The Royal Marine Conservation Society of Jordan (JREDS)

National Network

Shmessani, Abdel Aziz Thaalbi Str, Bdg#7,

+962 6 5676 173
+962 6 5676183
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+962 775244207
Mobile Phone (other)
+962 775244204
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The Royal Marine Conservation Society of Jordan (JREDS) is the first and the specialized organization in Jordan in marine conservation since 1993. HRH Princess Bassma Bint Ali is leading the organization as the chairperson, in addition to seven activists representing the Board members. JREDS is non-profit, non-governmental organization, and a member with the Foundation for Environmental Education, which is an international NGO running international programs in field of eco-tourism and Eco-schools. JREDS is also a member with national and international partnership, including IUCN, German Corporation Agency (GIZ), Quebec Labrador Foundation (QLF), Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), Potash Company, Ayla Oasis Project, Aqaba Development Corporation (ADC), and Aqaba Container Terminal (ACT). The society at the highest level is governed by its general assembly, which elects seven board of directors each fourth year. The board of directors approves and appoints an Executive Director who is entrusted with the society’s day-to-day management functions. The Executive Director in turn is authorized to recruit a cadre of qualified and capable full-time and part-time staff members who formulate the working team that would execute the society’s programs of work and activities. The Royal Marine Conservation Society of Jordan (JREDS) has different income sources including; hotels and beaches fees membership
Mission and Objectives

To contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of the marine environment in Jordan through our conservation program, outreach and advocacy as well as the sustainable development program.
JREDS is seek to be a world- class organization working on marine conservation for future generations in Jordan.

Main Projects / Activities

JREDS is running three main programs; Marine Conservation program focus mainly on marine life, doing scientific studies and research. Outreach and Advocacy program aiming to raise conscious awareness of individuals and organizations toward the environment, and advocate for human rights, in addition to invest our volunteer energy with our programs, field visits and activities. the third program is Sustainable Development that running in Jordan since 2008, through three international environmental Eco-Labels; Green key Eco labeling for tourism facilities, Blue Flag Eco label for beaches & marinas and Eco-schools program that designed for both governmental and private schools.
Moreover, JREDS is running funded projects in different fields that support the social economic approaches and one annual biggest campaign called "Clean-Up the World".
Main Current Projects / Activities 2016: 
1. Working on new project that aims to implement safety plans on public beach.
2. Clean Up the World Campaign 2016/Aqaba

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

JREDS will contribute in sharing knowledge, experiences and skills to enhance and strengthen the network. In addition, JREDS has a very strong networks at the national, regional and international level, and by joining the network, JREDS will welcome to contribute to more networking and engagement of other stakeholders.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would love to wide our partnership to spread the eco-concepts as a tool of enhancing the environment. In addition, JREDS is looking forward to get more insight on the available initiatives related to youth and campaigns. Therefore, joining the network will certainly support JREDS in its mission

Contact (1) Full Name
Sally Buqa'een
Job Title
Sustainable Development Program Manager
Head of the organisation
HRH Princess Basma bint Ali (Chair Person)
Contact (2) Full Name
Ehab Eid
Job Title (2)
Programs Director


National Network


Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Youth and education
General Information
مشروع الميتوبيا مشهر بالشهر العقاري رسميا  ميتوبيا “ انما الامم الاخلاق ما بقيت فإن ذهبت اخلاقهم ذهبوا “. بدءا من هذه المقوله وايمانا منا بكل ما تعنيه، نقدم لكم مشروع ( ميتوبيا ) املين من خلاله ان نعيد مسار الشخصيه والهويه المصريه لمسارها البناء في المجتمع بتنميه وتقويم سلوكه وقدراته واخراج جيل مقدرين لوطنهم منتمين له،  يقدر ويحترم دور المرآه، ولتكن قاعده يؤسس عليها قادم الاجيال . ونوجه الدعوه لكل مؤسسات وافراد الدوله في ان نتعاون سويا لتنفيذ فكره هذا البرنامج باعتباره برنامج قومي يهدف الي رفعه الوطن من جميع محاوره . ٨ افراد تمويل ذاتي المجلس القومس للمراه - هيئات ومؤسسات الدوله
Mission and Objectives

