
National Network

Damascus road, Sodeco
Star Tower bldg

00961 1 398385
00961 1 398385
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
00961 70 892269
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
ITvism was founded in 2011 by a group of IT and multimedia experts to promote the use of Information Technology (IT) in the civil society sector and support civic activism through digital platforms. The group became an officially registered non-governmental organization in 2013, after merging its effort and expertise with two other, like-minded, civil society initiatives: Wedia and Kamashtak. Currently a private sector company incubates ITvism, and it accounts for 4 full time and one part time employees, yet its team is often expanded based on projects and funding. ITvism, as a merger, received several funds from different USAID projects (OTI/USAID, PACE program), and completed six projects between 2011 and 2014, covering social media coaching for NGOS, building online presence and websites for NGOS, Promoting rule of law and accountability, and addressing academic issues in Lebanon (i.e. modern history book)
Mission and Objectives

ITvism as it stands today offers the full range of multimedia creative productions to deliver messages, influence behaviors, and advance social change. This includes strategic media planning, campaign design and execution, web development, graphic design, social media optimization, media relations and outreach, event planning and execution, and related services.
ITvism capitalizes on open-source software and crowdsourcing tools that place powerful, low-cost technologies within the reach of NGOs to support citizen-driven content and the integration of offline and online events.
As general goal, the purpose of ITvism is to promote the use of Information Technology (IT) in the civil society sector and support civic activism through digital platforms.

Main Projects / Activities

Wedia : The other face of Facebook (I and II) 
Training and coaching of more than 40 CSOs and NGos on the strategic use of social media and online platforms. Citizen journalism and basic graphic design and photography trainings as well. (2 years)
Website for NGOs: Development of ten websites for ten CSOs in lebanon, with training on content development and managment: writing for the web, photography, CMS.
Wikihistory: Piloting a wikimedia project to serve as a crowdsourced modern history book, written by the people. The project is on hold waiting for a proper political environment as well as funds in order to be published, promoted, and started in the right pace. (no official modern history book in lebanon for political reasons)
Kamashtak Campaign (I and II): a mix between offline and online activities were volunteers, paid staff, and the crowds report on violations of traffic law and other civic laws, through social media and the official campaign website. a mix between field work, crowdsourcing, and smart use of smart phones and online media.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

One of our main goals is to be actively connected to other CSOs, provide them with our IT and multimedia expertise. Our contribution to the network may vary from ideas and experience exchange to coalitions and partnerships in projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We strongly believe in Networking and we have been hearing of ALF and its networks for so long, which indicates that the most needed components of networking is present, which is sustainability.
We consider ourselves w young and nascent CSO and we will definetely benefit if we get involved with like-minded ngos and networks, not to mention establishing a connection with ALF itsef.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmad Rachad Karout
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ahmad Rachad Karout
Contact (2) Full Name
Ali Al-Ghoul
Job Title (2)
Opearions manager

Al-Azhar University - Gaza

National Network

Palestinian Territories

+972 82824010
Telephone (other)
+972 82824020
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
AL-AZHAR UNIVERSITY - GAZA is the premier national university whose mission is to meet the educational and cultural needs of the society by providing programs and services of the highest quality. It contributes to the expansion of knowledge by conducting quality research and by developing and applying modern information technology. AUG plays a significant role in leading cultural, social and economic development in the country."
Mission and Objectives

The AUG is currently a member of many international unions and associations. This includes the International Association of Universities. AUG has received many grants for EU projects. It is currently running few EU projects and a member of Erasmus Mundus. AUG is now in the process of preparing proposals for TEMPUS IV in many fields.

Main Projects / Activities

The AUG is currently a member of many international unions and associations. This includes the International Association of Universities. AUG has received many grants for EU projects. It is currently running few EU projects and a member of Erasmus Mundus. AUG is now in the process of preparing proposals for TEMPUS IV in many fields.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Mahmoud K. Okasha
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Jawad Wadi
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Mohamed El-Bardawil
Job Title (2)

Eiropas Kustība Latvijā (European Movement - Latvia)

National Network

Merķeļa iela 13 - 424
Rīga, LV-1050

+371-6732 6548
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
European Movement – Latvia, founded in 1997, is one of the biggest and most influential NGOs in Latvia working in the political sphere. The EML has above 700 members (incl. 4 active legal entities). The EML is a member of the European Movement International
Mission and Objectives

EML works in order to:
     -improve representation of Latvia’s interests in the EU and cooperation with other European countries,
     -foster European awareness in Latvia,
     -and to support civil society and its participation in decision-making both in Latvia and in Europe (incl. neighbourhood and development cooperation).

