Tamasi Performing Arts Collective

National Network

36 Sherif Street, Downtown

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
TAMASI is a collective of 11 performing arts organizations from Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Palestine working locally, regionally and internationally. The organizations have been identified for their experience, diversity & artistic excellence, in addition to their firm commitment and strong vision for arts and culture as a pivotal contributor to the achievement of social and political justice. We have come together to strengthen, individually and collectively, our capacity to increase access to resources, withstand marginalization of the arts, break the isolation of Arab artists in general and Palestinian artists in particular, and contribute to the development of a more sustainable, viable and vibrant performing arts life in the societies where we operate and the region as a whole.
Mission and Objectives

Tamasi envisions a world of equality and diversity where free expression is the main pillar of social and economic justice, where societies share basic human values of respect for nature and life, and where co-motion is the constant that helps societies cope with and instigate change.
At the heart of this vision lies artistic expression as a vehicle and platform for social dialogue, instigator and trigger of social change, a means for resistance, and a most potent tool for forging a new social and political reality in MENA.
Tamasi perceives its role as:
A platform to voice opinions and ‘self reflect’.
An active agent in creating transformation, change and co-motion.
A main contributor to the world of social and economic development, human rights and freedom of expression whilst essentially continuing to be an artistic collective.

Main Projects / Activities

The availability of space for performing arts has been a long standing challenge in the MENA especially for independent groups.Tamasi therefore provides opportunities and ‘spaces’ as platforms for changing, challenging and dialoguing at the level of social discourse.
In doing this, we aim to increase and diversify access to performing arts with a particular focus on youth and the young generations and achieving gender balance through:
Reaching out to and engaging with underserved and marginalised communities.
Increasing the number and diversity of performances and productions in targeted countries.
Developing performances tackling current and taboo socio-economic and political issues.
Increasing access to performing arts spaces including non-traditional and public spaces.
Developing and holding training workshops for children and youth, especially in marginalised areas.
Engaging with policy makers to influence school curricula.
Holding and organising street festivals aimed at children and youth.The availability of space for performing arts has been a long standing challenge in the MENA especially for independent groups.Tamasi therefore provides opportunities and ‘spaces’ as platforms for changing, challenging and dialoguing at the level of social discourse.
In doing this, we aim to increase and diversify access to performing arts with a particular focus on youth and the young generations and achieving gender balance through:
Reaching out to and engaging with underserved and marginalised communities.
Increasing the number and diversity of performances and productions in targeted countries.
Developing performances tackling current and taboo socio-economic and political issues.
Increasing access to performing arts spaces including non-traditional and public spaces.
Developing and holding training workshops for children and youth, especially in marginalised areas.
Engaging with policy makers to influence school curricula.
Holding and organising street festivals aimed at children and youth.
Providing trainings, workshops, residencies and fellowships.
Providing targeted mentoring to burgeoning artists.
Organising, attending and hosting regional events and festivals providing opportunities for new artists to meet audience and develop their artistic skills.
Supporting joint artistic projects at the regional level.
Providing financial support to regional independent artistic organisations.
Providing artistic and managerial support to increase the capacity of independent artistic organizations at the regional level.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Tamasi program aims at creating a strong, viable regional body at the regional and international level. We also work to reach out, support and collaborate with other artists and groups at the local and regional level to share experiences, learning opportunities and knowledge. We believe that with our experience in the fields of arts and culture, fundraising and cultural entrepreneurship, Tamasi will contribute to the network by offering assistance, knowledge exchange, mentorship and guidance to youth and aspiring artists and entrpreneurs. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that networking is an essential aspect of our vision and mission to reach out for people. For this reason, Tamasi requests joining ALF Network to strengthen its sustainability and increase interaction between its members and other networks. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Amany Abouzeid
Job Title
Executive Manager
Head of the organisation
Amany Abouzeid

Supportive Homeland Association

National Network

84 D Gesr El-Suez St, Cairo, Egypt

+2 (02) 22597446
+2 (02) 22597446
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Others
General Information
In 2015, in accordance to state instructions, IDSC registered before the Ministry of Solidarity as “Supportive Homeland Association number 982). This restructuring as both a nonprofit and nongovernmental organization allow both sister entities to comply with the Egyptian legal corpus while continuing to serve social development through their initiatives
Mission and Objectives

