les aventuriers pour le développement siliana

National Network

rue 18 janvier Siliana 6100
6100 siliana

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Depuis sa création en 2014, notre association vise à promouvoir  la région de Siliana à travers deux volets d’activités. Premièrement,  nous valorisons les richesses naturelles de la région à travers l’organisation d’activités sportives en milieu naturel (randonnée, spéléologie, escalade…). Deuxièmement,  nous accompagnons depuis décembre 2014 40 artisanes de Sidi Amer et El Barama, afin de renforcer leurs capacités, et contribuer à leur indépendance financière. Nous avons quatre  personnes dans le comité directrice de l'association (Présidents, Vice présidents, Sécretaire général et Trésorier) ; deux salariée et trois partenaires. Parmi nous ressources financiéres d'un an 20 000 euro par le financement de l'Ambassade de Finlande en Tunisie et Union International pour la concervation de la Nature (UCIN). Parmi nos projets "Femme Rurale moteur de l'écotourisme et Développement Rural" et "L'éccotourisme Facteur de Développement Rural" en partenariat avec l'Association Tunisienne de Patrimoine et Environnement, Tunisia Ecotorism Networck, Scots Kairaouin, Ministére  de l'education.

Mission and Objectives

Parmi nos missions; mettre au point le développement durable et l’éco tourisme; promouvoir le concept de citoyenneté; développer la capacité de l’intégration des jeunes dans la vie politique et culturelle et le Développement de leadership personnel chez les femmes et les enfants des zones rurales     Nos Objectifs : La promotion de l’écotourisme et de développement régional et la renforcement du leadership de la femme rurale et de l’enfant.

Main Projects / Activities

Premier projets  "Femme Rural Moteur de l'ecotourism et développement durable"  financée par l'Ambassade  de Finlande en Tunisie, pour améliorer les produits Artisanaux et soutenir les femmes rurales. Deuxieme projet "L'ecotourisme facteur de développement rural " Financé par Fonds français pour l'Environnement Mondial (FFEM) et Fondation MAVA en colaboration avec l'Union International pour la conservation de la Nature (UICN);   le projet visera à créer des alternatives économiques pour les jeunes de la région et à organiser et promouvoir les activités les femmes artisanes dans le cadre d’un circuit éco touristique en y intégrant des activités sportives spécifiques à la région pour aider à la valorisation et la protection du patrimoine naturel et culturel

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Partager notre expérience pour les autres association dans la région Partage de Savoir mis à disposition notre équipements pour d'autre association  Répresenter la fondations dans  notre gouvernorat 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Puisque  Anna Lindth, c'est une fondation forte situé dans le Nord et le Sud et servent à renforcer les relations de la sociéte civile par  dialogue  interculturel 

Contact (1) Full Name
fakher hamami
Job Title
Head of the organisation
fakher hamami
Contact (2) Full Name
Narjess ben amor
Job Title (2)
chargée de communication

Packers and Movers Bangalore

National Network

btm layout

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
Good Household Relocation with Packers and Movers Bangalore Bangalore has always been a new perfect destination to are in whether it's the educational opportunity in the city, closeness in order to Mumbai, IT sector and jobs and the many nice climate of the city. These all things are just enough for a new person to are in the particular city. And if someone in looking for the same things outside metropolis then he relocates. Shifting with goods to fresh destination is thus the very common phenomenon for that persons of Bangalore. Localities of Bangalore now have grounds for safe house relocation and that will be packers and movers within Bangalore. The concept regarding packers and movers in decades old, from the time man started transferring with goods from the spot to another, assistance inside the type of relocation companies emerged. The most common type of shifting will be household relocation. When a person tends to move together with his entire family to the particular new location, he requires old things to ensure that this individual could subside there easily. To ensure he gets everything safe and safe over the following destination and can enjoy his things in the next door selecting packers and movers within Bangalore is the greatest assistance can provide in order to himself. As you may know that home goods are of various complex level from living room decorative to kitchen area fragile and the most unused useful goods in store each and every thing should reach to the particular next destination safely and just the aid of moving companies can make that end with a positive note. So wherever you are relocating from Bangalore whether or not within the localities or perhaps in some other area hire packers and movers Bangalore for the the majority of safest moving and shifting.
Mission and Objectives

