculturel, le monde arabe, le patrimoine culturel et la culture comme moteur du développement durable.
• Apporter le parcours professionnel et académique des membres de l'association « Córdoba en el mundo » dans le domaine de la consultance et de la formation en gestion culturelle et développement durable.
• Participer activement aux réunions et forums organisés par le Réseau Anna Lindh d’Espagne.
• Diffuser études, nouveautés bibliographiques, rapports, activités, projets et de l'information d'intérêt pour les membres du réseau.
• Trouver des synergies entre les associations pour la formulation de possibles projets de programmes européens.
• Dialogue avec d'autres institutions (nationaux et internationaux) afin de renforcer le rôle du réseau dedans et hors de la péninsule comme clé essentielle  de la diplomatie culturelle et le dialogue interculturel en périodes d'instabilité.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

-Pour être une grande opportunité  de coopération entre organisations de  la société civile et institutions du réseau comme pratique exemplaire de nouvelles formes de gouvernance entre les peuples.
-Pour promouvoir initiatives sur dynamiques, confluences, et liens culturels entre les deux rives de la Méditerranée à travers leurs propres appels.
-Pour tisser réseaux avec  associations des deux côtés et de participer à des appels à programmes transfrontaliers et de coopération euro-méditerranéenne.
-Pour trouver raisons pour la rencontre permanente des associations qui promeuvent la tolérance, le respect et le dialogue.
-Parce que l'échange, la coopération et la mobilité favorisée par  réunions et séminaires organisés par la Fondation Anna Lindh renforceront  l'internationalisation d'une association locale avec une vision universelle.
-Parce que appartenir au réseau Anna Lindh nous fera sentir plus identifiés avec la méditerranée que  nous unit.
-Pour transmettre à travers nos actions la nécessité urgente des valeurs nécessaires en période de turbulences telles que la solidarité, la tolérance, la générosité, l'empathie et le dialogue.

Contact (1) Full Name
Virginia Luque Gallegos
Job Title
Secrétaire et porte-parole de l'Association Córdoba en el Mundo
Head of the organisation
Virginia Luque Gallegos
Contact (2) Full Name
Alberto Monterroso Peña
Job Title (2)
Président de l'Association Córdoba en el Mundo

Kolesarsko društvo ROG

National Network

Slomškova 4
1000 Ljubljana

+38614347379 (Miro Miškulin - General Secretary)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+386 (0) 51 628 158 (Miro Miškulin)
Mobile Phone (other)
+386 (0) 40 470 531 (Samo Kofol)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Since its foundation in 1949 cycling club Rog, KD Rog, has been regarded as one of the best sport clubs in Slovenia. The club works together with schools, organizes cycling events, has professional men’s and women’s cycling teams and runs local, national and international sport projects. The club also cooperates with partners and institutions in the field of culture and tourism. No. of staff: 10. Volunteers base: +150 Budgetary resources available in a year (2014): +1.000.000 Eur. Organisation´s usual source of funding: City of Ljubljana, Ministry of Education and Sport, FŠ – Foundation for Sport, BTC d.d., European commission, private donors and companies, membership fees, own sources from activities, events and services. Modalities of action: concrete projects - sport events, school events, education, youth, junior and seniors teams, networking, advocacy. Member of the association: Ljubljana Sport Association, Slovenian Cycling Federation, the Hiking & Biking Association and the Centre for Information Service.
Mission and Objectives

Cycling team Rog is an independent, non-governmental, non political, non-profit organisation with the aim to develop and promote cycling and values in sport in Slovenia. Our vision and objective is to encourage kids and youth to become sportsmen and to have a chance to define an active, positive and healthy lifestyle. Other goals are connected to promoting volunteering through training and participation in the events and developing a network of organizations and people who work in the field of sport (clubs/association) and cultural/youth/tourism sector. KD Rog wants to diversify its international programs in the next 5 years. The planned program of activities includes international sport events, Youth exchanges, European Voluntary service and Women in sport.

