Svend Løbner - Journalist

National Network

Vestergade 1
6600 Vejen

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
  2. Religion
General Information
I've been working with communication since 1977, when I started as grapchic designer. In 1980 I developed skills in communicating practical theology. I practised as a pastor of several churches before I was hired as journalist at a christian newspaper. Later I studied analytic journalism and became press coordinator for a network of 100 churches before I was hired as director of a new media company. Today I work as a freelance journalist, serving churches and relief organizations such as Mission East, Children's Mission, Hospice Forum Denmark, Kirkepartner and many more.
Mission and Objectives

My aim is to convey the good story about ordinary people making a difference and creating peace and lasting  change. The media is often focused on the immediate, the surprising, and the negative. The challenge is to convey the positive story og ladting change that really makes a posiive impact on ordinary people around the world.

Main Projects / Activities

Press releases and debate articles in Denmark and reports from investigative travels in East Arica and The Middle East.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I have a good network in the danish press. I can provide my expertise in writing. I speak swahili fluently and can translate, interview and connect to people from East Africa.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I have a special interest in peacemaking and reconciliation between religious groups. I hope to learn a lot and make good friends and partnerships for the sake for peace and common understanding in Denmark, Europe, The Middle East, East Africa and the world.

Contact (1) Full Name
Svend Løbner Madsen
Job Title
Freelance journalist
Head of the organisation
Svend Løbner

Civil Society Development Center (CSDC) Durres

National Network

L 6, Rr"Agostin Serreqi", Durres, Albania

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
its efforts to represent marginalized groups and created a space for youth in the community. In 2013 CSDC created CAP (Citizen Advocacy Panel) as a way for citizens to be politically involved in their community and to begin monitoring city council meetings. The DYM (Durrës Youth Movement) was created to represent the youth of Durrës and to support a group of young people interested in creating positive changes in their community.  Civil Society Development Center (CSDC) Durrës is part of the National Society Development Centers which were created in 2001 as a joint project of the OSCE and the Netherlands Development Organization. Organizations in Tirana have had greater access to international donors, development agencies, and organizational resources, while the civil society sector outside of the capital has had fewer opportunities to build capacities and access technical assistance, trainings, and logistical support. The CSDC centers were designed to assist community-based groups, business associations, non-governmental organizations, journalists, and other civil society actors to serve their communities and advocate for change. CSDC Durrës opened in May 2001 to meet these growing needs and to provide Durrës non-profit organizations with expertise and resources not readily available to small organizations. Since its inception, CSDC Durrës has expanded its capabilities to meet a wide range of requests from its clients. The center advises local non-profits with new programs, aids with translation of documents, creates educational and awareness materials, connects professionals in the community, and facilitates trainings, seminars, and workshops. This center also offers logistical support including meeting rooms, photocopying, computer access, fax & phone lines, and a resource library. In addition to strengthening existing civil society groups, the center also encourages and supports the creation of new organizations. CSDC was created to encourage dialogue and cooperation between civil society, local government, and all actors in the Albanian community. The center is constantly looking for new and innovative ways to foster collaboration between government and the non-profit sector. It is always receptive to the ideas of motivated individuals seeking to improve local conditions and strengthen Albanian democracy. CSDC has earned a sterling reputation in the Durrës community through the diligent work of its creative and committed staff. Through CSDC, every non-profit has the opportunity to consult with veterans of the civil society sector relieving some of the burdens of administration so that their staff can spend more time helping the people who need it most.   4. Organisation structure Organizational Structure: 1. Executive Board 2. Executive Director 3. Staff and volunteers The Board is made up of five members: three women and two men (two university professors, one lawyer, the director of public library, and one business woman). The Executive Director provides overall management of the organization and representation for stakeholders.
Mission and Objectives

CSDC was created in 2004 as a coordination center for local non-profits to assist in logistics and proposal writing.
After 2009 the involvement of the OSCE ended and the CSDC expanded

3. Description of the organisation’s vision and core values
Civil Society Development Center Durrës will be an effective advocate of civil society development and civic engagement in the Durrës region.