Social Development: Contributing to the reduction of poverty by improving provided services, raising awareness and building capacities. More specifically, Supportive Homeland Association works within this area on three components:
1) Education and Literacy; 2) Health; 3) Support for civil society organizations and capacity building. This area of work is mandated to ensure the availability of educated, skilled, healthy and productive human resources that contribute efficiently to the local and regional development.
Peace building and citizenship: Working towards peaceful coexistence, creating community-based peace- builders with the capacities to address and transform conflict in a non-violent way. This is done by building the capacities of youth, social, and political activists on peace, conflict transformation, diversity, human rights, intercultural dialogue, gender and democratic development
Economic Development: Promoting demand for labor and labor absorption in the local and national economy through employment, social protection, developing professional attitudes, technical vocational skills of community structures and individuals, and improving the economic security of vulnerable households with special focus on women
All the three areas of intervention are interrelated and directly linked to each other as well as to other areas such as culture, heritage and media. With this understanding, Supportive Homeland Association always adapts a holistic approach during the designing and the implementation of its activities and services on the ground, not only to achieve the expected result, but also to contribute in promoting a comprehensive understanding of sustainable development on local and regional levels

Main Projects / Activities

Youth Empowerment Project: With the support of Relief International, IDSC worked together with local partners to provide 6000 youth in 6 governorates in Egypt with the necessary skills to effectively communicate and contribute to their communities, as well as the ability to assume leadership at a local level. In addition, the YEP program provided youth with problem solving, critical thinking, and leadership skills necessary to take the lead in addressing challenges hindering the democratic process in their specific localities. Finally, the project also established six youth centers in six different governorates to serve as political awareness academies and created an on-line portal in which interactive training curricula pertaining to issues tackled during the project are shared
Loamet Aish - Source of Living: After the success of the first phase, this project continued in 2015 with additional approaches. Its aim was to promoting peaceful coexistence among Syrian refugees and hosting communities in Damietta, through involving community structure and stakeholders in strengthen the economic security of vulnerable households (Egyptians and Syrians) with focus on women. The project relied on the resources of the Local Community Development Organization in Damietta, the support of Terres des Hommes, UNCHR and IDSC's six years of experience in providing career guidance, job counselling and capacity building of organizations and individuals. A quality restaurant was established to provide catering services in response to the neighboring factories' demands as well as to serve a wide range of customers
United we stand, divided we fall is a long term project that aims at promoting peaceful coexistence by bringing together three community structures (civil society organizations, church and mosque). This expanded their capacity to build a culture of tolerance to address their communities’ challenges together. Funded by MEPI and implemented in three governorates namely: Cairo, Behira and Sohag.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Supportive Homeland Association will act as an open source of information for the network members especially in the areas of Supportive Homeland Association experience (including. labor market, employment, civic education, youth political participation). 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Through joining ALF network, Supportive Homeland Associationis seeking to increase its access to national and international NGOs with similar mission and objectives , in order to exchange experience and to cultivate multicultural partnerships. Also IDSC would like to share best practices in Egypt and specifically with Supportive Homeland Association implemented projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
maged hosny
Job Title
head of board of trustee
Head of the organisation
Maged hosny
Contact (2) Full Name
shady Amin

Your Middle East Foundation

National Network

Box 19552
104 32 Stockholm

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Your Middle East Foundation currently has three staff. At the moment, the organization's budget is dominated by a grant from PostkodLotteriets Kulturstiftelse. It also has a partnership with Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Lund University. For more info on mission and projects, see "Mission and Objectives" below.

Mission and Objectives

Your Middle East Foundation strives to share an alternative narrative from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). We do this in order to combat islamophobia and stereotypes about the region in other parts of the world. That objective is achieved partly through the independent platform www.yourmiddleeast.com, and partly through related educational initiatives in Sweden. Through our media platform, events and educational initiatives we connect people within and outside the region and put a spotlight on key issues shaping its future. YourMiddleEast.com publishes stories on politics, culture, arts, society, religion through a diverse global network of some 900+ contributors. We have a monthly readership of 150,000 and roughly 100,000 followers on social media.