Choose Best packers and movers @ http://www.movingsolutions.in/

Main Projects / Activities

packers and movers bangalore,movers and packers bangalore,movers and packers in Bangalore,packers movers bangalore

Contact (1) Full Name
Anjali Singh
Job Title
Packers and Movers Bangalore
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Anjali Singh
Job Title (2)
Packers and Movers Bangalore

Magd Masr Organisation

National Network

First Quarter - Almgeorh4- Building 114-
Sheikh Zayed City -Giza

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Magdmasr organization for media & development - my rights is a civil institution, non-profit founded in 2011 and is subject to Law No. 84 of 2002. The institution of the founders belief that can not be achieved development and democracy and respect for human rights unless the dissemination and application of a culture of peace within the community So the Foundation will integrate the curriculum human rights and the exploitation of its mechanisms and its potential in achieving the goals and mission of the institution relating to establishing integrated development rules and ensure respect for the principles of democracy, human rights and social justice Objectives of the institution: 1-publish, promote and entrench a culture of peace, democracy and human rights and non-violence and the fight against crime and corruption 2-Activating international charters and conventions in support of a just and lasting peace and human rights and to raise public awareness to promote and encourage democratic practices, good governance and the rule of law 3-raising citizens' awareness of the legal and constitutional rights 4-to raise the awareness and training of young leaders in the institutions of civil society 5-Preparation of legal studies and research to contribute to the development of the legislative structure. 6-to provide support for legal and judicial marginalized and vulnerable groups in front of the competent authorities Unit Reference institution Derive glory Egypt its authority from legal sources multiple notably the Egyptian Constitution and international humanitarian law and international conventions, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Charter of the United Nations and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social as the natural basis for the establishment of justice and the rule of law and uphold the values of right and equality magd masr news‎ - Facebookwww.facebook.com › ... › Media/News/Publishing
Mission and Objectives

The activities of the institution 1)the holding of seminars, conferences and workshops, training courses and awareness campaigns 2)issuance of books, pamphlets and periodicals 3)the preparation of studies and field research activities 4)to promote the harmonization and coordination, cooperation and exchange of experiences between the institutions of civil society organizations and local, regional and international Organization units 1)unit social peace 2)Family Care Unit 3)Unit of political participation and elections 4)Training Unit 5)Human Rights Unit

Main Projects / Activities

Now - Protocol with the Social Fund for Development signed - The opening of chapter 80 of the Literacy Center and villages Kerdasa Giza Governorate in cooperation Social Fund for Development, the European Union - More than 1,000 women on the economic empowerment training in cooperation with the Social Fund for Development and the United Nations Women's and Coca-Cola - A cooperation protocol with the signing of the General Authority for Literacy and Adult Education - Protocol with Egypt Good Foundation signed

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We support young journalists in reporting across cultures and on issues of cultural diversity, and create exchange platforms for editors, media practitioners an television owners. We develop programmes and resources for educators and youth leaders, with a focus on promoting dialogue skills and intercultural citizenship learning.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because the Anna Lindh Foundation is an inter-governmental institution bringing together civil society and citizens across the Mediterranean to build trust and improve mutual understanding

Contact (1) Full Name
D.Magda Mahmoud Ahmed
Job Title
Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Magd Masr of organisation for Media & Development- & Correspondent in the Egyptian Television
Head of the organisation
D.Magda Mahmoud
Contact (2) Full Name
D.Magda Mahmoud
Job Title (2)
Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Magd Masr of organisation for Media & Development- & Correspondent in the Egyptian Television