Main Projects / Activities

Regular activities throughout the year:
-newsletter on Latvia in the EU and EU neighbourhood
-lectures in schools and universities on EU and its neighbourhood
-interviews on EU related issues (incl. migration) (2015 more than 80 interviews, leading to more than 200 publications where given)
-meetings with NGOs, decision makers and leading civil servants on Latvia's EU and foreign policy
-participation in the NGO and Government Cooperation Council and the NGO and Saeima Forum coordination team
Yearly events (examples):
-European Mobile Express -regional information on Latvia as EU member state
-Europe Day and week activities
-European Footprints in Latvia
-European of the Year nomination and honouring event

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The EML has a newsletter published every two weeks reaching out to more than 2000 opinion leaders from politics, civil service, NGOs etc. and more than 2000 followers on social media. These tools have and will be used for spreading information where ALF and EML goals match.
The EML is member of the NGO and Government Cooperation Council and the NGO and Saeima Forum Coordination Team. The EML is fully fledged and active member of the Latvian Platform for Development Cooperation (LAPAS), the Latvian Civic Alliance and the European Movement - International.
The EML regularly provides answers on EU related issues (including migration policies, neighbourhood etc.) to media.
Additional cooperation possibilities in relation with the above mentioned activities can be discussed/considered.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The EML has participated in the past years in several ALF events in Latvia.
The EML and the EM-International network have been active in the EU neighbourhood since its establishment.
Since the recently signed memorandum with the ministry of education, the EML is eager to exchange best practice in citizenship and active citizenship education, democracy etc. with Israel and other countries with significant experience in these issues. In addition, the growing interest and importance of migration issues in Latvia and the EU are an additional source for motivation to apply for membership and to be part of the information exchange in the network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Andris Gobiņš
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Andris Gobiņš (President)

Tawaza pour le plaidoyer de la femme

National Network

av.méditerranéen.Imm. Andalous. 1er etg. N° 2.
93000 Martril

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
General Information
 l’Association Tawaza est une association  non gouvernemental  pour le plaidoyer  de femme  ,qui vise à appuyer les femmes en situation vulnérable  dans le domaines juridique ,psychologique et social, et qui œuvre pour la diffusion de la culture égalitaire et la diffusion de la justice sociale.
Mission and Objectives

• Promotion des droits de la femme  et des mesures de protection et d’amélioration de son statut.
• La Conscientisation et sensibilisation  en matière  juridique, sociale, culturelle, sanitaire et environnementale.
• Education à la citoyenneté en faveur de tous les acteurs locaux
• Elaboration de projets de développement en faveur des femmes et jeunes filles.
• Renforcement des compétences des femmes pour  faciliter leurs insertions dans le développement
• Plaidoyer et défense des droits des femmes
• Coordonner avec toutes les organisations   et institutions locales ,nationales et internationales ayant les mêmes objectifs
Objectif stratégique :
• Contribuer au changement des lois discriminatoires et  l'élimination de toutes les formes de violence, notamment la violence domestique

Main Projects / Activities

Programmes de l’action
Centre d’écoute :
- Accueil des femmes victimes de violence .
- Fournir l’appui  juridiques administratif  et psychologique .
-  Assistance juridique et suivi des cas de femmes devant le tribunal
- Accompagnement des femmes  aux administrations et aux  institutions dans toutes les démarches visant  à défendre leurs droits. 