اعاده السلوك المصري القويم لمساره الصحيح و تعزيز وتنميه السلوك الايجابي وتثبيت وارساء قيم المجتمع فلا يمكن أن يوجد التحضر والعلم بدون قيم أخلاقية وإنسانية.
تعزيز قيم المواطنه والانتماء وحب الوطن والإعتزاز به و بتاريخه والمحافظة على ثرواته .
وضع المراه المصريه في مسارها الرائدي الصحيح باعتبار المراه المصريه هي الرائده عبر العصور.
اتاحه الفرصه للمراه لتنميه مهاراتها وسلوكياتها وجعلها علي قدر من الثقافه، واعاده ثقة المراه بشخصها و “الايمان بان الافضل حق من حقوقها وليس تفضلاً عليها” والتي بدروها ستنصبغ علي باقي افراد الاسره.
اعاده الثقافه المجتمعيه المصريه القائمه علي احترام  دور المراه باعتبارها نصف المجتمع ومسئوله عن تنشئه النصف الاخر وتنشئه جيل علي قدر عالي من الوعي قادر علي النهوض بالمجتمع في ظل القيم المتعارف عليها.
تحفيز النشئ على ارساء قيم وأخلاق تجعله يشعر بكرامته وإنسانيته، وتحفز طاقاته على العمل والإبداع وتحقيق ذاته ووجوده، ومساعدتهم أن يحدد هدفه من الحياة.
الحفاظ علي لم شمل الاسر والتأكيد علي ترسيخ قيم الانتماء الاسري كونهم هم المصدر الاول للتعليم .
تدريب فريق العمل المشارك في تنفيذ البرنامج وتاهيله لكي يكونوا مشرفين واداريين ورواد اجتماعيون قادرون علي نشر ثقافه البرنامج في نطاق مجتمعاتهم وخارجها.

Main Projects / Activities

حملات توعيه / دعايه في الشوارع مع تجنيد شباب كل منطقه / محافظه للانضمام الي المبادره ليكونوا هم نواة التحرك لتنفيذ البرنامج لوضعها كنقطه تحول في مسار الشخصيه المصريه.
الترويج للبرنامج اعلامياً .
تأهيل فريق عمل بالتدريب للنزول الي المدراس والكنائس والمساجد واماكن التجمعات للقيام بالمهام التي يضعها البرنامج بما يصب في النهايه لتحقيق اهداف البرنامج .
قوافل تدريبيه للمدرسين بالمدارس لتأهيلهم للتعامل مع الاطفال طبقا لاهداف البرنامج .

Contact (1) Full Name
Ponsieh Salah
Job Title
Founder of MeTopia
Head of the organisation
Ponsieh Salah
Contact (2) Full Name
Hayam Goda
Job Title (2)

Yem Orgnization

National Network

Burg ElArab

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
جمعية “ يم للتنميه والثقافه“ هي منظمة مصرية اهليه غير حكومية ، وتهدف إلى خدمة جميع فئات المجتمع المصري المحتاجة دون أي تمييز ديني أو سياسي او عنصري ، وذلك بشكل فعال غير تقليدي وسلس يؤكد دور عمل المجتمع المدني في نمو المجتمعات إقتصادياً وأجتماعياً وثقافيا وفنيا. selffund   our main project is MeTopia المجلس القومي للمراه .. مبادرة شانزليزيه 
Mission and Objectives

تعمل  “ يم " على بناء الافكار الابداعيه وتحويلها الى واقع يطور من حياه افراد المجتمع ويضيف قيما جديده ترفع من مستوى معيشه ووعي الفرد. عن طريق دعم كل مبتكر مبدع بالتاهيل وطرق المعرفه التي تساعده لتنمية افكاره الابداعيه وتطبيقها على ارض الواقع . كما تعمل  “ يم “ علي كل صور الابداع ايا كانت مجالاته علي ان يؤثر تاثيرا ايجابيا في المجتمع سواءا على المدى البعيد او القريب. فنحن نعمل علي ان نخرج بالفئات المجتمعيه المنهاره الي سماء النجاح وقتل البطاله والجهل والفقر لخلق بيئه من الابداع تحقق احلامنا في مجتمع خالي من الفقر والجهل

Main Projects / Activities

 Main Project is Metopia for development behavior


الارتقاء بالسلوك العام عن طريق بناء الفكر الثقافي والفني والابداعي

تمكين المرأة و تعزير دورها المجتمعي وتوفير مساحة من المشاركة المجتمعية الإبداعية للنهوض بالفكر الثقافي للمراه ومن ثم المجتمع من خلال تعليم ونشر الفنون والثقافة والاداب