CSDC has a mission to inform, empower, and mobilize the civil society actors (organizations, community groups, trade unions, individuals, and media) through promoting their development, coordination, networking, and collaboration as well as citizen participation in local decision making processes and community development.
CSDC will promote good governance, youth development and participation, women in development, and gender equality.
The mission will be fulfilled through advocacy and research, exchange of experiences and information, building partnerships, networking, and lobbying to ensure a well-functioning civil society.
• We trust our Mission and Vision
• We trust in our power and dedication to bring a sustainable positive change in the lives of our constituencies
• We trust in experience, abilities and motivation of CSDC’s staff and volunteers
• We trust the partners of CSDC
• We trust the power of the civil society spirit to bring change
• We trust in collaboration and partnership
• We trust in a society that creates opportunities for youth development and participation
• We trust in the power of good governance
• We trust in a society that creates equal gender opportunities
• We trust in the power and ability of CSDC to advocate and influence decision makers
• We trust a society which provides a safe environment for youth development
CSDC embodies and shares values, principles and commitments as follows:
• Participation
• Persistence and commitment
• Effectiveness
• Transparency and accountability
• Equity
• Sustainability
• Integrity and Volunteerism

Main Projects / Activities

Activity 1: Raise the capacity of the newly-formed Youth Advisory Commission (YAC).
The Youth Advisory Commission participated in 4 trainings that consisted of the structure of electoral campaigns, campaign management and decision making processes.  This topic was selected by YAC after conducting a needs assessment which found that this was the most important knowledge gap needed to be fill. 20 youth participated in the training - 15 females and 5 males.  A few other members from the Durrës Youth Movement also participated in the training because they were extremely interested in this topic and could be trained to replace any member of YAC if they leave the group.  As a self-managed group, the Durrës Youth Movement decided the additional trainings will be held in the second half of the year as the first half of the year was focused on IEC (information, education, communication) campaigns for voting awareness. The second training was on lobbying and advocacy aiming to raise the youth capacity to voice the community’s concerns. The third training was on coalitions and networks, showing how organisations can network successfully. The fourth training was on student governance covering leadership, fundraising, responsibilities, right to representation, and being politically aware.
Activity 2: Continued participation in and monitoring of city council meetings.
From January to December, DYM participated in 7 city council meetings that covered social economic aid, housing, local taxes and the participatory budget. They are invited to monitor the meetings and are a part of the citizens advocacy panel (CAP). DYM is now experienced in monitoring the decision making process. Youth know how the participatory budget works and are officially invited to communicate community priorities and address the municipality while the budget is compiled.
Activity 3: IEC campaigns designed and implemented by Durrës Youth Movement (DYM) on the election process.
The final activity was organised in two parts. Two weeks before the municipal elections DYM organised Votefest, an event to promote voting in a fun environment with speeches, videos, dancing, and music.  Next, DYM organised the week before the elections to have tents in key locations in Durrës with informational material and volunteers to engage the community in the importance of voting and to answer any questions they might have about the process. During May all volunteers were trained on the electoral process and what to expect during their shifts in the tents. Through a series of meetings and brainstorming sessions the DYM organised 3 awareness campaigns to reach 3 target audiences around Durrës to reach a greater audience.
The first was to target first time voters by attending 3 high schools in Durrës and the outer suburb of Katund i Ri to provide trainings for students of voting age and on student government.  They covered topics such as voting procedures and why the youth vote is important.  The group also surveyed the students to determine what designs and expressions would have the best impact in promotional material.
The second activity was to create a promotional video to target the greater Durrës community to show the value of voting for everyone.  This was broadcast on social media and the local television station Adria TV.
Activity 4: POP plan of action implemented by Durres Youth Movement (DYM) on the election process.
POP was implemented by the Durrës Youth Movement.  The actions were the responsibility of the leaders of the DYM since the beginning of 2015.  They accomplished all of the respective actions that were described by the POP plan with the final portion of the electoral promises to be executed after the municipal elections in June 21st.  5 meetings and focus groups were organised with around 70 youth from the community to prioritise youth needs and concerns which were shown to community members and a petition was signed to gain support for the contract.  They identified 8 youth needs and concerns that were written into the social contract which the candidates signed in agreement on June 6th. 180 youth attended the signing of the contract after each point of the contract was discussed amongst candidates and attendees.   The event was covered by local and national media TV, in print, and in candidates’ social media.  The candidates mentioned that meeting the needs of youth in the social contract was an important part of their campaigns.