Programme d’alphabétisation et de formation professionnelle :
A l’issue  de la  convention de partenariat conclue  entre l’association TAWAZA et la délégation  d’éducation nationale, M’diq   Fnideq ,des classes d’alphabétisation et de formation professionnelle(coupe-couture)   ont été  créées dans certains établissements scolaires sis dans les  quartiers  les plus marginalisés de la ville de Martil   notamment Diza, , Ahrik  et Katlan  au profit des femmes analphabètes.
Atelier de formation en tapisserie.
En partenariat avec  l’initiative nationale de développement humain , INDH, l’association TAWAZA supervise  un atelier de formation en tapisserie  au profit  de 20 jeunes filles et garçons  du quartier Ahrik ;Cette initiative s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet de développement pour l’amélioration des conditions économiques et sociales des femmes en situation vulnérable.
Programme de l’éducation aux droits humains et juridiques des femmes :
L’Association organise des séances d’éducation aux droits humains et juridiques des femmes au profit des bénéficiaires du programme de l’alphabétisation et de formation professionnelle (coup-couture et tapisserie) ,des bénéficiaires des associations féministes ,et de droits  humains locales et régionales ainsi que des cadres de l’entraide nationale M’diq/Fnideq
Programme  de collecte des décisions des tribunaux à travers le WEB ;Tawaza œuvre pour la collecte des décisions des tribunaux sur toutes les questions se rapportant aux femmes  et ce en partenariat avec un groupe des associations et avocats marocains ;

• Organisation des  sessions de formation au profit des  membres  de l’association, associations de la société civile, Cadres de la délégation de l’entraide nationale ,M’diq- Fnideq ,élues  et auxiliaires de la justice ,avocats et autres.
• Organisation de séminaires , de tables rondes et des rencontres  avec les acteurs de la société civile et acteurs locaux .
• Organisation de pièces théâtrales traitant la problématique de la violence à l’égard des femmes .
• Organisation  de caravanes régionale de sensibilisation à travers des pièces théâtrales , des séminaires et des rencontres avec tous les acteurs locaux .
•  Organisation de caravanes sanitaires .
• Organisation  de journées spéciales de test de dépistage de sida en coordination avec l’association de lutte contre le sida, section Tétouan
Plaidoyer législatif :
L’ Association Tawaza pour  le plaidoyer  de la femme œuvre  dans le cadre d'une vaste campagne de plaidoyer législatif  et en partenariat avec  Global Rights et dix associations marocaines , pour  la mise en place d’une loi spéciale visant à protéger les femmes de toutes les formes de violence domestique .

Contact (1) Full Name
bouchra elzemouri
Job Title
animatrice des séances juridiques pour les femmes
Head of the organisation
Mariam elzemouri
Contact (2) Full Name
fatima zahra aallouch
Job Title (2)
animatrice des séances de la proches du genres

ideaborn SL

National Network

placa Comercial 2
08003 Barcelona

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Created in 1999, ideaborn is an organisation leading initiatives aimed at improving vulnerable populations’ access to and benefit from their civil, political and cultural rights. Working in collaboration with different actors of the society, from both the public and private sector, ideaborn provides the technical support necessary for the formulation, implementation and evaluation of bilateral, multilateral and nongovernmental international cooperation projects. Ideaborn headquarter is based in Barcelona, Spain, and it is responsible of the general coordination and the supervision of all the initiatives, as well as all the implementation of projects in Africa, Middle East and Europe; the delegation in Medellin, Colombia, is responsible for the management and implementation of the projects in the Latin American region; the delegation in Washington is responsible for research and investigation on specific issues as well as networking activities. ideaborn’s team is composed by a group of local and international professionals with years of international experience in the framework of cooperation for development, in private firms, international institutions as well as NGOs.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is the promotion and diffusion of Human Rights together with relevant actors
from both the public and private sector.
According to our vision,  our work allows us to contribute to the development of:
• A structured and efficient public sector, capable of guaranteeing universal access to fundamental
Human Rights through services of quality dealing with the necessities of the society.
• A civil society built on strong actors. Actors able on one hand, to promote Human Rights and to
facilitate the access to justice of vulnerable populations, and on the other hand, assess and
monitor the quality of such services provided by the public sector.