Main Projects / Activities

Besides running www.yourmiddleeast.com (launched already in 2011), we are currently focusing our resources on producing a pioneering educational programme targeting high schools in Sweden. The project aims to share a more informed and nuanced perspective on contemporary issues shaping the MENA region, moving beyond what European youth tend to see in the rather static mainstream media. A new platform, published in Swedish, will be launched in 2016, including online portals for teachers and students. A printed teacher magazine will be distributed to every high school in the country. We are now starting to plan for similar efforts in other European countries where xenophobia is on the rise.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are currently preparing for more initiatives that focus on issues relating to minorities in the EU, and we believe that our innovative educational approach can provide inspiration and learnings for other member organizations. Although we have up until this point focused on sharing alternative narratives from the MENA region specifically, we are also discussing using similar learning tools/methods that could be useful for other themes, e.g. education on migration, which is probably an area where other member orgs. are active.

Contact (1) Full Name
Adam Hedengren
Job Title
Editor-in-chief & Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Adam Hedengren

جمعية الخير

National Network

sidi mokhtar
sidi mokhtar
41152 chichaoua

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
 جمعية الخير تهتم بالعمل الخيري
Mission and Objectives

الاهتمام بالمسنين
الاهتمام بالفئات المعوزة
الاهتمام بالبيئة
الاهتمام بالمدارس القرانية

Main Projects / Activities

الاهتمام بالمسنين
الاهتمام بالفئات المعوزة
الاهتمام بالبيئة
الاهتمام بالمدارس القرانية

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

تتشرف الجمعية بالانضمام الى مؤسستكم

Contact (1) Full Name
abderrahim maskini
Head of the organisation
عبد الرحيم مسكيني

Méditerravenir Tunisie

National Network

5 rue essahab riadh el andalous ariana tunisie

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Méditerravenir Tunisie promeut un dialoque interrive Sud-Sud-Nord, grâce  auquel elle met au premier plan les femmes et les jeunes. Chaque année, l’association organise des Matins Multiculturels et monte parallèlement des projets de plus grande ampleur, tels que le 3ème Congrès sur le Dialogue Sud-Nord à Tunis en 2012, la journée d’études organisée en 2013 à l’Assemblée Nationale française ou encore la journée d’études « la femme rurale au Maghreb, transition et perspectives » (février 2015) en préparation du 4ème Congrès de Milan sur le dialogue Sud-Nord "Les communautés rurales : ne plus les oublier" (octobre 2015).

Mission and Objectives

Méditerravenir Tunisie has partners in Belgium (Fondation du Dialogue Sud-Nord Méditerranée), France (GREF, Université Savoie-Mont-Blanc) and Algeria (ISGP d'Alger). It counts 5 active members and 5 non-active ones.  On March 2016, 2 500 TND are available on the association bank account. Sources of funding are mainly public ones, or from partners (foundations...). This year, Méditerravenir staff will start to collect funds through organizing associative events (selling of cakes, call for donations... ). Each year, Méditerravenir Tunisie welcomes civic service volunteers and interns.  The association organizes exchanges between mediterranean South and North and takes part in international events as well as national ones: "3ème Congrès sur le Dialogue Sud-Nord" (Tunis, 2012); workshop « La femme rurale au Maghreb, transition et perspectives » (Tunis, february 2015); "4ème Congrès du dialogue Sud-Nord Méditerranée" (Milan, october 2015)... Besides, the association organizes one "Matin Multiculturel" each quarter. The first is scheduled on March, 26 about "l'Identité Méditerranéenne de la Tunisie".  

Main Projects / Activities

Two projects are being built this year.  The first one is about a road trip from South to North across Mediterranean sea to promote gender equality and give space to women on both mediterranean sides. This road should wear the name of Fatima.  The second one is a training program which is aimed to improve women professional insertion and participation on labor force market.  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Méditerravenir Tunisie could propose its expertise in its respective fields such as women training/promotion  and intercultural exchanges and dialog.  Besides, as young volunteer/members belong to the association, they may contribute with new and original ideas and, doing this, contribute to dynamise the network. Also, they would be able to quickly adapt themselves to the network needs. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Méditerravenir works on women promotion, intergenerational links, youth promotion and intercultural dialog through mediterranean sides. All these fields are also FAL ones. Besides, joining the network, Méditerravenir may get more contacts, find more partners to work further and more efficiently in these fields. Debates, exchanges and dialog within the network are opportunities to foster mediterranean dialog and peace.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Mme Zeyneb ATTYA
Job Title (2)