تنميه الوعي الفني والثقافي والمحافظه علي التراث والتي تنمي الوعي المجتمعي وترتقي بالسلوك العام

رعاية الأطفال بكافة المناطق و خاصة المهمشة و رعاية الأطفال المبدعين و توفير سبل الدعم لهم لإخراج أطفال مبدعين مصريين خلال سنوات قصيرة من بدء عملنا

Contact (1) Full Name
Ponsieh Salah
Job Title
TV Presenter & The Head of Yem
Head of the organisation
Ponsieh Salah
Contact (2) Full Name
Shaimaa Mohamed
Job Title (2)
Assistant CEO

The circle

National Network

8, via marsala, Trieste
zmin, croatia
34142 Trieste

0039 3487835461
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Our association is promoting sustainable agriculture and community based development projects. In 2011, a cross-border cooperation network of members was created in the border areas of Karst Ialy, Sloenia and Croatia. Currently, this network project CESnet- cross border eco-sustainable network is providing environmental education and permaculture learning in partnership with Gaia education, scotland in these regions. Every year a trans-border festival Terrafest is being held for the members, farmers and institutions. In 2015, Terrafest began a seed saving walk from Italy and crossed into Slovenia and arrived in Rijeka at a member's organization covering almost 170 kilometers in 10 days, stopping at a member each day and presenting workshops for local communities with experts.    
Mission and Objectives

The network has around 50 members in 3 countries and is now starting to enroll members in Austria. Most actions are based on continuing education for teachers, farmers, industry workers, university students and awareness building to reduce the carbon foot print.

Main Projects / Activities

CESnet, bioregional network between farmers, institutions, permaculture groups and associations

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

by making possible an active partecipation in the border areas of Italy-Slovenia-Croatia

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are pleased to say that information exchange and education are common goals with ALF

Contact (1) Full Name
Piero gigante
Job Title
Head of the organisation
caputo shaily

Association Agir

National Network

Chorfa, Bouira, Algérie
10015 Bouira

+213 26 953 232
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Bouras Boukhalfa Financier de formation, actuellement je  suis chef de projet du pole Citoyenneté & Engagement au sein de l`association AGIR en tant   que bénévole. Responsable du club jeunes reporteurs au sein de l’association AGIR. Membre dans le comité local du village depuis 2014. Membres fondateur de la coordination nationale des étudiants autonome 2010  Membre fondateur du comité autonome des étudiants département des Sciences Economiques de Gestion et commerciales ( 2009 ) à l’université de Bouira
Mission and Objectives

Au sein de AGIR nous développons des projets dans ce sens avec différents partenaires, mais aussi nous favorisons l`approche partenarial des pouvoirs public pour qu`ils soient acteur eux aussi. Donc mon rôle consiste à faire en sorte que les objectifs du projet soient réalisés et aboutir aux résultats escomptés.
A cet effet qui dit de citoyenneté, engagement et participation implique  automatiquement d`aborder la gouvernance notamment locale, mais aussi la démocratie participative qui consiste une des fondations d`une élection propre. Donc à travers nos projets, nous introduisons les jeunes algériens à ces concepts pour qu`ils se familiarisent et beaucoup d`entre eux qui ont bénéficié de nos projets sont au jour aujourd’hui des militants actifs et même élus.

Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Je suis persuadé que l`échange d'expérience avec les différents membres de ce réseau renforcera sans doute nos capacités technique qu`on pourra surtout partager avec nos camarades et amis dans nos associations et organisations respectives. s`il y`a lieur de développer des projets ensembles avec les autres membres de ce réseau, ceci sera un grand acquis pour nos organisation respectives. Donc je suis aussi convaincu qu`un tel réseau offrira une opportunité pour développer de nouveaux projets entre les différents participants.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Au fait je suis bénévole a la base au sein de notre association à savoir AGIR, donc je prends part à l`ensemble des actions établies par AGIR dans ses différents pôles d`interventions notamment celui auquel je suis en charge, à savoir celui de la citoyenneté et l`engagement des jeunes, je penses que ce genre de réseau renforceront certainement les liens entre organisations et contribueront au developpements de projet en cummun 