Main Projects / Activities

Institutional support. ideaborn is evaluating private and public institutions in its areas of intervention,
bringing technical support in the evaluation of policies , cooperation programs and/or projects. To do so,
we work both alone and in network with other companies, NGO, and education institutes. In this context,
we work with several multilateral organisms, such as the World Bank, regional development banks (IADB,
ADB, AfDB), bodies belonging to the United Nations’ system as well as with international cooperation
agencies like EuropeAid, EAR, IBRD, USaid, BTC, Sida among others.
v Research. ideaborn carries out analyses and investigation projects in its different specialization sectors.
Often these researches represent the starting point for new initiatives aiming at the institutional
v Support to consultants. ideaborn, thanks to its experimented team in the framework of international
cooperation for development, offers backstopping services to consultants aiming at supporting them during
technical assistance missions, whether being of short or long term. In particular ideaborn proposes tailormade
services according to the expert’s needs, including among others documentation research and text
revision (translation and editing); revision of the coherence and relevance of the work presented (reports
fulfilling the client's requirements as well as the beneficiaries' needs);assessment and advice on working
procedures and specific formats used by main funding agencies (EC, WB, IDB, UNDP, USAid, etc);
transmission of lessons-learned and compared analysis of past experiences ; logistics and mission support (including preparation and organization of meetings).
Besides that, ideaborn makes available to experts the use of its Virtual Platform in order to process, stock
and safely share information. This Platform, accessible from every single place in the world equipped with
an internet access, represents a simple way to facilitate long distance communication as well as
information management.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Ideaborn considers the promotion of human rights a basic pillar to the development' society. For this reason is involved in various project to foster the cooperation in the Mediterranean area, such as "Forming Responsible Citizens" in the field of gender equality and civic education in Tunisia and Morocco (promoted by Union For the Mediterranean) and Technical Assistance Mission for Supporting the National Centre for Human Rights in Jordan.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We consider A.L.F. network a really important "trait d'union" among Mediterranean Countries, it is essential, for us to join your network in order to develop our work and to reach a better cooperation in our area of interest.

Contact (1) Full Name
Brunella Mariani
Job Title
Procurement Manager
Head of the organisation
Jaume Guardans
Contact (2) Full Name
Beatrice Gelsi
Job Title (2)
Community Manager

Tunisian Education And Resource Network

National Network

Rue Samarkand 19
2037 Ariana

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Youth and education
General Information
T EARN is a scientific non-profit association, chapter of iEARN(International Education and Resource Network) Our association is responsible for engaging youth in educational activities through the project-based approach (PBL), as it has a positive impact on education, because of its contribution to young people in the field of acquisition of languages and 21st century  skills .that are needed to advance civically, and in the field of their integration into local and global societies. This means that we will focus mainly on values of democracy, peace and active citizenship. We work closely with my organizations; mainly the British Council Tunisia, the American Embassy, AMIDEAST, the Ministry of education andTunis Unversity Our projects are funded by IEARN USA . Our activities focus on online global projects, and we aso organize workshops across the country as well as conferences and seminars.
Mission and Objectives

T EARN is a scientific non-profit association, chapter of iEARN(International Education and Resource Network)
Our association is responsible for engaging youth in educational activities through the project-based approach (PBL), as it has a positive impact on education, because of its contribution to young people in the field of acquisition of languages and 21st century  skills .that are needed to advance civically, and in the field of their integration into local and global societies. This means that we will focus mainly on values of democracy, peace and active citizenship.
The main objectives of  our association are to:
1. Encourage the project approach in all subjects taught in schools to enhance technology and foster
    the values of citizenship, democracy and tolerance between young people and their openness
    onto other cultures .
2. Engage in educational projects of the "International Education and Resource Network" (iEARN)
3. Incite both students and teachers to work and communicate using new technologies.
4. Train teachers in using digital resources and in using online projects, thus empowering teachers with competences allowing professional development.
5.Reach out to teachers across the country with a focus on underprivileged areas.
6.Partner with associations and NGO to unite efforts in  spreading ICTE .

Main Projects / Activities

We have worked on a regional project entitled "Christopher Stevents Youth Network" ,which was named after former Ambassador to Lybia Cristopher Stevens.The project brought together students and teachers from the MENA region with their counterparts in the USA.
We have just started another regional project with secondary schools BRIDGE(building respect through Internet Dialogue and Global Education).This project will last 2 years.
We are planning an annual conference in Tunisia in 2017 and we are currently working on a regional conference in Tunisia in the fall.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are expanding our network and trying to reach out to all regions, especially schools in remote, underserved areas .Our objective is to enhance quality education and we strongly believe that this objective can only be reached through the use of technology and the acquisition of 21st century skills to ALL children.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We do believe that networking is the ideal solution to an exchange of expertise, success stories and the sharing of skills.