ITECO Centre de Formation pour le développement et la solidarité internationale

National Network

Rue Renkin, 2
1030 Bruxelles

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
To contribute to the education of the public about North-South solidarity and international citizenship, and to strengthen the capacity for action, in order : To promote joint thinking and action between individuals and groups from civil society in the North and the South. To support actors in the north in their individual and collective actions to increase solidarity, at home and abroad. To facilitate intercultural dialogue and reflection on the relation between migration and development, to build the base for a multicultural society. To support the implementation of alternatives to the neo-liberal model of society, at home and abroad. Approach ITECO employ three educational stands : social and political analysis, intercultural exchange, and development education. We do this in an integrated way because all three are closely interconnected and lose relevance when considered individually. This educational approach aims to reinforce citizens as central actors within society. It is designed to provide methods and tools for analyzing the mechanisms operating in our society. This is the mission of long life education. Faced with a hegemonic concept of development and a society which shuts its borders to people from the South, ITECO proposes an intercultural approach based on mutual respect and helps to define the main lines of a multicultural society. This is the goal of education for intercultural exchange. Considering the inequality of wealth in the world, particularly between North and South, ITECO offers citizen education for improved solidarity, to strengthen capacity to facilitate efforts to create a world where power and resources are shared. This is the meaning of development education.
Mission and Objectives

11 staff employed
400 to 500 K€ available per year
DGD (Direction générale du développement) - Federal gov Belgium and Communauté Française de Belgique
modalities of action: education, training, collective coaching, evaluation, popular education
Partners : CTB, Centres régionaux d'intégration (Namur, Brabant Wallon, Charleroi), number of CPAS, SCI, Quinoa, CNCD ...

Main Projects / Activities

Target groups
ITECO addresses a broad audience interested in questions of development at home and abroad, social action, North-South relations and solidarity.
To achieve maximum impact, ITECO gives priority to training intermediaries, trainers and moderators including :
Social-cultural facilitators, moderators of social movements and lifelong training, migrant organizations, youth organizations.
Workers in the social sector : social workers, teachers, staff in psycho-medico-social centers, family-planning centers.
Trainers and educational movements.
Facilitators in the sectors of cooperation, sustainable development and international solidarity (development education, peace education, environmental education, gender education and antiracism).
The basic educational system consists of four integrated dimensions that enable the participants to better understand where they stand in society, how society functions, how they can act and who could be the eventual partners.
ITECO prefers to question society and to ask what can change it, than to offer simple answers for successful development.
An important part of our educational action questions the mechanisms of power and the way these are perpetuated or challenged by individuals, social groups, organizations, and cultural models. We emphasize the importance of analyzing the ways that choices, behaviors and discourses are conditioned, and the socially explainable constraints underlying spontaneous attitudes. This reveals the steps that can lead to freer, more conscious choices geared to action.
We feel that it is helpful to be aware of what determines and conditions the participants because, once they have discovered these borders, they can negotiate choices more effectively and develop criteria for taking action.
All of our educational activities relate to this simple educational system, which embodies our conditions. We identify :
A personal dimension, in which participants’ intentions and plans are determined, and the factors that influence their social determination. This is the discovery of « what I am and what I want ».
A context dimension, in which the major mechanisms working in society are discovered : the economy, politics, social groups ; and cultural determination.
An action dimension, by which people take responsibility for acting in the world.
A partnership dimension, because one cannot do social work alone. Action requires others - groups, institutions and persons. Criteria must be developed to choose alliances and the conditions for collaboration.
The educational work we do consists of integrating these four dimensions in a single process. Rather than transmitting knowledge to our target groups, we develop knowledge for action with them.
ITECO thus adheres to adult education methods based on active learning rather than the idea that learning is simply a transmission of knowledge. The tenet of these educational methods is that people learn better by becoming actors in their own training process. In this spirit, we enable participants’ experience and knowledge to play an important part, use active exercises, simulation games and analysis grids. This active and inductive educational method, symbolized by the compass we present to our trainees, helps us to reinforce civil society in the north as an agent for change in north-south relations.
Fields of action
ITECO carries out its mission by means of four educational processes :
Advice to associations and institutions in the form of educational support, monitoring and assessment.
Making the most of experience and developing a systematic methodology.
Work on partnerships and networking.
ITECO is a training centre approved by the Ministry of the French Community of Belgium as an adult education centre. ITECO is also approved as a non-governmental organisation for development education by the Belgian Ministry of development cooperation and profits from the support from the European Commission.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Discussions about power and wealth inequalities
intercultural perspective on every problem approach
development and citizen education

