Albanian Centre YMCA Tirana

National Network

Blv. Bajram Curri, pall.3, Kat.2.

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Religion
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
YMCA Tirana is an Albanian non-governmental, non-profit organisation which aim is to empower young people, by assisting and strengthening communities’ development. YMCA Tirana was originally registered with the Tirana District court in 20.02.2009 under the name Albanian Centre for Community Integration and re-established in 13.10.2014 as Albanian Centre “YMCA Tirana”. It was made up by a group of young professions, which voluntary have offered different services and humanitarian aids to most vulnerable groups in Albania  
Mission and Objectives

YMCA Tirana provides services which address young people and communities’ needs in the following sectors: health, citizen and community education, environmental, social wellbeing, capacity building, public awareness and promoting their active participation in each step of development. Our aim is to give to young people opportunity to become leader and change maker in their community in order to live in the world where young generation will be active, and will have the possibilities to practice the skills in order to make changes in society. We believe in movements where people grow in body, mind and spirit.

Main Projects / Activities

YMCA Tirana has organized different community based activities, including young people in order to increase their participation in local community for different issues related to their groups and community in general. Our volunteers putt efforts and work with different target groups of different cultures, in most problematic issues that concern our society, focusing mostly in making the young generation more active and coordinating these activities, using different creative methodologies and tools.  We are now in the second year of implementing  the project  “Youth advocacy on participatory government” in the frame of Global youth voice campaign, supported by UNFPA Albania, which is focused on building capacities of young people, students in high school, from suburbs or towns, in identifying youth related concerns and addressing to the local government units. They advocate for young people voice to be heard and their recommendations to be included in strategic LGU plans and budget. Within this project, we have organized a summer camp mixed with training sessions on participatory governance.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Involving in this network will improve and enrich the capacities of YMCA staff, volunteers and partners, but in the mean time will help the network with its experience in youth field, human rights, youth actions in national and international level. Being part of YMCA world Alliance, it is an additional value of our organization, which will be reflected in our profesional relations and will help in exchaning best experiences in international level. On the youth initiatives, we have been very active in international events and actually have submitted different partnerships with other YMCAs in Europe for building the capacities of young people in different fields. On this initiatives we can involve young people from your network, which will improve the quality of the services and national initiatives that network will be involved.  

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We will be exposed to enormous and amazing experience from the network members, their succeful projects and initiatives, their ways of working, and any other benefit we can easily adapte to albanian context.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eglantina Lula
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Eglantina Lula
Contact (2) Full Name
Albi Qato
Job Title (2)
Project coordinator

Culture Center PUNKT

National Network

Mrkosnica 9
81400 Niksic

00382 69 283 317
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Culture Centre PUNKT is non-governmental, non-profit and non-partisan organisation based in Niksic, Montenegro. Although it started as the program of 2 NGOs from Niksic, Civis Diversus and Tunjel, after the positive reactions and support from the community, CC PUNKT was established as the organisation in April 2015 by the group of young people who wish to act for cultural development and education of youth in order to make arts and culture available to all people equally. CC PUNKT has 8 founding members, group of 10 young artists in the Artistic Council and over 30 volunteers.
Mission and Objectives

Culture Center PUNKT is local non-profit, non-partisan, non-governmental community organization based in Niksic that advocates creation of unique culture-artistic identity of the community through implementation of innovative ideas, fostering creative work and civic engagement, along with preservation and promotion of cultural heritage. Our vision is to create society where arts and culture are available to all people. CC PUNKT is organization that strives towards creation opportunities of free expression for recognized artists, as well as for those who have just chosen art as the profession.