Contact (1) Full Name
hela nafti
Job Title
Senior inspector of English
Head of the organisation
Héla Nafti
Contact (2) Full Name
Hafedh Sellami
Job Title (2)
Senior teacher

Vertex business center

National Network

Route n°7,Dely Ibrahim
16000 Alger

+213 560 423 029
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Others
  6. Research
General Information
Vertex Business Center est une solution d’accompagnement pour vos activités exportées sur le sol Algérien. Vertex vous offre des espaces qui sont adaptés à toute sorte d’activités. VBC a pignon sur rue, là où les enseignes les plus prestigieuses sont installées. Cet emplacement privilégié fait de Vertex l’endroit idéal où se mêlent efficacité, professionnalisme, et coopération. Notre siège Le bâtiment abritant Vertex Business Center dénote une architecture moderne faite de verre et de métal. Il a été pensé et conçu comme un centre d’affaires multifonctionnel doté d’une technologie avancée. Il est imprégné de fonctions diverses et efficaces développées par notre savoir faire. Tout cela inclut :     Surface aménagée de 1000m² R+3 avec terrasse     Salle de conférence équipée     Climatisation centrale     Ascenseur et fenêtres isolantes     Internet, téléphone et vidéo conférence     Sécurité,  Parking et propreté garantie
Mission and Objectives

Notre Centre d’affaire, le VBC, qui a pour objet  l’organisation d’événements spécialisés, a comme projet  de mettre sur pied des évenements riches,innovants,et parfois touchant les oeuvres sociales.

Main Projects / Activities

Salon de l'industrie du papier 2015
Salon dur la construction métalique 2015
séminaire sur la biotechnologie 2016
Campagne de prévention routiére 201

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous ne pouvant agir seul concernant les oeuvres sociales, pour cela nous essayons de conclure des partenariats qui irons dans le sens de partage d'experiences et plus encore.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour faire partis d'un réseau fiable et profité d'une facon réciproque de nos differentes expériences

Contact (1) Full Name
Nassim Halilou
Job Title
Product manager
Head of the organisation

Jerusalem Center For Women

National Network

Al-Irsal Street, Al-Masayef, Business Center Building, 3rd Floor
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
General Information

Jerusalem Center for Women is committed to advancing the human rights of Palestinian women and developing their role in civil society, nation building, and the decision making process while working to end oppression, poverty, and human rights violations of all members of Palestinian society. JCW’s primary goals are as follows: women’s empowerment in community and political activism, protection and advancement of Palestinian women’s right and status, women’s involvement in realizing a regional peace based on justice, and the establishment of local and international networks supporting JCW in achieving its goals.

Mission and Objectives

MISSION Our mission is to establish and grow a strong network of women constituencies and leaders from marginalized areas in Jerusalem and Palestine.  Through partnerships with civil, public and private partners and national women leaders, we provide them with the resources and support they need to develop their own potential and that of their families and communities. Our Goals : To protect and advance Palestinian Women's rights and societal status. To train and educate Palestinian Women in order to encourage them and to faciliate participation in community activism and politics. to advocate respect for human rights an end to the occupation , and a just and lasting peace. ro raise awareness , locally and internationally regarding human rights abuses committed by the isreali occupation forces against all Palestinians, with particular focus on abuses committed against women and girls . to establish local regional and international partnerships with supportive organizations to enhance JCW's plans to strenghten the role of Palestinian women and support them through different programs , projects, and trainings .  