As a result, more people have been informed about democracy and democratization which will lead to increased participation of civil society and community members in local decision making processes.
The social contract is already signed and its implementation by the municipality is being monitored. It is currently too early to tell if the efforts have been successful but we have scheduled multiple meetings to follow up and efforts are ongoing.
Activity 5: DYM-designed and implemented IEC campaigns on Days of Values.
Because of the good relationship CSDC maintains with partner organizations and institutions (Durrës municipality, State Social Services, World Vision, Community Center Today For The Future, World Hope, Terre des Hommes, Hope Of The Orphans, and other NGO’s) in the Durrës area, DYM decided to participate in additional Days of Values. The partners provided additional resources and funding for these events. During these events DYM members delivered promotional materials and supported organisers. The recognition of Days of Value successfully educates and raises awareness on positive values, especially relating to issues concerning children and women. DYM decided to assist the partner organizations and institutions in the following events:
8th of March - International Women’s Day
3rd of May - Coast Clean Up
15th May - International Family Day
22nd May - Clean Albania In 1 Day
Additionally, CSDC took a greater role in leading local efforts for the following Days of Value:
17-19th April - Global Youth Service Days (During the 17-19th April the DYM organised 3 events per day for the GYSD (Global Youth Service Day). The first activity was held as an activity in the paediatric ward of Durrës Regional Hospital. In the framework of GYSD (Global Youth Service Day), youth created a friendly atmosphere for children hospitalized in the paediatric ward.
Celebrations continued on the second day with orphaned children. Delicious meals, birthday cakes, and a festive atmosphere was provided for 35 children. Often orphaned children are overlooked and something as special as their birthdays are forgotten, it is important to make them feel valued as members of society.
The last activity was a donation of books to the public library in Durrës. Books were collected from around the community to contribute to the collection of materials in the library that are now available to the public.
All participants of the GYSD received certificates from Youth Service America to thank them for being every day heroes for their community.)
20th May - International Orphans Day - DYM collaborated with Hope of Orphans Association to organize a day of events to raise awareness and promote to the community the rights and needs of orphaned children.
1st - 31st October - National Anti-trafficking Month (October National Anti-trafficking Month, organized by KRAT (Regional Committee on Anti-trafficking in Persons). CSDC is part of the technical table on this issue. Durrës Youth Movement was involved to promote actions against trafficking of children in ‘Shkollën e Re Kënetë’,  ‘Met Hasa’ school in Porto Romano area, Sukth i Ri" High School in Sukth., Multi – functional center in Nishtulla. Youth served as peer educators in student outreach activities.)
24th November - 10th December - 16 Days Against Domestic Violence. (16 Days Against Domestic Violence (November 25-December 10): The DYM was involved in organizing informational events at high schools to promote anti-violence. The main event took place at Shijak Municipality; the DYM invited members of anti-domestic violence organizations to discuss the situation in Durrës, and to educate the students on their efforts. The DYM put on a reenactment of a domestic violence situation in order to foment further discussion. Informational pamphlets were also distributed. The goal of the event was to discuss ideas for how to take the work against violence further, at a local and national level)
5th -8th December - Volunteer Day / Youth Day (Youth day is considered by DYM as a Day of Values. In 2015, that day was promoted by the voluntarism gallery. It was displayed at the Culture Palace and citizens were invited to view pictures of youth doing volunteer work in the community. During the event donations of gifts were accepted for children in need. The event was quite original and many local NPOs and individuals joined.)
Activity 6: Develop and distribute a quarterly newsletter.
In March 2015 DYM wrote, designed, and edited a newsletter called ‘Rinis’. The format was slightly changed from the 2014 version and was designed as a booklet or zine.  Copies were sent to NGOs, state institutions, and youth organizations in the post. Additional copies were distributed to different locations around Durrës to people that would be interested in reading the magazine.  A few members of DYM were also interviewed on TVSH, discussing the group, its mission and activities, and presenting the magazine.
YAC met 4 times to discuss the content and structure of the zine. The articles that were included in the magazine were a critique on urban development, the impact of YAC and DYM on the 2015 elections, green spaces in Durrës, the importance of voting in the 2015 elections, and youth exchanges and collaborations in Europe.
Activity 7: Youth exchange with other civil society organizations inside and outside of Albania.
DYM collaborated with NGOs in Kosovo (Ec ma ndryshe, PEN and FIQ - Civic Initiative Forum). Groups shared their experience working on civil society projects and explored the potential for future collaborations. These exchanges not only serve as valuable learning opportunities but they help empower partners to support each other in future efforts.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