Jabalia Rehabilitation Society

National Network

Jabalia Refujee camp - Gaza Strip
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Jabalia Rehabilitation Society (JRS) was established in Jabalia Refugee Camp in 1991, as a local. The main goal of JRS is to educate and rehabilitate persons with disabilities at the North Governorate. JRS has different programs namely: Education program for children with hearing impairment, community based rehabilitation, audiology clinic, and speech and language therapy. JRS is considered the only service provider for hearing aids and screening, speech therapy, physiotherapy and education services for children with hearing impairment in the North Governorate. JRS has an elected board of members formed on 9 members who are community figures, activists and decision makers. JRS has 51 employees and 11 volunteers. JRS annual budget is 750,000 USD where 15% of the budget is covered from its own income generation activities. The organization has a variety of donors and partners who are supporting its activities such as Save the Children, Welfare Association, Danish Church Aid and others. JRS has strong cooperation relations with governmental organizations such Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education, as well as UNRWA.
Mission and Objectives

JRS vision: A rehabilitation leading brightness society in Gaza Northern Governorate 
JRS mission: JRS is an independent and non-profit Palestinian NGO with the purpose of providing, implementing, establishing and promoting comprehensive rehabilitation for growing number of persons with disabilities and hearing and speech-language Disabilities, Raise the Awareness of the community to deal with their needs; through capacity building, hearing and speech-language rehabilitation, empowerment, provision of Assistive Devices and community Awareness Raising programs.
JRS Objectives:
1. To contribute in strengthening the capacity building of JRS and stakeholders.
2. To contribute in provision of supportive and rehabilitative services for persons with disabilities and hearing and speech-language Disabilities.
3. To contribute in enabling persons with disabilities and hearing and speech-language Disabilities and their families to accomplish greater independence.
4. To contribute in relieving suffering and meeting priorities of persons with disabilities and hearing and speech-language Disabilities acutely deprived by the crisis in Gaza Strip.
5. To contribute in full integration and participation of persons with disabilities and hearing and speech-language Disabilities in society.

Main Projects / Activities

1 Deaf Education Program;
Deaf Education Program started providing educational services for deaf children living in Northern Governorate in 1992. The program offers educational services for 96 deaf pupils of 1th – 9th grades yearly. It includes kindergarten, elementary and preparatory grades, and one grade of high school stage of education. JRS school for deaf children actively takes part in the most important community events. The pupils are daily provided with transportation services. Also, Deaf Education Program pupils are regularly provided with such services as audiological follow-up, speech therapy for pupils with partial hearing loss.
2 Community-Based Rehabilitation Program;
The program focuses on integrating the disabled children living in Northern Governorate in the community. Rehabilitation specialists visit the disabled children at their homes to provide the child's caregivers and family members with relevant knowledge on how to take care of their disabled child. The program workers are responsible for networking and coordination with community establishments including rehabilitative ones. One of important activities being regularly implemented is Signal language courses for deaf children families' members. The program being described successfully implements distribution of technical aids and medical supply for disabled individuals (with different causes of disability) who live in the targeted area.
3 Audiology clinic;
The main goal of the clinic is to diagnose, counsel, follow up clients with hearing problems referred from various medical centers and fit, repair (if needed) hearing aids. Also, the clinic provides all above-mentioned rehabilitative services for JRS deaf school pupils.
4 Speech and language therapy;
The clinic provides speech and therapy services such as speech therapy itself, follow up to individuals suffering from speech and language disorders. Adults as well as children benefit from the clinic activities, but the focus is made on children in need of described above services. Speech and therapy specialist provides speech therapy services for deaf school children with partial hearing loss.
5 Vocational Training;
Deaf school graduates are provided with bakery training. During the year 2014, 13 deaf females are got trained in JRS bakery.
6 Emergency and Relief Activities;
JRS is the leader of local emergency committee represented by local NGOs, which reports immediately on accidents needed emergency interventions/ support (such as flooding houses by sewage waters, damage after military incursions, siege and shortage/ lack of access to technical aids and medical supply) taking place in Jabalia Camp and close to it areas and implements distribution of emergency help in the case of emergency situation. Among the emergency interventions, the following should be mentioned: field survey to gather the data after accident/ disaster, etc.; urgent distribution of emergency items; emergency community-based rehabilitation, etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