Main Projects / Activities

from these meetings, a core group of nine Palestinian women activists took the initiative to establish the Jerusalem Center for Women with the aim of empowering Palestinian women's position in civil society, politics, and within the peace process. JCW immediately began involving and engaging hundreds of Palestinian women interested in working towards the protection and advancement of women and human rights. The group grew substantially within its first few years, and formed a General Assembly to guide and coordinate JCW. In the spring of 1994, following several meetings 13 women were elected to the first Board of Directors and JCW became a registered non governmental organization in East Jerusalem with the Palestinian Ministry of Interior. At the same time JCW was founded, an Israeli women's organization, Bat Shalom, was also founded. The intention was for the two organizations to form a platform for women's voices to influence the peace process. Together, the two organizations founded a coordinating body known as the Jerusalem Link. From the beginning, JCW and Bat Shalom have operated independently of one another, each maintaining executive and organizational integrity, while periodically working together to advance women's interests in the peace process. However, since the attack on Gaza in December 2008, JCW and Bat Shalom have decided that the priority lies in working separately on their own constituency to prepare the ground for future peace work. Therefore, JCW and Bat Shalom are working on separate programs of advocacy and capacity building, where each organization works to strengthening the respect for human rights and democracy within their own society. Despite several setbacks to the Palestinian women’s movement, JCW envisions women as central in the process of successful nation and state building, and therefore continues to support the empowerment and involvement of women in all aspects of Palestinian civil society and development. JCW also continues to support women’s participation in the peace process and believes women’s ideas for a just peace must be included in final status negotiations. In preparation for this, JCW seeks to provide Palestinian women with training opportunities in  public speaking, advocacy and other activism skills in order to advance women’s status and their role in Palestinian society. We believe this support is essential to protecting the decision-making process, human rights and democratic principles, which are the foundations of a just and lasting peace. Since its inception, JCW has empowered thousands of Palestinian women by training female community leaders, activists, young professionals and politicians, provided legal assistance to families at risk of having their homes demolished, and advocated on a local and international level for women’s rights and an end to occupation.  Recent history With the war on Gaza in 2008|09 and the implicit difficulties for further joint activities and projects the Jerusalem Link dissolved, as did Bat Shalom this current year. Regarding the ongoing development Jerusalem Center for Women has defined four core strategic priorities as (1) protection, (2) capacity development, (3) women leadership and political participation, and (4) advocacy | media. Still and relevant as ever JCW strives to emphasize that the struggle for women´s rights is a crucial component to achieve human rights for all Palestinians. JCW goes for empowering female activists, students, and professionals so that they are able to effectively communicate and participate in Palestinian civil and political society as well as training a new generation of young leaders dedicated to advancing women´s rights and creating a culture of human rights and democracy in Palestine. Furthermore, JCW continues to increase women´s skills and confidence to prepare them to become agents of change and powerful advocates for their communities and against Israeli occupation. Likewise JCW considers significant to support Palestinian women in apprehending, addressing, and altering the male societal patriarchy. Regarding the intensified focus on advocacy and media JCW aims to raise local, national, regional, and international awareness to violations of Palestinian women´s rights by using varied advocacy techniques, including the use of new media, social networking, lobbying, researching, documenting, and disseminating information to key outlets and decision makers.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fadwah Khawaja
Job Title
Acting General Director
Head of the organisation
Fadwah Khawaja
Contact (2) Full Name
Maria Alkhaldi
Job Title (2)
Public Relations Officer

Creativity Club- Karak جمعية نادي الابداع - الكرك

National Network

karak- marj - main street
karak 00962

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Media
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information

members of staff  for our organisation employed  Full time   8 Part time  3 and the main board which is contain from seven members and the head of the boared  Funder Name 1: MEPI  48: Percentage % 1   Funder Name 2  : USAID Percentage % 2 :49   Funder Name 3 : Privet Sectors   Percentage % 3:  3   Modalities of action : concrete projects, exchanges  USAID : ADRINALINE project MEPI : I HAVE A DREAM project 

Mission and Objectives

are acting as an incubator for the care of young males and females innovators and creators in early age stage. We provide the necessary facilities, expertise, and environment available which is constantly evolving to match this era's needs. Our activities include the exploration and launching of the creative energies of young males and females and nurturing those who have already unleashed their creativity, through nontraditional methods and clear paths and methodologies, such as practical activities, critical thinking, creative analysis, and teaching science in a creative and fun manner. We are also working to fortify the core of our human values and promote enlightened thought, gender equality and empowering entrepreneurs girls, a culture of dialogue and tolerance in the community in nontraditional ways through various forms of arts. We also work to strengthen cultural and knowledge exchange between young Jordanians to facilitate acceptance, and the availability of cultural and knowledge exchange between Jordanian youth and their international counterparts in a systemic and institutional manner. Additionally, we prepare young people to become entrepreneurs as well as for work in the public and private sectors. Our vision: Innovation, social, and economic progress go hand in hand wherever creativity is found, and an innovative mind is the engine for social and economic progress. Our mission: To promote and nurture the development of young minds to achieve their highest potential in creativity and innovation on a national and regional level,to become the core 

