Organization WOMEN Delcevo

National Network
North Macedonia

stret ,,Orce Nikolov" 24
2320 Delcevo
North Macedonia

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Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Organization WOMEN Delcevo was established back in 2005 with the aim of improving the condition of women in rural areas in the Pianechko Maleshev region. Again, the Non-Governmental Organization is experiencing a rebirth for life in 2022, when the new conditions in the region indicate an increased need for activism to improve the condition of women and, above all, of young people The leadership of,,Women” composed of activists with long experience in the NGO sector in the area of Roma inclusion, but who recognized that an inclusive process is needed for all marginalized groups with a focus on women in rural areas. For 2023 year we have budget of 29 000 euros and for 2024 year we have around 35 000 euros. We have 6 employed and 35 volunteers. Main donors are Kvinna Till Kvinna, USAID and Romalitico , Macedonian Education Forum and UNDP.

Mission and Objectives

Organization ZENA Delchevo has a mission: to contributed to the empowerment of women, youth andmarginalized and vulnerable groups through education, information, encouragement of entrepreneurial initiatives, civil actions inall areas of social life forbuilding equal employment opportunities on the socio-economic development of local andregional level. Our Goals are: 1.Protection and promotion of human rights, with emphasis onwomen, youth and marginalized groups 2. Realization of the rights of women, young people andthe marginalized groups established in the Constitution andtheir adequate representation in all spheres ofsocial action and decision-making; 3. Involvement of young people in the carrying processesdecisions at the local level 4. Organized action for the promotion ofsocial protection of the family, securityconditions for implementing the measures of activehealth and social protection of women Through the realization of the set goals, we plan to contribute to the realization of the organization's Vision : Established modernsociety built on the foundations ofequality and respect for diversityin which women realize all guaranteesrights and participate equally in allsegments of community life

Main Projects / Activities

Free Legal aid and Psycho-Social Help for rural women's and women victim of domestic violence- Kvinna til Kvinna Roma Hub- Romalitico and USAID Youth Debate Club- MOF Creation Local Youth Strategy - Nacional Youth Center Mentor for Roma Employed- UNDP

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will bring vast experience in working with marginalized groups, community mobilization and communication with decision makers. Together we can be even more successful in representing women and young people who are from risk categories.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to act together, first of all, in reducing polarization in society and improving the situation of people who are victims of gender-based violence. We believe that people from rural areas are more difficult to get involved in social situations, and networking is one of the ways to more effectively influence the processes.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Zoran Bikovski
Job Title
Program Coordinator for Democracy
Head of the organisation
Rozeta Takeva -President
Contact (2) Full Name
Rozeta Takeva
Job Title (2)