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities implemented by CC PUNKT since the establishment:
◦ Multi-media event at the ex-Army House in Niksic – cleaning and adaptation of ruined space, exhibition of 10 young artists, experimental videos projection, performance of 3 music bands with over 1000 visitors in one evening.
◦ Exhibition 8th March – exhibition of 10 female artists from Niksic, for the benefit of promotion of women’s rights in “A” Gallery in Niksic.
◦ Face of the Street – project designed to show true face of our town through three segments: 1. Placing the Foundation stone of the Home of Revolution in its Plateau; 2. Restauration of the facade of one of the oldest houses in Niksic in the main Niksic street, Njegoseva, mural painting on restored wall and Vintage Bazaar organized on the Njegoseva street that was closed for traffic during the event; 3. Cleaning action of the plateau behind Local Museum (former Palace of King Nikola I Petrovic).
◦ Initiative for restoration of Niksic Town’s Orchestra in partnership with NGO Civis Diversus – ongoing fundraising campaign.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

CC PUNKT has strong creative force that we want to invest in overall cultural development in country and beyond. Although we are young as organisation, all of our members are experienced in their fields of work. We would be active members of the Network and ready to support its activities and development at the best of our skills and knowledge. Membership in any network should bring positive effects to all of its members, especially if members are those bringing these effects. We are hoping to be one of those positively contributing members.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that ALF Network is a valuable resource for the development of partnerships in the field of culture, education and media in Montenegro, but also in the Balkan region and all of the member states. Membership in the Network would contribute to strengthening our capacities and developing strategic partnerships for the benefit of overall cultural development and development of the community we work in. This would also ease the establishment of cooperation with subjects outside the scope of work of Culture Center PUNKT.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bosko Milovic
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Bosko Milovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Milos Gezovic
Job Title (2)
Head of the Steering Committee

Lab-Inclusion-(Socio-educational laboratory of inclusion projects)

National Network

Maison des Associations, 1a place des Orphelins, Strasbourg
9, rue du grand rempart
67230 Benfeld

+33 9 53050090
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+33 6 87366024
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
"Lab-Inclusion” is an NGO created in 2016 and aims to promote Inclusive society. Its target population includes people with fewer opportunities. Being at the very beginning of our activities, our budgetary resources are to be developed in the prompt future. At this stage, however, some partnerships are already built on both levels:  the local and the international ones. On local level, partnership is set with Strasbourg University, “USM67” - deaf and hearing impairments NGO, “Vue d’Ensemble” visual impairments NGO. To implement local activities, we are applying for public instances foundations, as city halls, region and department.  On the international level, however, we share non formal educational projects with different NGOs from Armenia, Belgium, Luxembourg, Ukraine, Norvege, Russia, Italy, and Georgia, in the framework of Erasmus + foundation. Our modalities of the present actions include: conferences with academicians, round tables with social actors/professionals, individual workshops, youth exchanges and training of trainers.
Mission and Objectives

Lab-Inclusion aims to assure the active participation and the cooperation of diverse actors of the society (individual-individual, individual-social systems) towards a social inclusion. Our objectives are:
A- At the individual level, we seek to:
- work towards a better understanding of each other,
- strengthen solidarity, as well as interpersonal and intercultural communication,
- guide the person to his projects of inclusion taking into account his individual needs, and
- promote his high confidence and self-esteem etc.
B- At the level of society, we aim to: 
- promote social well-being,
- fight against negative attitudes,
- promote public awareness,
- encourage the participation of stakeholders in the process of social development, and
- reconsider the process of “living together” .

Main Projects / Activities

At this stage, all our projects are in progress:
- Drawing a “Guide of good practices” to raise awareness on the different communication bases with deaf people and people with visual impairments at schools.
- “Gender representation in animated images” – training of trainers, applied for Erasmus+.
- Organising of a conference with a University of Strasbourg professor, on the topic of “Social Inclusion”.
- Developing a youth exchange program of Deaf and Hearing (France-Belgium-Armenie), throughout of Hip-Hop and circus activity.
- Establishment of sharing workshop for refugees and migrants.
- Implementing a project under the name of  “Human Library” – an innovative and new project in Strasbourg.
- Organising linguistic workshops for migrants
- Developing different actions to raise public awareness
- Developing various action plans which aim to diagnose, analyse and identify the needs of each member of the society who feels himself excluded and thus  act to improve the situation..