Main Projects / Activities

Our programs: age group 5-11 years: Educational skills programs in nontraditional ways using games based on the idea of "play and learn" through the Thinking Room, which includes fun science programs. Entertainment programs through festivals, carnivals and excursions. Design, installation and programming of the robot using LEGO pieces. Smart electrons program Math using chess Principles of drawing age group 12-17 years: Animation, digital gaming industry and software programming for non-programmers Literary creativity workshops Music workshops Fine Arts workshops Design, installation and programming of the robot for an advanced stage within (Tetrex) program. Courses in life skills (Basic soft skills) Specialized computer courses English language courses Photography courses Voluntary activities to serve the needs of the local community Skills courses for determining vocational and academic path through a specialized program entitled "I Have a Dream" consisting of: basic life skills and training for leadership, financial awareness, entrepreneurship work ethics and the requirements of the labor market. Age group 18-22 years: Robot programs and specialized electronics Computer Programs English language courses Voluntary activities programs Literary creativity, music, fine art and photography courses Courses in the field of entrepreneurial ideas and electronics in collaboration with Intel European license Entrepreneurship courses "Easy Business" which includes accounting, planning, business management and project management Courses in communication skills "I have a dream" program tailored to this age group with two-streams: Entrepreneurship and employability Paid work during the summer holidays in the private sector University scholarships to the most innovative youth. Providing Age group 22+ years (graduates): Entrepreneurship for establishing and managing small enterprises Employability program to qualify graduates to work in the private sector Training with private companies and institutions on the understanding of the labor market Training on writing a resume and how to conduct job interviews Computer software training English language programs Voluntary activities and community service Woman's Program: The empowerment of women through "You are the core of community" which includes courses in basic life skills, mental health, reproductive health and computer skills. In order to support innovators and creators, we are currently working on the development of specific programs that serve our goal in nurturing the innovators through inviting their mothers to attend the same training courses with their children The total number of beneficiaries during the period from 1/1/2011 until 01/03/2016 is 4107( 2271 are females) Recently we supported two girls; Salma Hab. to participate in leadership program at Georgetown University in US, and Razan Sara. participated in in implementation of advanced scientific research in Grenoble Institute of Technology 

Contact (1) Full Name
hanin fuad abuhijleh
Job Title
Director of Programs
Head of the organisation
Husam Mostafa AL-tarawneh
Contact (2) Full Name
Khalid Gazi Burqan
Job Title (2)
Director Manager

Yem - MeTopia

National Network

Sporting, Alexandria

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
we wish to reshape the track of the personalities and their identities of Egyptians, in order to develop the society in behaviors and capabilities, and to produce a unique generation for their nations have the pure loyalties as we should respect the role of the women, as a bases to be step up on them the future generations as we call all associations in Egypt individually and locally or regionally in order to collaborate altogether to perform this idea of this program as an national program to promote the nations and axes of the people
Mission and Objectives

Reshape the Egyptian behavior and re-assess to the right track and consolidate and develop the manners and behaviors and to prove on the basis of developing the society values in order to prevail the civilization and sciences and manners and human
Consolidation of the loyalty of nation and the love for the nation to be proud of the history and preserving the wealth of it
Preparing the role of the women in Egypt, in the right direction as the Egyptian women is the leader of all ears
Preparing the opportunity of women to develop the skills and behaviors in order to enable them to reshape the cultural of faith that she is the right persons that shall deserve more of her rights based on respect, and that will effect also on the family members
Re designing the society culture based on respect, and the roles of the Egyptian women as she is considered as the half of any society to raise up the good generations in a good manners of conscious that feel through them the promotion of the society in the light of the value known
Acceleration of the young children to build a  good values and respect in which they fell more and more of honors and to accelerate the power of productivity and creativeness in order to achieve the self entity and sustaining them to achieve their goals
Preserving the family member as a unity in order to perform the loyalty manners of the family as one person as they are the sole sources of education
Training the team work in performing the program and re –qualifying  the generation in order to be supervisors as a leaders of society to prevail the culture the program in the limit of the society

Main Projects / Activities

Campaigns of awareness in the streets, and mobilizing the youth in all suburbs to join the initiations of the program to be the core of performance of the program in order to convert the Egyptian personalities
Promotion of the program in advertising
Re –qualifying the youth through visiting the schools and colleges  and churches and mosques in the social places to set the program properly in order to achieve the program
Preparing the conveys of trainers in the schools and colleges to re – qualify the adults and children to apply the program

Contact (1) Full Name
Ponsieh Salah
Job Title
TV Presenter & Founder of Yem and MeTopia Project
Head of the organisation
Ponsieh Salah