Contact (1) Full Name
Bouras Boukhalfa
Head of the organisation
Massinissa sebai

Migration Institute of Finland

National Network

Eerikinkatu 34
20100 Turku

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
The Migration Institute of Finland was founded in 1974, and has its headquarters in Turku. The Institute has 9 permanent employees and ca. 10 project researcher in 2017. It's annual budget is about 1.3 million Euro that is mainly derived by the Ministry of Education in Finland. The institute conducts research, publishes studies on migration and has exhibitions. It also has a library and an archive on historical migration-related material. The Institute co-operates with several universities and ministries as well as some NGOs in Finland.
Mission and Objectives

The tasks of the Migration Institute of Finland are: - to promote the collection, storage and documentation of research material relating to international and internal migration including immigrants and refugees,
- to carry out and to promote migration research,
- to publish reseach reports, books and articles on migration,
- to develop co-operation between the universities and special organizations related to migration, both within Finland and abroad.
- and to maintain and to provide information services about migration.

Main Projects / Activities

Research in the fields of migration and ethnic relations in Finland.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can provide the network information on current migration related issues.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF network is an important platform for co-operation both in Finland and internationally in its subject area. We do also arrange event on migration that can be of interest to ALF members.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tuomas Martikainen
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Tuomas Martikainen

National Association Defense of Rights and Freedoms (NADRF)

National Network

22 Baisam Sharif Street Off Ahmed Kamel - Pyramid Street - First Floor Apartment 3 behind the Giza Governorate

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
General Information
The National Association for Defense Rights and Freedoms (NADRF) is a non-governmental associations that operates in the promotion and dissemination of human rights culture, specially for the empowerment of women National Association for Defense Rights and Freedoms (NADRF) bases itself on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Conventions (CEDAW - the Convention Againsi Torture and other agreements and treaties) as well as national legislation (the Constitution and the laws regulating rights and duties within Egyptian society) as a basic frame of reference for all of their activities and their positions directed  towards humar rights issues. The general budget is of 35,000$ every year. The Forum NED donates 30,000$ every year and the Forum's Board of Trustees donate 1.200$ every year. The rest comes from the member's donations.  The structure of the organization is formed by the Board of Directors, Waleed Farouk represents the Board as the Chair person of the organization, and Safaa Ali Hassan as Project Manager. There is a total of 7 employees which carry out tasks such as accounting, communication, legal assistance for women and international affairs.  The main areas of action are legal assitance, legal awarness sessions and campaigns to raise knowledge on rights and duties of the egyptian citizens.   
Mission and Objectives

The main objectives of NADRF are reinforcing a human rights culture among citizens at all levels, promoting women's rights as an integral part of human rights and increasing awareness on the rights and legal protection ofegyptian women.
It is our mission to promote the values of equality between the sexes without discrimination or disrespect for human dignity and rights, whether civil, polltical, economic, social or cultural. Our long-term goal is to work for a reform of Egyptian legislation for it to comply with International Charters of Human Rights. 

Main Projects / Activities

Among the main projects that we have developed from 2005 to now there is the implementation of a project on women's political participation with the goal of raising their capacities in the management of
public affairs. This project lasted for two years, and it has been carried out throughout all of Egypt's regions.
We also implemented a campaign for a period of 3 years to empower Egyptian women and raise their
capacity to assume public office. Furthermore, the organization implemented a campaign for a period of 3 years that consisted in training Egyptian women and enabling them to enter the upcoming local elections. NADRF also carries out research tasks, the Assembly has issued many reports and qualitative data on violence against women and on how administrative decisions always come out unequal for women in oposition to men.  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We could collaborate with organizations that could take advantage of the activities we carry out, such as legal assitance for women and awaraness campaigns. It is important to share ideas and initiatives with other organizations to improve our projects and help other organizations increase their potential. We are preparing many proposals that we would like to share within the Anna Lindh Network. We are ready to work and eager to see what the Foundation can bring to us. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to project our organization internationally and for this reason becoming part of the Anna Lindh Foundation Network could be helpful to increase our visibility and allow our organization to meet partners from the Egyptian Network to develop future common projects. We are specially interested in meeting other organizations that also work for gender equality and legal assitance for women. We want to learn from what other projects can bring to us, at the end we are all working for the same goals and sharing perspectives can be a mean to accomplish these goals. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Safaa Ali Hassan
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Waleed Farouk
Contact (2) Full Name
Waleed Farouk
Job Title (2)