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

we want to reach this network in order to find some spaces to exchange our practices and visions in a broad way with any other actors involved, locally, regionally and internationally.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jean Claude Mullens
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Fouad Lahssaini
Contact (2) Full Name
Chafik Allal
Job Title (2)


National Network

20 Karaoli Dimitriou
55131 Thessaloniki

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
GNOSI ANAPTIXIAKI AMKE is a non-governmental, non-political and non-profit making, national based development agency situated in Thessaloniki, Greece. It has been established in 1997. In particular, the core competencies of GNOSI ANAPTIXIAKI AMKE are described as follows: Supporting development activities of agents and organizations: Strategic planning and studies on optimal use of funding resources Management of projects financed by European Community and national funds Elaboration of projects’ technical reports Communicative policy support Provision of  consulting and technical expertise Promoting regional and local development: Development studies of geographical areas Local development planning projects regarding human resources Studies for the establishment and operation of employment support structures Industrial studies Assessment of interventions and policies at local and regional level Cross-border co-operation development studies and activities
Mission and Objectives

GNOSI ANAPTIXIAKI NGO has been established with the aim to promote the following objectives:

Implementation, management and evaluation of technical development and human aid projects in Greece and abroad

The evaluation of programs of humanitarian and technical assistance aid

The conduct of studies and the provision of training services on the above

The provision of planning, management, implementation and evaluation of development and humanitarian programs on behalf of institutions, organizations and other NGOs

The undertaking of sub-contracting activities from other NGOs and the participation in consortia of projects

The implementation of human resources’ development programs, as well as projects confronting social inclusion and unemployment in local level

The organization of meetings and congresses and the publication of books and reports, regarding matters of humanitarian, food and technical assistance aid

Main Projects / Activities

Community Initiative: European Territorial Cooperation Programme Greece-Bulgaria 2007-2013
Year 2012
Project title: Integrated Program for skills enhancement of human resources in fashion sectors and facilitation of employees’ mobility in the cross-border region – SKILLS IN FASHION”
Final Beneficiary: Hellenic Fashion Industry Association
The general objective of the project is the development of a system for improving and certifying the human resources’ quality and facilitating labor force mobilization in the cross-border region through pilot advisory actions and e-learning practices.
Project title: Small Mediterranean Insular Light Industries Enhancement and Support
Length of Project: 01.05.2009 - 31.03.2012
Acronym: SMILIES
The project brings together Local Authorities, Chambers of Commerce, SME Associations, Technical Centers, Training and R&D providers and Universities for developing existing industrial SMEs' and industry start-ups' innovation projects.
Framework: RIS+ Central Macedonia: Implementation of RTP Action Plan" Project
Year: 2001
Project title: Agro-biotechnology Promotion
Assignor: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Research Committee
Year: 2000
Project title: Re-editing of the National Economic Development Plan 2000-2006, in co-operation with the Bulgarian Government, particularly regarding the 4th Priority "Human Resource Development and Living Conditions"
Assignor/ Final Beneficiary: European Commission/ Bulgarian Center
Year: 1999
Project title: SME s' technological innovation and employment in the Greek Retail Trade
Assignor/ Final Beneficiary: European Commission (G. D. V ) Industrial relations & social dialogue
Participation in many Article 6 FSE & EQUAL's programs
Framework Programme: Erasmus+
Year: 2015
Project title: «Developing New Skills for the ExtroversionSpecializations of Fashion Industry in Europe»
Client: National Scholarship Foundation - National Authority of the Erasmus+ Programme for Greece
Framework Programme: Erasmus+
Year: 2015
Project title: «School-to-Work for Higher education students with disabilities in Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Montenegro" (Trans2Work)»
Client: EACEA

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

GNOSI ANAPTIXIAKI NGO has implemented and/or provided technical assistance to a wide array of projects that support social dialogue, the understanding between various community groups, and ultimately the local and regional development. 
GNOSI ANAPTIXIAKI NGO can offer our country Network extensive experience and expertise in designing and implementing future actions. In addition, it can help the Network identify and take advantage of various funding opportunities at national and international level. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The mission and the objectives of the ALF Network are fully aligned with those of GNOSI ANAPTIXIAKI NGO. By joining the Network, not only will we be able to levarage our networks but also to achieve greater synergies and more far-reaching results in collaboration with like-minded stakeholders. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Konstantinos Parisopoulos
Job Title
EU Project Specialist
Head of the organisation
Dr. Miltiadis Stampoulis

Our Common Future Asbl.