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The members of Lab-Inclusion intend to actively contribute to the Network in France by means of very particular level of inclusion projects. Indeed, the fact that the majority of our staff members are human sciences PhD doctors and future doctors represents a diversity of the potentials with cross-disciplinary knowledge. Moreover, our contribution could also be noticed in the partnership we set with EECA countries, but also with MEDA countries and MEDA communities in France. Also by the diversity of our backgrounds, we are direct representatives of individuals, who are concerned by inclusion issues. Last but not least, our contribution involves our participation in the collection of good practices and diverse projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Being conscientious of Mediterranean countries collaboration for France, joining ALF Network gives as big opportunity to get new waves and horizons of partnership. This will allow us to take part in civil society organisations, and become an actor in the promotion of inclusive society and intercultural dialogue across Europe and the Mediterranean. Eager to experience new meetings and new topics, we are looking forward to develop new partnerships based on thematic interests.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
President of Lab-Inclusion
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Anissa HAMZA
Job Title (2)
Secretary of Lab-Inclusion


National Network

Centre Tamaynut pour la Citoyenneté, Souk Tablabba Commune Rurale De Taghjijt Guelmim
Centre Tamaynut pour la Citoyenneté, Souk Tablabba Commune Rurale De Taghjijt Guelmim
81150 Taghjijt

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
ORGANISATION TAMAYNUT- SECTION TAGHJIJT Organisation non gouvernementale fédérale Amazighe Fondée en 1978Accréditée par l’organisation mondiale de la propriété intellectuelleMembre fondateur du comité de la coordination des peuples autochtones de l’Afrique IPACC
Mission and Objectives

Objectifs et moyens
Organisation vise à:
Sur le plan juridique et Alhoiati:
La défense des droits de l'homme et des droits des peuples, conformément aux déclarations et conventions internationales sur les droits de l'homme et des peuples.
Les travaux sur l'adoption d'une constitution démocratique en forme et le fond.
Renforcer l'identité culturelle marocaine et d'enrichir à travers la réhabilitation de la dimension culturelle des Amazighs dans tous les domaines de la vie culturelle et leur intégration dans la vie publique.
Contribuer à la lutte contre toutes les formes de discrimination quant à la race, la couleur, la religion, la langue, l'opinion ou autrement.
Contribuer à la lutte contre toutes les formes de discrimination à l'égard des femmes dans tous les domaines
Élargir la participation à la vie culturelle sans discrimination,
Élargir la participation à la vie politique sans discrimination et la lutte pour le respect des droits civils, politiques, économiques et sociaux
La lutte pour l'intégration de la langue amazighe dans divers cabinets d'Etat marocain est de préserver l'identité marocaine de l'homme et de sa dignité à la maison.
La lutte pour la commodité des lois marocaines avec les conventions internationales et avec l'intégration de Tamazight de lois coutumières dans la législation marocaine.
Plaider pour les libertés et la liberté de croyance individuelle.
Le niveau culturel et éducatif:
écrit Tamazight et la créativité comme une priorité pour les maintenir et les développer à l'organisation d'ateliers de créativité pour les enfants et les jeunes dans le cadre de l'égalité des sexes;
Création d'une atmosphère culturelle est conçue pour soutenir et développer la culture amazighe, y compris la promotion et l'adoption de diverses formes de créativité langue amazighe;
Émission de magazines et de journaux et de périodiques papier ou mur numérique ou magazines et la création de réservoirs comme il le juge approprié pour l'organisation d'atteindre ses objectifs;
Activer et d'encadrement et l'organisation de camps nationaux et internationaux et organiser Altdarb national et international;
L'achèvement des ateliers et des visites culturelles et des sessions de formation;
Coopération avec des intérêts communs ou des associations culturelles convergentes aux niveaux national et international;
Les travaux sur le développement de la langue et de la culture de l'enfance marocaine dans le cadre du respect de l'identité et de l'attention linguistique et culturelle à tous les termes de l'enfant linguistiquement et culturellement;
Attention à l'aspect éducatif, y compris l'éducation aux droits de l'homme et de la citoyenneté;
Contribuer à l'économie sociale de marché et de la normalisation de la recherche de la langue Tamazight et de l'enseignement;
L'organisation et l'encadrement des activités sportives sous diverses formes, en particulier pour les jeunes et les enfants.
Sur le plan de développement:
La réalisation de projets de développement en partenariat directement avec la population et avec les organisations de la société civile et toutes les parties prenantes dans le domaine du développement.
Défense et de plaidoyer pour le domaine de l'environnement et de la biodiversité et la protection des piliers d'un arbre tout en respectant les droits et la propriété de protection coutumière protégée indigène.