JRS can be an active partner in the network to represent people with disabilities to include them in the cultural and human rights activities with other partners of the network. Such target group are usually neglected and do not get to participate in cultural activities as they should.
JRS can facilitate a number of activities with other partners and network members to access the North Governorate in the Gaza Strip, and its facilities will be available for use of other network members.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

JRS is aiming at widening its network of partners in order to promote its role in serving its beneficiaries and providing them with more services and enable them in different aspects of life. AFL network will open new options for people with disabilities in the North Governorate where they can benefit from cultural and other activities in partnership with other network members

Contact (1) Full Name
Walid AlNabahin
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Walid AlNabahin
Contact (2) Full Name
Amani Kalloub
Job Title (2)
Projects coordinator


National Network

rampa antonio ceriani,10
00165 roma

+39 0639742463
Mobile Phone
+39 3381240456
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 3343292688
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Artestudio is a Cultural Association that works professionally in this area of social and culture for more than thirty years cooperating with the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the Ministries of Culture, Foreign Affairs, Interior and Justice, the European Union, Regione Lazio, Roma Capitale, the UNHCR, the University of La Sapienza in Rome and the University of Romatre. Has already carried out a project of social theater with young Syrian refugees in Lebanon in cooperation with UNHCR and INTERSOS that has seen tremendous interest. Has also achieved for the first time a project of social theater at the C.A.R.A (Reception Centre for Asylum Seekers) in Gradisca d'Isonzo making this inedited program a brand new stable and continuous reality. Now prepares a draft for the C.A.R.A in Castelnuovo di Porto in the province of Rome. Artestudio has investigated the issue of immigration with the PIED DOG project that has involved many young people in Italy and the Middle East. It carried out projects in Lebanon and Palestine, working with refugees and in several prisons with theater projects aimed at Italian and foreign inmates, projects for the mentally disabled and victims of violence always using THEATRE AS A TOOL FOR PSYCHOSOCIAL RECOVERY AND RECONSTRUCTION.
Mission and Objectives

Artestudio is a Cultural Association that works professionally in this area of social and culture for more than thirty years cooperating with the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the Ministries of Culture, Foreign Affairs, Interior and Justice, the European Union, Regione Lazio, Roma Capitale, the UNHCR, the University of La Sapienza in Rome and the University of Romatre.
Has already carried out a project of social theater with young Syrian refugees in Lebanon in cooperation with UNHCR and INTERSOS that has seen tremendous interest.
Has also achieved for the first time a project of social theater at the C.A.R.A (Reception Centre for Asylum Seekers) in Gradisca d'Isonzo making this inedited program a brand new stable and continuous reality. Now prepares a draft for the C.A.R.A in Castelnuovo di Porto in the province of Rome.
Artestudio has investigated the issue of immigration with the PIED DOG project that has involved many young people in Italy and the Middle East. It carried out projects in Lebanon and Palestine, working with refugees and in several prisons with theater projects aimed at Italian and foreign inmates, projects for the mentally disabled and victims of violence always using THEATRE AS A TOOL FOR PSYCHOSOCIAL RECOVERY AND RECONSTRUCTION.