National Network

31, am Bounert
6975 Rameldange

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information

Our Common Future is a non-profit organisation aiming to strengthen participatory democracy by supporting the creation of new

participation models and platforms. Our Common Future also offers workshops in the field of political

education, comprising media competencies, video journalism, negotiation strategies, public

speaking skills, social media campaigns, team building, management and communication. Our

members currently mostly reside in Europe, but also on other continents. Our current keyactions

include: 'Democracy Mindgame', 'Imagine Europe', 'EU Democracy Rallye', 'Bridge Builders' and 'Global Governance Development'.

Mission and Objectives

Our Common Future aims to enhance democratic participation, in particular of young people, by giving them  the means to express themselves through modern media and communication channels. During our projects, participants are provided with access to communities, networks, and policy makers, that shall allow them to gather in depth information and footage on the issue at hand. Participants can initiate their own topics, and Our Common Future aims to evolve into a worldwide participation platform, designed to strengthen democratic decision-making processes. We put particular focus on documentary film-making and involve professionals in that field to teach participants fundamental and expert elements of this medium, including  journalist skills,  research, interview techniques, camera, sound, and more.

Main Projects / Activities

In 2015, Our Common Future organised 3 documentary film making projects, in Vienna, Luxembourg, and Brussels. Participants focused on such diverse topics as new ways for political participation, Europe's response to migration, homophobia, and happiness in life. More projects are planned in 2016, in Europe as well as in neighbouring countries including Morocco, Turkey, Armenia, and Ukraine among others. The projects planned involve the integration of migrants in Europe through social entrepreneurship, giving professionals and students in the field of integration the opportunity to experience themselves and integration procedure in a new culture, and intercultural communication in borderlands and their role for the preservation of peace.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our Common Future Asbl. can support the head organisation of the ALF Network in Luxembourg, the 'Centre culturel de Rencontre Abbaye de Neumünster', in the organisation of intercultural communication workshops involving the use of new media, in particular documentary productions. We also closely cooperate with the Representation of the European Commission in Luxembourg, as well as the Information Office of the European Parliament in Luxembourg, and the House of Europe in Luxembourg. Our personal contacts with the educational sector in Luxembourg as well as youth organisations also allow us to effectively implement cooperation programmes with teachers, students, and young people in general.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Becoming a member of the Anna Lindh Foundation network will allow our organisation to increase our outreach accross the Mediterranean and to apply as well as to deepen our experience in the field of intercultural communication. Topics such as migration or economic cooperation are at the core of our activities, and they also lie at the heart of the Euro-Mediterranean Region. in previous projects, we have also dealt with overcoming stereotypes and misunderstandings between different cultures. Our Common Future aims to foster dialogue and trust between different cultures, which is why we believe to share the objectives of the Anna Lindh Foundation network. Treasuring both diversity and cooperation forms a part of our core principles.

Contact (1) Full Name
Philippe Ternes
Job Title
social entrepreneur
Head of the organisation
Philippe Ternes
Contact (2) Full Name
Camille T'Kint
Job Title (2)
Communication Manager

European Network for Dialogue Facilitation (ENDF)