Main Projects / Activities

Construction et équipement Centre Tamaynut pour la Citoyenneté
Formation dans le domaine des droits de l'homme
Organiser camp de vacances

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed Lyadib
Job Title
Consultant en charge de la formation et des relations extérieures
Head of the organisation
Othmane Hirrane
Contact (2) Full Name
Othmane Hirrane
Job Title (2)

Catholic Center for Studies and Media

National Network

Alweibdeh Next to Bishara Catholic Church
Amman 11191

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Religion
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

Abouna? "May God pave the way for "" to come to you" It is necessary to identify "", the site, mission, goals and vision in a few words, so we go by the norm of the websites and say: "" came to life in the heart of the Jordanian desert  and reached the ends of the Earth by the grace of the Lord and became an intellectual, dialogue, spiritual and humane oasis. Several events are plaguing the world today. What is important is how we view them. "" offers a modest contribution to help the vigilant reader how to read in a dignified way. The religion is wide-ranging. It cannot be limited to a collection of dogmas or ideological visions. It is a simultaneous divine illumination on both fertile and arid land, to transform its people from the state of wretchedness to become humane and moderate. In other words, to transform the wretched people into brothers...having faith in "global brotherhood".  (Charles de Foucauld) Hence attention is not in a religion at the expense of the other  but rather in dialogue among religions, particularly among Christians and Muslims of the world of today. This dialogue has become a vital necessity rather than a luxury in dark nooks of luxury hotels. But the dialogue as it appears in these pages is not a search for coexistence and neighbourhood that may change with the change neighbors and apartments, but rather standing " together before God," and this requires a different kind of courage, namely overture and acceptance of others... always for man. Through dialogue, the presence of Christian Arabs becomes salient. It is not merely a demographic presence, but rather a call and a message on the land of the incarnation and redemption. As for the human rights, which "" forcefully defends, it is wide-ranging with the viewpoints in their defence are complex... for a writer could defend them by freeing them from all restrictions and caveats. As for " ", its obsession is freedom which ought to be in line with the dignity of man who is in God's image. A variety of cultural topics may be found on the pages of this site. This is aimed at supporting the writers who believe in purity, beauty and art, as "beauty is the factor that saves the world". (Dostoevsky) philosophy  is based on man, neither on his human nature nor on his points of weakness, but on the power and energy acquired through  faith in his Creator and openness to the  lofty values of religion which influence every human being. After the events of September and after a lecture to the Pope in a German university, information centres in the West issued documents and news on the Catholic world in Arabic in order to cement  more constructive cooperation among religions. "" wanted  to enter into this arena, and be an Arab voice that emerges from an Arab land. This site does not get satisfied with exposing "a document" – any document... But it wants to present it  in its cultural environment and presents it to the Arab reader on a neutral dish . " " in Arabic is glory to God and to human dignity ... The essence of proper and healthy media is to be "dedicated to humanity…"