-Cooperation with other organisation in the country 
-Through discussion on/and participation

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To exchange thoughts/ activities and to be a part of cooperation and networkcooperation that can gain to a more wider view of the issues. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Mirjam Reci
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Mirjam Reci
Contact (2) Full Name
Migena Nako
Job Title (2)
Project Coordinator


National Network

07 rue ibn mandhour, ariana, 2080
2080 Ariana

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information

Creating the association, we started from the actual situation of the planet and our goal is to favourite sustainable devlepoment over all aspects of life for the Human race to thrive peacefully with its environment.  

Mission and Objectives

-Environment preservation -Promoting Sustainable living practices  -Raising awareness on environment and sustainable development.

Main Projects / Activities

We have a small research team of scholars working on studies and gathering statistics about environmental issues in Tunisia and comparing it with the neighborhood countries as well as other regions to see the impact of actions from one region to another.  Our second project is that is the first and only web-based platform in raising online peitions to local governments.  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We hope to contribute by our researches and efforts in our areas of work as well as by joining hands with the network for joint projects, also by holding and participating in workshops and forums.  

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We strongly believe that by joining the ALF Network we will showcase our success and grow sustainably with the network. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Adnen Ben Haj
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Adnen Ben Haj Yahia
Contact (2) Full Name
Faten Ben Jebara
Job Title (2)
General Secretary

جمعية حقي للاشخاص لذوي الاعاقة

National Network

3 شارع امتداد لبيا متفرع من شارع المنيل منشية عبد المنعم رياض شبرا الخيمة القليوبية

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
شاب في 34 من العمر  من ذوي الاعاقة البصرية  ناشط في مجال الدفاع عن حقوق الاشخاص ذوي الاعاقة • مدرب تنمية بشرية • رئيس مجلس إدارة جمعية حقي للأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة • نائب رئيس مجلس إدارة ارة جمعية 7 مليون • عضو مجلس ادارة جمعية ابدأ بخطوة حاصل علي شهادات في  دبلوم إدارة المنظمات الغير حكومية. كليه اقتصاد. وعلوم سياسية. 2015. تقدير جيد ليسانس اداب قسم التاريخ جامعه عين شمس . دفعه2006 : تقدير  جيد  
Mission and Objectives

مديرية التضامن الإجتماعي بالقليوبية
جمعية حقي للأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة
مشهرة برقم    2267    بتاريخ 16\2\2015
مشاركة حقيقة وفعالة وعادلة في مجتمع دامج للأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة الحاصلين علي حقوقهم المشاركين في إدارته وتنميته .
نسعي لتحقيق التنمية الشاملة المستدامة ولحياة كرية ومستقلة ملائمة لعيش الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة من خلال حماية حقوقهم والعمل علي تفعيل الإتفاقيات الدولية والمواد الدستورية الخاصة بهم.
وطن واحد