National Network

Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 9 - 0406
10178 Berlin

+49 - (0)30 - 749 22 700
Telephone (other)
+49 - (171) - 68 355 28
+49 - (0)228 - 92 880 70
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+49 - (0)171 - 60 355 28
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
General Information
ENDF is a result of the multilateral project "DIALOGUE - Facilitating Creative Communication" which trained trainers from different countries in dialogue facilitation based on the methodological approach developed by David Bohm and others.    The purpose of the network is education and further education for enhancing dialogical skills of individuals and groups in different fields of practice to promote respectful, tolerant and diversity appreciating attitudes for co-operation of people and organisations on different levels. Promoting dialogical intercultural and interreligious communication for common and mutual learning is one of the main aims. Members are certified dialogue facilitators from 10 countries and dialogue facilitating trainers and researchers with teaching background in universities. One of the main purposes is transnational cooperation and project work aiming at networking of these experts. The extended board consists of 11 experts. They have built and are active in working groups like research, training of trainers, certification standards for facilitators, quality assurance and ethical standards, summer academies, project development. All of them are dealing in their professional life with the subject of dialogical communication but from different perspectives - like research, teaching, training, facilitating etc. Sources of funding for our work are projects, participation fees for workshops, seminars and conferences as well as fees of participants in German Training of Trainer courses for Dialogue Facilitation. Concrete projects are workshops for refugees, young people, children, families, Training of Trainers for dialogue facilitation (in German and English), project work with Tunisian partners (ToTs for Dialogue Facilitation). Partners are civil society organisations all over Europe, German NGOs, private companies, foundations.
Mission and Objectives

By developing transnational projects aiming at dissemination of the dialogue idea and enlarging the community of certified dialogue facilitators in European countries the ENDF tries to enrich the culture of communication in Europe in different fields. All activities are directed to contribute to intercultural and interreligious dialogue and cooperation.
The board organizes "Training of Trainers for Dialogue Facilitating" in German and English language, seminars, workshops, conferences and other kinds of learning offers.
The board members are actively involved in the founding process of a European Dialogue Academy in Strani, Czech Republic, which will offer a place and learning arrangements for dialogical civic education to strengthen European citizenship and international cooperation.

Main Projects / Activities

> Training of Trainers (ToTs) for Dialogue Facilitating (in German and English) - 4 modules to become certified as Dialogue Facilitators. Certified participants of the trainings can become members of the ENDF
> Workshops, seminars to introduce Bohmean Dialogue to interested people and organisations, also to introduce dialogical settings in public institutions, private companies, local authorities, NGOs
> Dialogue workshops for refugees (My road to the future), families, young people, children, and other target groups for their special subjects
> project development for transnational educational and learning projects in EU programme lines.
> project cooperation with Tunisian organisations (University Gabes and Tawaasol, Zarzis) for Training of Trainers for Dialogue Facilitation

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute by delivering learning offers for gaining individual dialogical skills as well as skills of dialogue facilitation.
Further we can develop and implement transnational projects with various partners aiming at intercultural and interreligious dialogue and exchange.
Our experts are able to provide various language skills for our dialogue-oriented work (Bulgarian, Czech, Estonian, French, German, Hungarian, Islandic, Romanian, Spanish, Italian, Russian, German)
We offer a lot of learning / information formats in Germany which promote the intercultural dialogical work for those organisations and interested people who want to use the methodological and attitude approach for their own work.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our work and mission exactly fulfills the intention of Anna-Lindh-Foundation. Members of ENDF worked since the founding of ALF in different organisations in the founded German Network.
We want to contribute to the neccessary cooperation in Mediterranean by using our well developed individual and organisational competences. Our transnational activities (also in Syria, Palestine and Tunisia) are able to enrich the German Network activities and at the same time the aims and purposes of ALF.
This application for membership was submitted already in October 2015 but until now we did not find it in the list of German members.
Therefore we apply again and ask for information in case this application will be rejected.

Contact (1) Full Name
Heidemarie Wünsche-Piétzka
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Heidemarie Wünsche-Piétzka
Contact (2) Full Name
Oskar von Homeyer
Job Title (2)


National Network

Rue des Ecoles
20200 Casablanca

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
An enthusiastic and highly analytical Software Quality Assurance Engineer with success project management and software development experiences. Effective and has strong background in Network and System administration.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

KEY SKILLS AND COMPETENCES Project Management Software Quality Assurance Software Development Network Administration Linux Administration AWS (S3, RDS, EC2) CMMI 1.3,, ISO 9001 Selenium Python, C, C++, Java. Android, PHP5, HTML, CSS3, JavaScript, Symfony2 MySQL, SQLITE, Oracle 11g UNIX and Linux­based tools XP & Scrum UML, Merise JIRA, MS Project

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
IT Engineer
Head of the organisation