Mission and Objectives

أبــــونا؟ "عسى أن يمهد الله "أبونا" طريقنا إليكم" تقتضي الضرورة أن نعرّف "أبونا" الموقع، الرسالة، الأهداف والرؤية، بكلمات قليلة... لذلك... نرضخعند هذه العادة في المواقع الالكترونية، ونقول: أبونا؟ نشأ من قلب الصحراء الأردنية. ووصل إلى أطراف الأرض بنعمة من الرب. وصار واحة فكرية وحوارية، روحية وإنسانية. أحداث كثيرة تعصف بالعالم اليوم. المهم كيف نقرأها؟ بأي عين ننظر إليها؟ "أبونا" يقدم  أسهامهالمتواضع لمساعدة القارئ اليقظ في كيفية قراء الأحداث بعين كرامة الإنسان. أما الدين، فحقوله واسعة، ولا يمكن حصره بمجموعة عقائد أو رؤى فكرية. انه إضاءة إلهية على الأرض الخصبة والقاحلة في آن واحد، ليصبح سكانها البشر الأشقياء أكثر إنسانية ورقّة وأعمق تواصلا واعتدالا. وبكلمة أخرى ليصبح الأشقياء أشقاء... ومؤمنين "بالأخوّة العالمية" (شارل دي فوكو). من هنا الاهتمام ليس بدين على حساب الآخر بالحوار بين الديانات وبخاصة بين مسيحيي عالم اليوم ومسلميه، وقد أمسى هذا الحوار ضرورة حيوية أكثر منه ترفا في زاويا معتمه في الفنادق الفارهة. لكنّ الحوار كما يظهر في هذه الصفحات ليس بحثا عن تعايش وتجاور قد يتغيّر بتغيّر الجيران والشقق السكنيّة، لكنّه وقوف "معا أمام الله"، وهذا يتطلب شجاعة من نوع مختلف... بشقيها: الصراحة والتقبّل... ودائما من أجل الإنسان. ومن خلال الحوار، يبرز حضور العرب المسيحيين، ليس وجودا ديمغرافيا وحسب، بل دعوة ورسالة على أرض التجسد والفداء. أما حقوق الإنسان التي ينبري "أبونا" للدفاع عنها، فحقولها واسعة، ووجهات نظر الدفاع عنها متشعبة... فقد يدافع عنها كاتب، فيدعو إلى تحرّرها وتحريرها من كل القيود والمحاذير. أمّا "أبونا"، فهاجسه الحرية ولكن بما يتلاءم وكرامة الإنسان المفطور على صورة الله و مثاله. وقد تجد أيضا على هذه الصفحات مواضيع ثقافية متنوّعة، والهدف منها تعزيز الأقلام المؤمنة بالنقاء وبالفن والجمال و"الجمال هو الذي يخلص العالم" (دوستيفسكي). تقوم فلسفة أبونا على الإنسان ليس ببشريته ومكامن ضعفه، بل على القوة والطاقة التي ينالها من إيمانه بخالقه ومن انفتاحه على رحابة الدين وعلى القريب الذي هو كل إنسان. بعد أحداث أيلول وبعد محاضرة للبابا في إحدى الجامعات الألمانية، انبرت مراكز إعلامية تصدر في الغرب إلى نشر وثائق وأخبار عن العالم الكاثوليكي باللغة العربية في سبيل مزيد من التعاون والبناء بين الديانات... وأراد "أبونا" أن يدخل في هذا المعترك، وأن يكون صوتا عربيا يخرج من أرض عربية... الا أنّه لا يكتفي بعرض "الوثيقة"- أي وثيقة، لكنّه أيضا يساعد في قراءتها بعين تحليليه، فيضعها في بيئتها الثقافية ويقدّمها للقارئ العربي على طبق حيادي.   "أبونا" باللغة العربية... مجدا لله ولكرامة الإنسان... فجوهر الإعلام السليم والصحي أن يكون "من أجل الإنسان..." رئيس التحرير: الأب رفعـت بدر

Main Projects / Activities

The first Center and electronic platform for Catholic and Inter-Faith dialogue coverage in Jordan. To Cover the Catholic Media and to participate in the development and Active Citizenship Awareness, youth social and political participation and Inter-Faith Dialogue.  Research on Education and Inter-Faith Dialogue  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through our out reach and Inter-religious diverse networks.  Through our website and media coverage of inter-religous and inter-cultural dialogue activities in Jordan. To contribute in launching different campagns on inter-faith dialogue along with other religious institution locally,  regionally and International. Through our education program on Teaching Curriculums in Jordan in cooperation with other parties in the Middle east and North Africa. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have already been participating and contributing to many activities in the network and the Head of Network and it is time for us to be an official member.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fr. Rifaat Bader
Job Title
Head of the Center
Head of the organisation
Fr. Rifaat Bader
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Marcelle Issa Jwaniatt
Job Title (2)


