ALF institutional meetings


Building on the previous discussions held during the last third of 2021 on the fundamental principles that will lead the Anna Lindh Foundation’s action in the coming years, various institutional meetings will take place from March 1 to 4, in which its three main statutory bodies will participate.

These principles take advantage of the good experiences and lessons learned from the past, and are based on applying transversal gender, youth and networks mainstreaming, with a clear determination to generate a useful intercultural dialogue for societies and institutions that consistently complements national and regional actions with concrete results.

Following the meetings held mid-October in Brussels and late November in Barcelona last year, the members of the Board of Governors will meet on the 1st of March in a hybrid format in Cairo, to discuss about the Annual Work Programme 2022 and the associated budget and to frame the general action of the Foundation in the coming three years, among other institutional aspects.

Likewise after the activation of the Advisory Council over the last months, with a renewed membership, a face-to-face meeting will take place the 2nd of March in Alexandria that will be focused on sharing reflections on strategic policy orientations of the ALF for the work plan for 2022 and beyond.

At the same time, and building on the work done at the last December meeting in Brussels, the Heads of the 42 ALF National Networks will meet in Alexandria in a hybrid format from 2nd to 4th of March to guide the ALF action in view to create the appropriate synergies and complementarities with the action of the Networks at national level and to reinforce their work and visibility at Euro-Mediterranean regional level, also taking into account the institutional frameworks.