Main Projects / Activities

Artestudio is a Cultural Association that works professionally in this area of social and culture for more than thirty years cooperating with the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the Ministries of Culture, Foreign Affairs, Interior and Justice, the European Union, Regione Lazio, Roma Capitale, the UNHCR, the University of La Sapienza in Rome and the University of Romatre.
Has already carried out a project of social theater with young Syrian refugees in Lebanon in cooperation with UNHCR and INTERSOS that has seen tremendous interest.
Has also achieved for the first time a project of social theater at the C.A.R.A (Reception Centre for Asylum Seekers) in Gradisca d'Isonzo making this inedited program a brand new stable and continuous reality. Now prepares a draft for the C.A.R.A in Castelnuovo di Porto in the province of Rome.
Artestudio has investigated the issue of immigration with the PIED DOG project that has involved many young people in Italy and the Middle East. It carried out projects in Lebanon and Palestine, working with refugees and in several prisons with theater projects aimed at Italian and foreign inmates, projects for the mentally disabled and victims of violence always using THEATRE AS A TOOL FOR PSYCHOSOCIAL RECOVERY AND RECONSTRUCTION.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Contribuire alla rete italiana mettendo in relazione i progetti a cominciare dal progetto MIGRARTI del MIBACT.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Perchè lavoriamo in questo settore da molto tempo ed intendiamo sviluppare una rete di esperienze positive sul tema dell'incontro con l'altro.

Contact (1) Full Name
alba maria ungaro bartoli
Job Title
Head of the organisation
alba maria ungaro bartoli
Contact (2) Full Name
riccardo vannuccini
Job Title (2)
direttore artistico

Local Democracy Agency Sisak

National Network

S. i A. Radića 2A
44000 Sisak

+385 44 521 227
+385 44 521 231
Mobile Phone
+385 99 230 92 61
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information

LDA Sisak aims to support local democratic processes, promote human rights, active citizenship and international cooperation. We are using specific methodology of multilateral decentralised cooperation in partnership with local/regional self-governments and other non-governmental organisations. Memberships: statutory member and Operational partners of Association of the Local Democracy Agencies, Croatian Network of Volunteer’ Centres, South East European Youth Network and Sisak-Moslavina County Local Partnership for Employment. Our programs: Local democracy, Active citizenship, Volunteer program, For Community without domestic violence and Organisational development. In 2011 we opened Volunteer' Centre Sisak by which we are working on promoting active citizenship, structural voluntarism, social cohesion and employability. Structure: Assembly (all members), Governing board and President (executive body). Currently employ 1 person, 14 regular volunteers and 170 volunteers in database of Volunteer Centre Sisak. Funding: various national and international donors; major EU funding; beneficiary of the National Foundation for Civil Society Development Institutional support. 

Mission and Objectives

Mission: Local Democracy Agency Sisak by promoting human rights, preserving peace and strengthening local democracy contributes to local community development and active citizenship. By implementing non-profit programs, connecting and networking responds to the needs of individuals, local government and wider community. Objectives: 1. Local democratic processes development by including citizens in decision-making, planning and development of pluralistic and multicultural society. 2. Human rights, active citizenship and volunteerism promotion, education, development and advocacy. 3. Lifelong learning and non-formal education promotion and development. 4. Support to civil society organisations and local authorities in sustainable and participatory democracy development. 5. Social innovations and community services development. 6. International cooperation development.

Main Projects / Activities

1. LOCAL DEMOCRACY - strengthening local democracy through citizens' participation in decision-making process and development of pluralistic and intercultural society as a starting point for development of community tailored to its citizens' needs. 2. ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP - activities related to inter-ethnic and inter-religious cooperation; support to civic initiatives and economic development; promotion of sustainable development and ecological awareness and organisation of ecological protection activities. 3. VOLUNTEER PROGRAM - promotion, motivation and organising voluntary programs in community, especially targeted to young people, aiming to contribute to development of philanthropy and enable active civil society in a community. 4. FOR COMMUNITY WITHOUT DOMESTIC VIOLENCE - promotion and protection of gender equality, protection of the rights of women, children, youngsters and other marginalised groups. 5. ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT - securing organisational stability and development.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Before our registration as a national organisation in 2006, LDA Sisak operated as international organisation since 1996, established by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe. In these 20 years of experience, we managed over 150 projects, as partners or leaders, most of them having component of multilateral decentralised cooperation. We can contribute to the network sharing our very specific experience related to citizens’ participation, good governance, active citizenship, volunteering and community development. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to spread our partnership to organisations and countries we have not cooperated so far, adopting innovations and methodologies in joint objectives, and having opportunity to debate, analyse and exchange.  