National Network


213 555002532
Telephone (other)
213 34 18 72 28
213 18 72 29
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
213 555002532
Mobile Phone (other)
213 555002534
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
General Information

Rassemblement contre  la Hogra et pour les droits des algériennes "RACHDA"mageur en langue arab association creee en 1997 objectifs: defendre les interets moraux et materiels des femmes qui veulent vivre dans la démocratie ,l'égalité  la jusitce et la la dignité.  nous oeuvronspour l'abrogation de toutes formes de descrimnations et anti constitutionelles  à l'egard des femmes , notament le code de la famille.  nous lutons pour mettre oeuvre que les institutions aient pour finalité d'asssurer une égalité en droits et en devoirs entre les hommes et les femmes.

Mission and Objectives

obectifs :luttes contre toutes les formes de descrimnations à l'egard des femmes , promouvoir l'égalité en genre  -creation d'un centre d'accueil pour les femmes victimes du code la famille( DARNA) -02  cellules d'ecoute alger et constantine  pour l'orienetation juridique et psychologique - projection de film relatif aux conditionx des femmes - campagne de sencibilisation relatives aux droits des femmes (les amendements du code de la famille, plaidoyer  en faveur des lois contre les violences envers les femmes.  partie prenante dasn la commission nationale de la stratégie nationale contre les violence faites aux femmes initié par le ministére de la solidarité nationale de la famille et de la condition de la femme.

Main Projects / Activities

acceuil et orientation des femmes en detresses campagnes de sensibilisation et paidoyer en faveur des lois égalitaires  collect des signatures pour l'abrgoation du code de la famille  organisation d'une université d'été de formation pour les militantes de l'association Rachda participation aux ateliers  pour les amendmens du code de la famille  activité culturelles,  valoriser le travail des femmes et le rendre visible  par des expositions et ventes  organiser des rencontre entre les respensable de dispositifs existant pour insertion dans le monde de travail ect

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

echanges des expériences de terrain, mettre à disposition l'infrastructure que nous disposons pour les femmes et leurs enfant dans la mesure de nos moyens

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

pour benefier de partenaire d'echange d'experiences   aussi bien local qu'a l'echelle mediteranien .  trouver des solutions ensemble  et durable pour interactivité entre les differents acteurs , société civile, institution , partenaire mediteranien .

Contact (1) Full Name
dalila aoudj imatoukene
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
malika chih
Job Title (2)
membre du bureau


National Network

Amman 19110

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
looking to apply to join your network
Mission and Objectives

Participate in develoing our society

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

جمعية سكة خير لتنمية المجتمع

National Network

بلوك 11 ش موسى بن نصير - قرية ابيس الأولى .. رمل أول - اسكندرية
27 ش مصطفى باشا صبحى - متفرع من ش فؤاد - خلف كوستا كافيه - الإسكندرية

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Others
  10. Youth and education
General Information
الهيكل التنظيمى : مجلس ادارة - سكرتير عام - مدير تنفيذى - سكرتارية - محاسب - منسق برامج - مسئول إعلام الميزانية السنوية فى حدود 20000 جنيه .. مصادر الدخل الاساسية تمويل ذاتى من الاعضاء انشطة الجمعية تتاركز فى : الأنشطة الخيرية - ورش العمل الفنية - برامج للتدريب من أجل التوظيف - برامج للتدريب التحويلى - أشطة للتوعية بالحقوق والواجبات - أنشطة للاطفال والشباب جمعيات أهلية - وبعض مؤسسات وزارة الثقافة - محافظة الاسكندرية  
Mission and Objectives