Vitality onlus

National Network

Via Carducci, 32

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Our association started its activity on 16th April 1999 under the name of Welcome School, providing educational services in order to reduce school dropouts and to promote cultural integration. By 2012 it has changed its name to Vitality onlus and extended its operations to unemployed and migrants by providing them training and coaching to increase their employability and entrepreneurial skills. Vitality onlus current governing bodies are: President Matteo Matteini Vice president Adam Clark Boards of directors Adam Clark Isabella Giuliano Matteo Matteini Active members: 20 people Advisors: Adam Clark Business development Alessia Pastorutti Institutional relations Alice Troia Job counsulting Benedetta Badino Career counseling Isabella Matteini Language training Manuela Pioltelli Job matching Matteo Matteini Coaching, research, training Average budgetary resources available in a year is 5,000 euros. Sources of funding is subscription fees 8%, grants 53%, gift aids (5x1000) 31%, fund raising 8%.
Mission and Objectives

Vitality onlus trains and coaches people in need towards the full deployment of their potential, promoting active citizenship, entrepreneurship and social innovation.
Vitality onlus contributes to the generation of more open, inclusive and integrated communities in which differences are considered resources for their ongoing and balanced development.
Vitality onlus facilitates connections between people, ideas, projects, training techniques, technologies and community networks, generating a connected space in which everybody can contribute:
a) People who need to “re-start” wherever their personal growth have been “interrupted”.
b) Volunteers with time to give and/or professional experience in administration, business management, coaching, communication, counselling, education, training, IT, social innovation, mentoring, career counselling.
c) Non profit organizations, public bodies, education and training centres, universities, research centres, companies and professionals with our same vision.
Vitality onlus, following its method, has undertaken constructive relationships with several stakeholders.

Main Projects / Activities

From 1999 to 2004 activities were focused mainly on the school system. 14 projects were implemented in Italy in the field of language training for trainers, teachers and pupils; intercultural learning for psychologists, teachers and families; photo laboratories and exhibitions for the public at large. This phase involved 20 institutions, 500 teachers and educators, 7.000 children and captured the attention of more than 100.000 visitors.
• In 2013 the project ExtraTime was implemented in Milan in collaboration with ARCI - Rete Sportelli Immigrati (Network of Migrants’ Support Helpdesks). It has provided assistance to 30 adult migrants in order to increase their employability and entrepreneurship through an innovative approach that combined personal development, training and technical assistance.
• In 2014 the project SAL – Sportello Abitare Lavoro (‘Work and Living’ help desk) was implemented in Milan, in conjunction with ASF Italia (Architects Without Borders Italy). It has helped 24 adult immigrants in improving their conditions and those of their families by providing an integrated service to support them with both job and housing counseling.
• The programme YEBI (youth employment and business incubation), supported the development of Young Ambassadors, the network of 13 foreign university students in Lombardy and their 6 social and educational projects.
• in 2015
• SAL continued by providing former beneficiaries supplementary assistance when needed.
• YEBI coached 13 developing 3 out of 5 main project ideas:
- Blogenius, to increase institutions and businesses’ online visibility to an international audience. A partnership with ICPT is ongoing to an Italian-Indonesian knowledge exchange;
- Expo Piccoli, to offer primary
schools training on food safety and food security by engaging children in laboratories and sensory experiences;
- Explorations, in collaboration with Explora, the Expo2015 destination management organization, to offer a first hands storytelling able to attract visitors from targeted countries;
• RABAB is the first edition of the Rimini based intercultural music festival, under development in co-operation with the Rimini Cultural Council. It aims to reduce the gap between different cultures using sounds, voices and words as a way to better understand each other.
• REC is the project, under development in collaboration with ASF Italia, Municipality of Milan, Politecnico University and Fondazione Somaschi for the urban and social integration of the ROMA settlements in Milan.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our contribution will focus on sharing and developing our approach with sensitive target groups such as adult migrants and youth (expecially Not in Employment, Education or Training). We also develop our latest programme RABAB which intend to develop intercultural dialogue through arts.    