Contact (1) Full Name
Paula Raužan
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Paula Raužan

Centre d’Études Alexandrines - Service pédagogique

National Network

50, Soliman Yousri
Alexandrie - 21131

0020 3 3906962
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Le Centre d’Études Alexandrines (CEAlex), Unité de Service et de Recherche du CNRS, est un établissement de droit français ; sa position permanente dans la ville d’Alexandrie en fait un interlocuteur privilégié auprès des institutions égyptiennes. Il a pour mission l’étude d’Alexandrie à travers ses 2300 ans d’histoire. Regroupant l’ensemble des métiers de l’archéologie et de l’Histoire, il compte aujourd’hui 80 collaborateurs permanents et accueille chaque année près de 300 missionnaires.  Ses travaux de recherches s’inscrivent dans la durée, à l’exemple des fouilles archéologiques sous-marines de Qaitbay, entreprises depuis 22 ans, et donnent lieu à des publications ; à ce jour, le CEAlex compte plus de 50 ouvrages, aussi bien de recherche que de vulgarisation. La diffusion auprès du grand public s’opère grâce aux actions menées par son Service pédagogique.
Mission and Objectives

Au sein de la dynamique institution qu’est le CEAlex, le Service pédagogique a été créé en 2002, avec le soutien financier et technique de la région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur et de l’association France Volontaires, dans le cadre de la coopération en Méditerranée.
Les activités périscolaires, les évènements culturels, scientifiques et patrimoniaux, ainsi que les formations, organisés et coordonnés par le Service pédagogique du CEAlex, permettent aux Alexandrins, toujours plus nombreux à s’intéresser à leur patrimoine, de s’initier aux métiers de l’archéologie, de suivre les travaux des scientifiques et les avancées de la recherche, de visiter les sites et monuments de leur ville et enfin de s’ouvrir sur les civilisations méditerranéennes.
Grâce à ces actions, les Alexandrins découvrent ou redécouvrent l’histoire de leur ville et peuvent s’approprier la richesse de son patrimoine.

Main Projects / Activities

Le Service pédagogique du CEAlex a pour mission de sensibiliser le jeune public à l’extraordinaire patrimoine de sa ville et de rendre accessible les richesses culturelles d’Alexandrie à un large public.
Pour ce faire, le Service pédagogique agit dans trois domaines majeurs.
Le Service pédagogique du CEAlex propose aux établissements scolaires, privés et gouvernementaux, des programmes d’apprentissage ponctués de sorties sur sites et ateliers. Des mallettes pédagogiques, conçues par le Service pédagogique et une association partenaire, sont également proposées aux écoles pour un apprentissage ludique autour de thèmes variés ayant trait à différentes matières des sciences humaines, sciences de la vie et sciences de la terre.
Chaque année, le Service pédagogique du CEAlex organise et/ou participe à des événements ouverts à tous, pilotés par le CEAlex et d’autres institutions culturelles, patrimoniales et scientifiques, égyptiennes et étrangères, pour promouvoir le patrimoine et la culture d’Alexandrie auprès du plus grand nombre. Un des rendez-vous phares de ce calendrier annuel est les Journées du patrimoine alexandrin, créé en 2010 par le Service pédagogique, avec le soutien financier du Conseil Régional Provence Alpes Côtes d’Azur, qui a rassemblé plus de 2000 spectateurs lors de sa 6° édition en 2015.
Des cycles de formations sont organisés pour les enseignants participant aux programmes périscolaires et pour le personnel du Ministère des Antiquités travaillant sur les sites archéologiques et dans les musées d’Alexandrie.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Depuis ses 14 ans d’existence, le Service pédagogique du CEAlex a tissé des liens avec de nombreuses structures patrimoniales et scientifiques, tant en France qu’en Égypte.
Créé dans le cadre de la coopération en Méditerranée, le Service pédagogique du CEAlex entretien de solides relations avec la France et particulièrement la région Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur. Il travaille en étroite collaboration avec un grand nombre d’associations, musées et établissements scolaires, basés sur ce territoire.
En Égypte, le Service pédagogique du CEAlex a su mettre en place tout un réseau, d’un côté d’institutions scolaires et périscolaires, de l’autre d’agents culturels. Le succès de ses actions permet aujourd’hui un rayonnement auprès de nombreuses autres institutions étrangères, culturelles, scientifiques, diplomatiques, établies à Alexandrie.
En outre, grâce aux travaux menés par les membres du CEAlex, le Service pédagogique acquiert une visibilité dans de nombreux pays méditerranéens travaillant de concert avec les chercheurs du Centre. Les actions du Service pédagogique ont la vocation de s’y exporter pour promouvoir le  patrimoine alexandrin.
Pour satisfaire un public toujours plus grand, le Service pédagogique du CEAlex s’engage à aller à la rencontre de nouvelles institutions, créer de nouveaux partenariats et faire rayonner le patrimoine alexandrin au-delà des frontières égyptiennes.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Fort de notre position de passerelle entre la France et l’Egypte, nous souhaitons pouvoir bâtir de nouveaux projets touchant au patrimoine et à la jeunesse, en collaboration avec les institutions qui le souhaiteraient, dans le cadre du réseau Anna Lindh Foundation, dont la fonction première est la promotion du dialogue interculturel en Europe et en Méditerranée.