من نحن
جمعية سكة خير هى جمعية أهلية مشهرة برقم  3673 لسنة 2015
بدأت عملها كمبادرة مستقلة منذ عام 2012بدأت عملها كمبادرة مستقلة منذ عام 2012
خلق بيئة إجتماعية سوية لتنشئة جيل قادر على النهوض بالمجتمع
تقديم خدمات إجتماعية وثقافية وفنية جادة بالمجتمعات المهمشة والمناطق العشوائية تساهم فى تنمية القدرات الذاتية للمرأة والشباب والأطفال لتحقيق تنمية مستدامة خلال مدى زمنى متوسط
تمكين المرأة المعيلة إجتماعيا واقتصاديا
تنمية القدرات الإقتصادية للأسرة
رفع المستوى المعرفى والثقافى لدى قطاعات المجتمع
رعاية الحالات الأكثر إحتياجا
رعاية المعاقين
محو الأمية
بناء جيل قادر على التعامل مع كافى التطورات الحديثة
مكافحة الإدمان

Main Projects / Activities

أهم الأنشطة
خيرية، ثقافية، تسويق ومعارض، مهرجانات رياضيو وفنية
أدعمهم وأشتري منتجهم
بأيدين مصرية
أهم المشروعات
مشروع بإيدين مصرية:
مشروع حرفي تنموي هدفه التدريب من أجل الحصول علي فرص عمل ذاتية لدعم المرأة المعيلة والشباب من خلال التدريب علي مهارات أشغال يدوية
(مشغولات جلدية–طباعة–صب وإستنساخ–لحام حديد–إعادة تدوير–Patchwork )
تقوم الجمعية بتوفير خامات التدريب وتحمل بدل انتقال المتدربين والمساعدة فى تسويق المنتجات
مشروع أولي ثقافة:
لتنمية وتطوير مهارات أطفال المناطق الأكثر إحتياجا لتوفير بيئة آمنه للأطفال

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

من خلال المشاركة فى المشروعات التى تتوافق مع أهداف وأنشطة الجمعية

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لزيادة قدرة الجمعية على التشبيك مع مؤسسات مناظرة داخليا وخارجيا ..
لرفع كفاءة الجمعية من خلال الاحتكاك بالتجارب الناجحة ، والالتحاق بورش العمل
لتقديم دور اكثر فعالية فى النطاق الجغرافى المتنامى للشبكة

Contact (1) Full Name
مروة السيد نجم
Job Title
سكرتير عام الجمعية
Head of the organisation
د. وليد قانوش
Contact (2) Full Name
وليد محمد قانوش
Job Title (2)
رئيس مجلس الإدارة

The National Youth Council of Latvia (LJP)

National Network

R. Blaumana street 38/4 - 11
Riga, LV-1011

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

LJP is a non-gouvermental organisation with 5 employes, 5 board members and 33 member organizations.  Our budget for the year 2015 was aproximetly 100000 EUR, with funding from Erasmus+, European Commision grants.  Our main project is Structured Dialogue in Latvia.  Our partners include Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia, as well as our 33 member organizations and other NGO's. 

Mission and Objectives

Latvian youth policy, based on the young people's desires, needs and co-operation. Participation of young people in the decisions affecting the future of young people; Youth organization interest representation in Latvia and abroad; Non-formal education availability to young people and it's recognizion in Latvia; Young people have access to information on youth, its opportunities and youth organizations activities; Youth organizations are nationally recognized as an integral part of civil public existence. Collect, represent and protect the views and interests of young people and youth organizations in matters relating to youth or affecting young people, both directly and indirectly, on national and international levels; Ensuring that Latvian youth policies are linked to the international efforts in youth development.  

Main Projects / Activities

Structured dialogue process implementation in Latvia.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

LJP has 20 years of experience in the youth field. We have gained a lot of experience on how to work with youth directly, how to write projects and implement them successfully and defend youth's rights on a local, national and international level. LJP has a lot of experience in cooperation with national authorities. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To establish new partnerships with organizations that work with youth in Latvia and other countries as well as to strengthen the existing partnerships. To gain support on our activities and projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eliza Bruklena
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Anna Norvele, President

H.R.Y.O. human Rights youth organization

National Network

Via M 11 num 13/7
90046 Monreale

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Religion
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Marco Farina
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Marco Farina