Main Projects / Activities

جمعية من الاشخاص ذوي الاعاقة والنشطاء في مجال الاعاقة وغير معاقين
قمنا بعقد عدة ورش لمناقشة مقترح قانون حقوق الاشخاص ذوي الاعاقة
مشروع تغيير مع الهاندكاب انترناشونال
مشروع تاج 2 مع المعهد الكودي

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

من خلال المشاركة في كلا ما يتعلق قضية الاشخاص ذوي الاعاقة 

Contact (1) Full Name
اسامة طايع حسانين
Job Title
رئيس مجلس الادارة
Head of the organisation
رئيس مجلس الادارة


National Network

157 Route de Seysses
31100 Toulouse

+33 5 62 74 76 38
Mobile Phone
+33 6 80 66 69 32
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Tia Paula est une association Loi 1901 créée le 27 mars 2009 en l'honneur d'une lignée de femmes qui ont oeuvré historiquement dans le silence et la discrétion pour aider celles et ceux qui étaient les plus démunis. L'association s'est engagée dans les activités de solidarité internationales ciblées dans un premier temps vers l'Inde et l'Asie. Actuellement son coeur d'activité est centré vers l'Europe et vers les espaces français dits fragiles. L'association est composée de plus de cent cinquante adhérents et de nombreux bénévoles animent diverses activités. Le budget de l'association est faible et il n'y a pas de salarié. Tia Paula a été et est impliqué dans de nombreux projets européens liés à la Poésiethérapie, l'écriture narrative qui apporte du soin à l'être et la mobilisation des acteurs pour agir dans la protection de l'environnement.
Mission and Objectives

L'expression artistique qui favorise l'anoblissement de l'être, l'inclusion sociale et citoyenne  de celle et celui qui ose dire et s'exprimer à travers les sujets et techniques de son choix est un des axes d'investigation de toutes les activités poursuivies par l'association. Les activités de formation, d'économie sociale et solidaire, de protection de l'environnement, l'approche des relations interculturelles ciblent l'ensemble des populations avec un entrée privilégié vers la jeunesse.
Depuis plus de 5 ans Tia Paula accompagne les associations, au niveau national et aussi dans la grande région Languedoc-Roussillon & Midi-Pyrénées, qui désirent découvrir les financements européens. La formation-action est une des bases de ses activités qui favorisent le pouvoir d'agir des acteurs associatifs.

Main Projects / Activities

Les missions de solidarité internationale, d’ESS, les actions mobilisant l’intelligence collective en faveur de celles et ceux démunis socialement, physiquement et intellectuellement animent les diverses activités proposées.
La formation et l’éducation des jeunes, et des moins jeunes, le développement d’activités favorables aux rapprochements intergénérationnels et interculturels sont les sujets moteurs des activités déployées.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Notre contribution sera simple. Elle ciblera le partage d’informations, de conseils et de bonnes pratiques sur la conduite de projets européens. Les approches d’évaluation de projets, de leurs résultats et produits, de leurs impacts font partie intégrante de notre contribution en faveur des membres du réseau.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

J'ai découvert le réseau ce jour grâce à Esther Fouchier.
Son dynamisme, sa motivation, sa générosité, son engagement et la présentation des actions et missions développées par le Réseau ALF m'ont donné envie de participer aux activités proposées et d'être dans la mesure de nos moyens un vecteur de transmission d'information vers nos membres et parenaires.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rose-Marie Soulé
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Rose-Marie Soulé
Contact (2) Full Name
Guillaume Soulé
Job Title (2)


National Network

Tržaška 2
1000 Ljubljana

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Zamik was founded to support students and other young people with creative space and encourage them to take responsible and active role in society. We are funded public calls and private donations. We are cooparationg with all student and youth ngos on national and global level.
Mission and Objectives

To develop and support young people who comes to study or live in Ljubljana with cretaive space and cultural solutions.