Contact (1) Full Name
Charlotte Gleize
Head of the organisation
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Contact (2) Full Name
Marwa Abdelgawad

Al-Phoenix Association‏

National Network

Palestinian Territories

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information

An independent Palestinian non-governmental organization , non-profit development was founded in 2005 on the initiative of a group of cadres of activists working in the fields of thought, development , development , human rights and democracy, social service, seeks to contribute effectively in building a free Palestinian society in an independent state politically socially economically by working to spread awareness and dissemination democratic culture and the development of concepts of the fundamental rights set forth in the international Bill .. freedom and social justice and to mobilize energies towards achieving the desired goal.  

Mission and Objectives

- Assembly message . 1 - The mission of the Assembly in the consolidation of national awareness of the Palestinian cause and the right to freedom and independence and to return and contribute to the building of a free society. 2 - defense of Palestinian refugees and the development of standards of life in their communities and asylum camps rights. 3 - Dissemination of Democracy and human rights culture. 4 - capacity and devote sustainable culture building .   Objectives of the association. 1 - commitment to the principle of defending the rights of the Palestinian people to freedom of the independence of the Palestinian state, protect the rights of Palestinian refugees. 2 - To increase awareness of the concepts of freedom, democracy and human rights and to have it published. 3 - the unification of all efforts and increased coordination between the activities and operational frameworks so as to contribute to capacity building at the level of Palestinian society. 4 - improving the quality of life in general Palestinian society and especially among the refugees. 5 - to communicate with institutions locally and internationally and hiring efforts and innovations to serve the issues addressed by the Assembly. 6 - Work to strengthen and expand the horizons of solidarity with the Palestinian people, their cause and their rights fair value. 7 capacity building and empowerment of youth and women sectors, children and people with Ctja T. owns.

Main Projects / Activities

Media in the Assembly The information department in the Assembly contains a component media team of 10 volunteers of both sexes . He graduated more than 120 trainees in the field of photography courses The information department in the Assembly and is now working on filming the Association's activities in addition to photographing the old stories of our ancestors to be displayed in cultural evenings in the Assembly   Culture in the Assembly Cultural Department contains more than 20 volunteers of both sexes . In addition to a large group of children to be educated and to educate them about the heritage of the nation . Cultural Department projects. Will be the work of cultural seminars in the Assembly as well as drawing paintings on the walls of houses mimic the nation and put the camp * Edward Said library in the Assembly. Cultural Department is responsible library Edward Said , which in turn is the only public library and the first in the camp and the area around Bethlehem   Child and activities department Child Department of the Assembly are an integral part of the association's activities , the child's culture and character-building and leadership education in addition to the entertainment side Phoenix band of Dramatic Art It is a private theater association containing more than 30 people of both sexes . Volunteers are trained in plays. Now the band is trained on the new presentation under the name "land of our country ."