Main Projects / Activities

Maraton Franja BTC City -
The biggest cycling event in Slovenia, achieving a great international reputation under the sponsorship of the BTC company. It is a recreational cycling event with more than 7.000 participants of all ages. The Family Marathon is a well-known event which attracts 4000 participants each year. Our vision is to connect sport and cultural heritage through the cooperation with the Idrija Municipal Museum/Partisan hospital Franja.
UCI Women’s team BTC City Ljubljana
With its professional women’s team KD ROG promotes women’s cycling and gender equality.
Erasmus+ My Sport is Franja - Franja Academy -
Project “My Sport is Franja” was selected at the Erasmus+ Sport call in 2015. The main goal is to establish the Franja Academy in 2016 and 2017 with partners from Italy, Austria, Croatia and Slovakia. My Sport is Franja wants to connect sport and culture, present best practices and achieve a sustainable model from 2018 onwards. The project’s aim is to promote the name Franja within the European Union as a synonym for good practices in sport. In collaboration with UNESCO Slovenia and partners we start a network for future join projects in the field of sport and cultural heritage. It's a platform in development. We're keen to transform our past experiences and leading role in the cycling community into a new international identity, foster intercultural dialog and develop new international projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As an organization KD ROG can support initiatives in the Ljubljana area where the club works with over thirty primary schools. KD ROG also looks to promote European ideas through its seminars and Franja Academy.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

KD Rog’s interest is to promote human values in sport through sport activities. Cultural heritage is very much connected to Maraton Franja and KD ROG collaborates with cultural institutions to share common values. When KD ROG was selected for the Erasmus+ Sport call in 2015 the club already made a plan how and what it needs to do to promote European values, cultural heritage and good governance in sport for the general public, youth and volunteers.
Joining ALF would mean one step forward in this direction as KD Rog is looking forward to work with international partners with similar goals. Developing Franja Academy as a platform within the international community is one of the main reasons to join AFL. KD Rog wants to be able to share knowledge, to learn from other members and to work on topics such as human values, intercultural dialog and gender equality which are very important to our members and organization in general.

Contact (1) Full Name
Samo Kofol
Job Title
International projects
Head of the organisation
Aleks Štakul - president
Contact (2) Full Name
Miro Miškulin
Job Title (2)
General Secretary

Karen Vestergaard Jensen

National Network


Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Individual membership
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I recently came home from living half a year in Jordan, I have taken several courses on the Middle East and I just finished my thesis about women in the Islamic State so I can contribute with a sincere interest and academic knowledge and experience living in Jordan.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I am curious to know more about the ALF Network and attend their meetings, as I have a strong academic and personal interest in the Middle East.

Contact (1) Full Name
Karen Vestergaard Jensen
Head of the organisation
Karen Vestergaard Jensen


National Network


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Media
General Information
  TARABBAND - Arabic Music From Sweden Nominated and awarded as 2014's "Tradition bearer" and "Best crossover" at the Swedish World Music Awards. Formed in Malmö 2008, Tarabband hosts some of Sweden's most skilled folk & world musicians. The group is lead by the charismatic Iraqi Egyptian singer Nadin, who fled war in Iraq to Sweden in 2001. Tarabband's music and lyrics narrates her journey of survival, exile, life and rebirth. Tarabband members: Nadin Al khalidi - lead vocals, saz, lyrics Gabriel Hermansson - mandole, guitar, oud, vocals Dan Svensson – percussion, ney, vocals Romain Coutama - bass, vocals Filip Runesson - violin Ferhat Deniz Fors – percussion, ney, vocals  
Mission and Objectives

Tarabband combines groove and sweetness with a charismatic voice to transgress borders that are drawn between countries and humans. "Tarab" itself is an Arabic term for the ecstasy that can appear when music and emotions merge and become one.

Main Projects / Activities

Their debut album ”Ya Sidi” was released in 2013 and contains 10 original compositions. The music travels from Baghdad via Cairo, Paris to Malmo, mixing Sufism, Folk, Flamenco, Jazz and settles in Tarab, the common denominator. You can listen to Ya Side here:
Tarabband's second album "Ashoufak Baedein" is released in March 2016.
Also, follow Tarabband's page on Facebook at

Contact (1) Full Name
Nadin Khaldi
Head of the organisation
Nadin Khaldi
Contact (2) Full Name
Gabriel Hermansson