Main Projects / Activities

We started with the cultural center where we organized a meeting center and offering cultural program. We cooperated with several student clubs and ngos to offer young people activities in their free time. We are cooperationg with foreign youth and students and giving big importance to intercultural dialog. 
We have the publishing department 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Promoting the Anna Lindh Foundation among young people and our networks. We can provide good practices and approaches we have through our many years of activities around Slovenia. With other members we want to make good cooperation for local and international projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to expand our scope of work into the Mediterranean area. To improve and develop our work and to gain more relevant partners. Especially these days we see mobilty and learning in the Euro-Med region very important for learning for young people and enhance the cooparation among cso in this region of our neighbourhood. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Matjaž Kotnik
Head of the organisation
Matjaž Kotnik


National Network

106 Av. de La Liberté, Tunis 1001

(+216) 52 566 692
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information

the first non profit coworking space in tunisia for entreprenors , free lancers and non profits  team of change driven entrepreneurs and active civil society members 

Mission and Objectives

provide a coworking space that encourageous professionnal developpement , social innovation networking community collaboration idea sharing and project participation  - inspire more people to be social entrepreneurs  - facilitate life for entrepreneurs and non profit  - increase the likelihood of success for startups   

Main Projects / Activities

- developping many training secion on social entrepreneurship  -organisation of the social entrepreneurship week 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- by sharing our experience and knowledge  - by facilitate the work throw our space to all network 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- because it's a big plateform to shar knowledge and develop opportunities to civil society organisation   

Contact (1) Full Name
Adnen Ben Haj
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Adnen Ben Haj

Teens Club

National Network

The GrEEK Campus - Downtown
Office 321A - Third floor

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Teens Club is an alternative community for teenagers in Egypt especialized in informal education and arts , headquartered in The GrEEK Campus, Downtown .  Teens Club started its activities at 2013 with dialouge programs. Since 2013, Teens club database has increased to 30,000 participants in our workshops and events.  
Mission and Objectives

, For 3 years, we have alot of objectivies and missions some of them have already achieved : 
1- More than 100 Workshop have been take place in Teens Club
2- About 5000 particpants have ateended our workshops
We have some objectivies to achieve in next 3 years :
1- Participation in the civil society in Egypt as the voice of teens in Egypt
2- Establishing other branches in the upper Egypt
3- Reach more than 50,000 Particpants in our workshops and events

Main Projects / Activities

1- Participated in Young Arab Voices project since 2013 and have alot of rragional and local awards
2- "Youth Shutter" Program with UN Women 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By reaching the teens in Egypt through our database and activities .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To make the bridge between the teenagers and global opporunities and the civil society programmes which are unreachable .

Contact (1) Full Name
Aly Abd el-Azem Abd El-Azem
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Aly Abd El-Azem
Contact (2) Full Name
Saif Tarek
Job Title (2)

Women's Ministries Initiative

National Network

MDI of Education
Clonliffe Rd

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. Religion
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Women's Ministreis Innitiative is mostly a volunteer organisation, which focuses on organising educational events for public. It started within the Orthodox Christian Setting, but at the very early stages it attracted christians form Anglican, Catholic and other Protestant denominations. Therefore, at present WMI offers tis membership to everyone. WMI is not gender exclusive, as it often attracts women as well as men for its STudy Days or Conferences. There is a small fee for some of the events, while others are offered free of charge. People can support WMI by subscribing for membership and payign a small fee, which covers administration costs of organising events for public. The structure of organisation consists of a hadful of people, a director, treasurer, administator and informal advisers. Everyone work on a voluntary basis, so there is no salary invovled. As far as resources available, they are modest and mostly come from the organised events, i.e. the leftovers of people's subscriptions, donations and conference fees. Below is the list of our conferences and study days so far: 2014 - 3 days Conference on Early Women Ministries (jointly organised by WMI and Orthodox Theological REsearch Forum) 2015 - Study day on 'Priesthood and Laity' in March and Study Day on 'Loneliness and Solitude: Personhood and Individualism' in October 2016 - Study Day on 'Revelation in Judaism, Christianity and Islam' (jointly organised by WMI and Dublin City UUniversity), which is going to take place on 9 of April, 2016 in Dublin. The format of Study Days, as well as onferences, is to attract a number of speakers and to allow time for discussion, feedback, communication and fellowship. Partner organisations and insitutioins depend on each individually organised event. It is often a co-organiser organisation, as in the case of Orthodox Theological Research Forum or Dublin City University, but also colaborating organisations which provide the venue and further admin assistance, such as International Gender Studies in LMH, Oxford.
Mission and Objectives