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

International cultural exchange between civilizations

Contact (1) Full Name
baraa faowaz zahran
Job Title
Activities coordinator
Head of the organisation
baraa fowaz zahran
Contact (2) Full Name
mohammad khaled saifi
Job Title (2)
External Relations Officer


National Network

30 rue chevalier PAUL

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
ASSOCIATION loi 1901 Deux personnes ,cotisations et dons ,Projets à mettre en placce et à démarrer en 2016 dans le cadre du bicentenaire de la naissance de MARIUS PETITPA  né a MARSEILLE 1818 MORT  à gourzouf CRIMEE 1910 Préparation exposition sur sa vie et son oeuvre , en collaboration  avec le théatre MARINSKY , le musée de l 'HERMITAGE , à SAINT PETERSBOURG   RUSSIE 
Mission and Objectives

Développer les relations culturelles entre la FRANCE et la RUSSIE à l 'occasion des évènements prévus à l 'occasion du bicentenaire de sa naissance à MARSEILLE .en 1816  (Expositions,production de spectacles chorégraphiques, )

Main Projects / Activities

Voir missions et objectifs

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Mettre à disposition de l 'assoiation,des locaux d 'expositions , 2000 M2 prèts fin 2016 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

La MER NOIRE , on l 'oublie un peu ,se jette dans la MEDITERRANEE , elle appartient bien au monde MEDITERRANEEN 

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Towarzystwo Edukacji Antydyskryminacyjnej / The Anti-discrimination Education Association (TEA)

National Network

ul. Kłopotowskiego 9/31

+ 48 604 48 19 69
Telephone (other)
+ 48 535 559 557
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The Anti-discrimination Education Association (TEA) was founded in 2009 by persons involved in anti-discrimination education. The Association brings together several dozen persons who specialize in this area. They include, among others, women and men who are anti-discrimination trainers, initiators of equality and diversity projects, members of organizations supporting groups threatened with discrimination. The activities of the Anti-discrimination Education Association are directed to those individuals and institutions engaged in formal and non-formal education in Poland. We create solutions for:     teachers,     educational institutions - Ministries responsible for education and science,     education superintendents, teacher training centers,     trainers of adults and youth,     institutions involved in non-formal education.
Mission and Objectives

In our work, we meet representatives of various groups: representatives of public administration, labor market institutions, trade unions, police, education sector, business, media, NGOs, and finally individuals. We conduct educational activities for these groups to counteract unequal treatment.
The mission of the Association is to develop and disseminate anti-discrimination education so that each person is participating in the creation of a world free of discrimination and violence.

Main Projects / Activities

The Equality and diversity – in practice Project
Coordination of the Coalition for Anti-discrimination Education
Report "Significant absence - anti-discrimination education in the formal education system in Poland"
Institutional capacity building of the Anti-Discrimination Education Association
The „Equals = quality” Project

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are educators, trainers and teachers specialised in human rights. We are also keen on multiculturalism. We would like to take part and propose activities, promote our organisation and meet other activists interested in human rights and multiculturalism. We also would like to realise projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the network, take part and propose activities, promote our organisation and meet other activists interested in human rights and multiculturalism. We also would like to realise projects.
Some of our members (Anna Urbańczyk, Jan Świerszcz) are already active in Polish network, because they are also members of oteher organisation, which are ALF members. They would like to be our association ambassadors.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Urbańczyk
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Board: Małgorzata Borowska, Dorota Bregin, Małgorzata Dymowska, Elżbieta Kielak, Ewa Stoecker
Contact (2) Full Name
Jan Świerszcz
Job Title (2)