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We think ALF network would be the right place for us to share ideas, methodologies and approaches. It would help to find partners locally, nationally and abroad. It could also represent an opportunity for developing transnational projects. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Matteo Matteini
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Matteo Matteini

Applied Social Science Forum

National Network

4 rue de Damas
le belvédère
1002 tunis

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The Applied Social Science Forum (ASSF) is an independent NGO established in 2011(in the aftermath of the Tunisian political transformation). It has called to contribute, through its direct application as a think-tank and intellectual platform, to resolving concrete social and political problems, aiding reform initiatives, informing public policy, influencing legislation, and changing institutions.  The ASSF works to serve the public interest through emphasizing citizen expertise by providing free available and open access to   theses, reports and survey data to the public. It works on producing and publishing policy briefs to recommend reforms from decision-makers.
Mission and Objectives

The forum  seeks to highlight the processes of social and political transformation taking place in the “Arab Spring” countries. It is characterized by the operational aspect of the knowledge. Unlike pure academic knowledge, applied social sciences try to steer the debate towards scientific priorities of social and political reform , civic engagement and accompanying social transformations.
The «action research" is the framework of the applied social knowledge,
Otherwise  action research can be defined here as a process that involves further intervention by the researcher beyond the return of a single diagnostic assay type, or inventory.
The Forum's activities cover the applied research, scientific information (databases) and training

Main Projects / Activities

We have received a grant from the Open Society Institute, Ford Foundation, UNDP, NED-POMED, and MEPI 
We work on Arab Trans project with the European Commission and the University of Aberdeen

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

it is a good way to keep in touch with assciations and organizations that share the same objectives.
We believe in networking and  collaboration between different actors especially in the interior regions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdelwahab Ben Hafaiedh
Job Title
Professor of Sociology, University of Tunis
Head of the organisation
Abdelwahab Ben Hfaiedh

مركز وطن لتنمية القدرات الشبابية

National Network

قطاع غزة
شارع صلاح الدين مقابل مدخل النصيرات
Palestinian Territories

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
General Information
Watan Centre is an independent Palestinian institution that aims to participate at the process of  building the capacity of youth through designing and implementing different projects, programs and initiatives in Palestine. Watan Centers efforts will help youth to convey their issues and problems      to the community, specially decision makers.
Mission and Objectives

1- We provide unique services, in quality and quantity, to serve youth from different ages ad categories.
2- We adopt voluntary work policy and relying on elites in the Palestinian community.
3- We care about absolute transparency and encourage equal opportunities principle.
4- We promote networking with local and international NGOs.
5- We operate in different geographic areas in all of the Gaza Strip.
1- Create job opportunities for youth, males and females, from those who our policies  apply to them.
2- Establish an interconnected information network interested in youth issues and connect it with the world.
3-  Launch integrated information network to talk about the suffering of youth and their issues, in addition to prepare a periodical containing studies and reports about the suffering of  youth in Gaza in order to find ways to help and access to those interested .
4-  Launch the first electronic radio in Palestine that is specialized with women's issues and broadcasted online to be linked easily to the outside world and develop it in the future to be an integrated media agency .
5-  Communicate with youth around the world and conduct meetings and interviews about their suffering and creativity in order to create an integrated connection between the inside and abroad.
6-  Make an access to the outside world, through preparing documentaries about youth issues and their success stories.
7-  Focus on children, women and other marginalized groups in society and highlight the most important issues and problems faced by these groups.
8-  Prepare statistics, media studies, annual and periodic reports related to the various categories of society, these can include reports on the number of graduates and unemployment in the Palestinian society and the income level for Palestinian women under Israeli siege.
9-  Constant communication with local and international institutions and various media centres to exchange information and experiences and to provide logistical support to these institutions through a permanent and continuous coverage to the most important events.
10- Accept gifts and donations in cash and kind: benefit from gifts and donations in kind and cash , which are donated by organizations or individuals to serve beneficiaries and improve their living and environmental conditions and beside develop the centre and achieve its  goals and objectives .

Main Projects / Activities

- Watan Studios for art.
- Watan art band.
- Watan for IT( designing ad programing website)
-Hawa online Radio (first online radio speaking on behalf of women)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through the provision of technical cooperation and financial support for the development of projects and activities

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

You are a global organization with presence in the Arab world and I am honored to join you so that you gain experience and be our mutual joint cooperation

Contact (1) Full Name
بهاء عبد الفتاح عابد
Head of the organisation
بهاء عبد الفتاح محمد عابد