NETWORKING: building bridges and joint initiatives with other Orthodox and non-Orthodox organisations
EDUCATING: organising conferences, study days and facilitating discussions in between
COMMUNICATING: in order to understand each other and learn to accept and respect every point of view, even if it is different from one's own
Objectives: to educate general public aobut women's issues, position and ministries in religious traditions in the past and at present

Main Projects / Activities

Main Projects / Activities:
Conferences, Study Days, Public events, Networking, Communication, attendance of other conferences and presenting there
+ 8-10 September 2014 Conference ‘Inspiration through time: Women’s Ministries in the Orthodox Church’ (High Leigh Christian Conference Centre, UK. Organised in collaboration with Orthodox Theological Research Forum)
+ 7 March 2015 Study day on Priesthood and Laity, Oxford, St Cross Church (main speakers: Metropolitan Kallistos Ware and Dr Mary Cunningham)
+ 17 October 2015 Study Day on ‘Loneliness and Solitude: Pershonhood and Individualism’, Oxford, Lady Margaret Hall (main speakers: Sr Vassa Larin (PhD, Vienna), Revd Andrew Louth (Professor Emeritus in Byzantine and Patristic Studies, Durham), Introduction by Metropolitan Kallistos Ware
+ 9 April 2016 Study Day on ‘Revelation in Judaism, Christianity and Islam’ (Main speakers: Dr Brad Anderson (DCU, Ireland), Dr Eena Narinskaya (DCU, CIRD, Ireland), Dr Jonathan Kearney (DCU, Ireland)
How can you contribute to the Network in your country?:
By offering collaborative events and by attracting other organisations to collaborate in organising further events
Why do you want to join the ALF Network?:
I support the mission and appreciate the history of ALF Network, and I met other members and organisations invovled in ALF Network by attending their events, e.g. Inter-Belief Dialogue in Limerick, Ireland in February 2016.
I also hope that Women's Ministries Initiative can benefit from broadening its network and exploring the possibilities of partnership with other member-organisations and individuals.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By organising and co-organising public events on our own and in collaboration withother members of the Network

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

In order to expand our collaboration with other organisations who are promoting education and share similar values to our own

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr Elena Narinskaya
Job Title
Director, founder
Head of the organisation
Dr Elena Narinskaya
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms Nataliya Basyeva
Job Title (2)

Ea Arnoldi

National Network

Skt. Hans Gade 26A, 4TV
2200 Copenhagen N

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Competent cultural anthropologist, skilled project manager and experienced fundraiser. Driven to work for intercultural understanding and universal human rights. Specialties: - Applied anthropology. - Co-creation. - Qualitative hands-on work and collaborative training. Causes: - Human rights. - Civil society organizations. - Integration. - Conflict Resolution.
Mission and Objectives

Eager to contribute to non-governmental organizations and institutional development, to expand my teaching skills and to contribute to a better understanding of the Middle Eastern region.
- Create insight and change.
- Bridging diversity for a new 'we'.
- Co-designing services and society.

Main Projects / Activities

Contributing to W4SG Denmark, while personally developing a mentor network for marginalized youngsters in Denmark and conducting research on subjects in the interplay of scandinavia and the middle east.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through my skills as a researcher and entrepreneur, in addition to my personal engagement and energi committed to the causes of the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To work with likeminded in a more focused manner and to participate in a network committed to knowledge, discussions and intercultural meetings.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ea Arnoldi
Job Title
Cant.Scient. Anth.
Head of the organisation
Ea Arnoldi